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Bishop Livieres Hard Answer From Rome |
(Rome / Asuncion) For days, Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano has been in Rome and asking to be received by Pope Francis. Vain. Instead, the bishop was removed from office. This bishop responded to this treatment with a harsh response. Meanwhile there is public celebration in progressive church circles in Paraguay for his removal.
Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este is not a man who minces words. This has made him disliked among Paraguay's bishops, to which until a few years ago, Bishop Fernando Lugo belonged, the "red bishop" of San Pedro, who preferred to be candidate for a broad leftist coalition as president against the will of Rome and he gave up his episcopate and priesthood. Bishop Livieres is now the victim of an equally surprising and brutal "decapitation" and because he is not a man of arbitrariness, he responded with a savory letter to the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet.
On the website of the diocese of the dossier from last summer was re-released, with which the diocese had responded to all the rumors and accusations, passed behind closed doors by word of mouth or addressed by the Apostolic Visitor Cardinal Santos Abril y Castello, a personal confidant of the Pope Francis.
Bishop Has Asked for Days to be Received in Rome by the Pope - in Vain
The letter to Cardinal Ouellet and the dossier discloses the ethical, but also formal irregularities of a campaign to discredit a bishop, aimed at his deposition, that has taken place now. "An operation that has an ideological connotation," the Vaticanist Marco Tosatti.
As a "true son of the Church," he accepts the decision, says Bishop Livieres, even if it is "unfounded and arbitrary, for which the Pope must be answerable to God". The bishop's letter continues: "Apart from many human errors that I may have committed, and for which I ask pardon from God and those who may have suffered, I ask once more firmly that the core of the case is an opposition and an ideological persecution."
Inner-Paraguayan "Opposition and Ideological Persecution"
Msgr. Livieres who belongs to Opus Dei, was the only "conservative" bishop in Paraguay. A fact that will say something about the situation within the Episcopal Conference and with the reference to the "opposition" as the bishop says. When Bishop Livieres had by far the largest seminary in the whole country and for miles around, then it depends not least with the attitude of the other bishops. The promotion of priestly vocations has in much of Latin America long been in disarray. Cultural barriers to the indigenous population have not been resolved, the subliminal strong currents of liberation theology is in a "ideological" contrary to the priesthood. Liberal bishops do their worst.
"The real problem of the Church in Paraguay is the crisis of faith, life and morality, which was further supported and extended by poor training of clergy, together with the laxity of the shepherds," wrote Bishop Livieres to Cardinal Ouellet.
The bishop never once received the report of the Apostolic Visitator so he could not concretely address Rome to justify or defend himself. "If you think the problem of the Church of Paraguay is a problem of the sacristy, which one solves by exchanging the sacristan, one errs fundamentally and tragically."
Dismissal "In Contradiction to the Many Speeches of Dialogue, Compassion and Respect"
Bishop Livieres was never told at any time of any wrongdoing or even complaints held by Rome, which made it impossible for any reply.. Out of the blue it was carried out without any reason specifying the impeachment. "Contrary to the many speeches of dialogue, compassion, openness, decentralization and respect for the local churches, I was given neither an opportunity to speak with Pope Francis or the possibility to make clear doubts or worries. Consequently, I was also not paternally rebuked by him - or fraternally - how things were seen."
Bishop Livieres ends his letter with the words: "Such a procedure without any formality or undefined and abrupt nature appears to be not very fair. You do not offer room for a legitimate defense or for a reasonable correction of possible errors. From Rome I only obtained pressure to resign. "
Bishop Rogelio Livieres has been in Rome for several days and asks to be received by the Pope - in vain. In Paraguay, the news of the dismissal was made known in the absence of the bishop. While in his diocese, guesswork and frustration prevail, in other parts of the country the progressive church circles does not hide their joy and is celebrating the dismissal publicly.
Ex-bishop Lugo Celebrates Dismissal: "Livieres has not worked for the unity of the Church"
In Paraguay where the episcopate which is thoroughly embossed with liberation theology, Bishop Livieres is an anomaly. Attached to this episcopal row, is also included Fernando Lugo, who a few years ago preferred, against the will of Rome, to hang up the dignity of Bishop and priesthood, in order to run for a broad leftist coalition. As President, he failed within a short time. Among other things, it was learned that he, as a bishop, had a relationship with a woman and fathered a child.
That was yesterday. Today the Ex-bishop Lugo, who maintained good contacts with high ecclesiastical dignitaries of Paraguay after his laicization, celebrated the dismissal of Bishop Livieres. The senator said this in an interview for the newspaper ABC." Pope Francis just does not tolerate any form of irregularities, be they doctrinal, moral or in personal style" said Senator Lugo even bring up the much-discussed case of the Argentine priest Carlos Urrutigoity, who then years before in the United States was accused of "suspected sexual abuse", but does not see this as the reason of dismissal, because the declaration of the Vatican speaks of "pastoral reasons" and "unity," said Lugo.
Crux of Understanding of the Church and Liberation Theology?
What Livieres is being blamed for, "and what I also have criticized him for," said Lugo, was the fact that he had not contributed "to the unity of the Church" in Paraguay. Ex-bishop Lugo was among the sharpest of Bishop Livieres' critics among church officials in the country. Bishop Livieres fought liberation theology as "harmful" and several times raised the criticism that at the seminary of Asuncion, the liberation theology will continue to spread. For this reason, the Bishop decided to pay special attention to an independent priestly formation, which occurred exclusively in his diocese and to peel off from the Archdiocese of Asuncion and the Bishops' Conference in pastoral matters.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: ABC Color (screenshots)
image: ABC Color (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Perhaps if he converts to Islam ,Buddhism ,or Judaism he ll get an appointment,traditional catholics are not welcome in Rome .
At lease we know he is not a free mason.
It seems like the devil is at or near the height of his influence over those in charge (Francis). He has made a mockery of the Papacy with Francis. The name of Francis chosen by the current Pontiff is a complete insult to the Holy Catholic Church, as the St. Francis Bergoglio claims was his inspiration had a vision from our Lord telling him to "build my Church." The mockery is obviously Pope Francis attempting to build it completely opposite of Christ's will. St. Francis pray that the Lord will have mercy and deliver us from this scourge.
That's all I have to say about people who rail on about "Church Unity".
Soon, these clerics who badmouth people like the SSPX will see that their adherence to orthodoxy will land them in the same boat as the SSPX. Shunned, if not accused as schismatic and heretical.
More to the point - accept heresy and schismatic thought or be removed. It has nothing to do with homosexual issues,otherwise lib-mods tar themselves with the "homophobia" brush. Now, that would not do, would it
Exactly. More of "Worship me and my council god." than anything else.
Pope Francis is worthless. He is destroying the Catholic Church, and so are his henchmen, especially Cardinals Kasper, Maradiaga, and Dolan.
They are persecuting the True Church and Catholic tradition now, believing that time is on their side to get the job done once and for all.
But it isn't. Pope Francis isn't especially well. It would be a supreme irony if he suddenly dies (drops dead or dies in his sleep or dies unexpectedly after a short illness), and these radicals who feel triumphant now, and suddenly left leaderless... or .like a snake without it's head.
I don't know why, but I have the feeling that Pope Francis will indeed die suddenly and unexpectedly (before his stated 2-3 more years he thinks he has left), and the Vatican will be thrown into caos until the new Pope comes along, who is the total opposite to Francis and his agenda. He will be a Catholic in the image of Benedict XVI, and even more so....maybe even like Pius X.
These people who are having a terrific time persecuting traditionalist Catholics and removing traditional bishops like this good man, and Cardinals Piacenza and Burke, will be cowering in the shadows before too long. When the new, traditional Pope rules against them and their agenda, there will be such a housecleaning in the Vatican that it'll leave everyone stunned.
And there won't be any liberals left to attempt another coup again like the last one that brought the scourge of "Pope Francis"
The only way such things are found out under this pope.
From your lips to God's ears -- but I doubt Our Lord is going to let us off that easy. Calamity lies ahead. The pruning will be done with His shears......and it's going to be painful.
Plain and simple: this bishop sheltered and promoted to Vicar General a notorious sexual pervert with a scandalous history beginning with his expulsion from the SSPX. If a liberal bishop had done that, you'd be screaming for his head. Try to be objective.
This seems to be a new 'buzz word' added to the vocabulary of modernists...we had 'dialog and mercy', and now we have 'unity'. But their definition of 'unity' means the decapitation of tradition and traditional clergy. Hmmm......what happened to 'Live and Let Live' that we heard so much from our Holy Father not long ago? I guess their 'unity' trumps 'Live and Let Live'. Oh.....and 'Live and Let Live' means allowing sin to run rampant in their 'Church of Nice'.
I agree with Anonymous and I believe that Pope Benedict will out live Pope Francis to see the election of Peter the Roman. But the pruning that is on the horizon will be very painful = the throwing out of everything Pope Benedict accomplished in 2007 and finally abrogating the pre-Vatican II Mass. Then in the great tribulation Peter the Roman will guide the remnant of the flock.
Apparently that scandalous priest has never been condemned either by the State or by the Church. In fact he has not been not defrocked. So, if Rome ddn' t condemn him, why is she condemning the Bishop?
Livieres out , the homosexual Bishop of Asuncion in ? And Daneels in the Synod ?
Please, open your eyes and use your mind, given you by Our Lord not to be deceived by false prophets !
Rosa, Milan
ummmmmmm wasn't this bishop fired for inviting and providing shelter for the homosexual cult (Trad-flavored!) the Society of St. John? Who gives a #$% what his other "good points" might be, he is too imprudent or stupid to continue being a bishop........maybe?
Kind of goes to show how you disobedient Traditionalists will supplant basic morality to your luv of fiddlebacks and candles and the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Who cares about anything but the EF, eh?
This Bishop is/was a great traditionalist Bishop, but he was very wrong not to heed the advice of people in the USA who knew this homosexual pervert Urroigoity. They warned this Bishop not to accept him in his diocese. Even the SSPX did so likewise, because the pervert started out in the SSPX and they knew of his antics even there.
It's not the reason why he was thrown out though. It's because he isa traditionalist and a Catholic. Pope Francis has a known pervert/queer still working openly in the Vatican curia....Monsignor Ricca. Francis doesn't seem to have any problem with perverts.....only traditional Catholics.
God, please deliver us from Francis soon.
No, it would appear that he wasn't fired for that reason.
Was there good evidence against Fr Urrotigoity? Did he admit and confess sexual assault? Was there due process and a reliable finding? Was he found formally guilty of specific offences? Was he subject to penalties? Had there been an application to have him laicised?
How on earth would you know this, John?
That's a good question. As far as anyone knows, Urrutigoity was never accused of any misconduct during his years under this bishop.
Because he has more than 3 brain cells to rub together, and eyes to see what's clearly in front of him?........
just guessin'
The Holy Father should show Mercy as he is suppose to be like St. Francis?? He should at lease speak to him, shame on the Holy Father
Honestly if I had an issue with the Church, the last person I would approach is Pope Francis
I censor your comments because you're rude and malicious.
Would an atheist be treated this way? As the as an old Doris Day song said: "bewitched bothered, and bewildered, am I" The main point I can make about this papacy is: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY FOR THE HOLY FATHER AS OUR LADY OF FATIMA REQUESTED. AND WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED PRAYING, START PRAYING AGAIN.
I think THIS has everything to do with this crisis.
hard copy here.
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