Monday, August 18, 2014

Pope Francis: "Two, Three Years, Then One Goes to the House of the Lord"

Pope Francis about the fuss around him: "I know it takes only a short time two or three years, then it goes into the house of the Lord."

Rome ( Pope Francis has learned to put the hype around his person in perspective. "Inside, I try to think about my sins and mistakes," he said Monday to journalists on his return from his South Korea travel. The 77-year-old continued: "I know it will last only a short time. Two or three years, then one goes into the house of the Lord."

He sees the encouragement of people in his person as a "work of God in his people" who uses his shepherd, says Francis. "in the beginning it somewhat startled me, but now it's okay."  He would rather thank God "that His people are happy." (C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved


  1. How does he know he's going to the house of the Lord?

    1. Indeed.

      Nobody can be a 100% certain that they will be saved [ie go to the house of the Lord].

      I was taught this as a basic and fundamental truth of catholic doctrine .

      Such a decision belongs to God alone at the Last Judgement and no human can predict with certainty what it will be.

      Catholics can have hope that they will be saved but they can never have absolute certainty.

      For a living catholic to publicly say or imply that he/she will FOR CERTAIN enter the house of the Lord is considered the sin of “presumption”.

  2. We cannot judge that anyone will not. If you judge that God damns someone, then you commit the sin of blasphemy by insinuating that God is not merciful. We damn ourselves by the sins we freely choose to commit.

    God wills that all be saved, or else Christ would not have died for our sakes. Those who spit upon the face of Christ reject the will of God and deservedly go to Hell, for our God is merciful, and His mercy extends to those who reject Him, by sending them to the farthest place from Him, into the Outer Darkness.

    1. What about the sin of presumption? One cannot assume that all men will be saved.

    2. When God wills men to be saved, it must also be the will of those who wish to do the bidding of their Master.

      I want people in heaven.

      But wanting people in heaven is not the same thing as assuming all will go to heaven, and so should you.

      Our Lord was clear; MANY will go to Hell. Few will go to Heaven. It's that easy to go to Hell, and you should not even think you have it easy just because you're a "traditionalist"!

      If it was as you imply, that it's easy to canonize anyone, why isn't Archbishop Fulton Sheen a saint? Why isn't Pius XII as saint? Why isn't Archbishop Lefebvre a saint? You may complain of individual priests behaving as if a deceased person already goes to Heaven, but the actions of a single, ignorant priest is hardly representative of our 2,000 year-old religion. Unless you insist it does as an excuse to be outraged.

      Even if 99% of the Catholic Church talks as if anyone goes to Heaven automatically, you certainly know it's not so; but you have no right to complain about it, if you aren't doing anything about it- are you in a position to do anything about it? Are you a bishop, or a catechist? What authority do you have, o Anonymous One, that makes your opinions better than mine?

  3. In the church of nice (vacII) everyone goes to house of the lord. Just look at the funreal masses . Everyone is march off to glory.

    1. Recently in Ireland a young man strangled his wife and smothered his 2 young children and then hung himself.

      At the time he was being counselled by a catholic priest.

      He received a catholic burial.

      This man was a murderer who destroyed the lives of three young people and then committed suicide.

      Why should he be buried in a catholic graveyard with full rites of a catholic burial?

      It seems to make a mockery of catholics who are trying to actually follow the rules.

  4. In three years he the false prophet will indeed be with his lord in the lake of fire

    1. You dare to judge Peter's successor? You dare judge souls? I fear Almighty God's judgment upon your blind, foolish hatred. May God forgive your blasphemy.

  5. Go away, Francis. Shoo!August 19, 2014 at 3:21 AM

    1. You go to judgement before the Lord, not His house.

    2. They are not your people, King Jorge, they are His "little ones" and you and your recent predecessors are leading them to Hell.

  6. OMG 2 more years of his nonsense. The damage he has done already is unbelievable.

    1. So tired of the "Sun Shine, LollyPops and Blue Birds Everywhere..." attitude. Let's get back to the more realistic attitude of Ratzinger.

  7. You anonymous ones are bad! This pope is still Christ's vicar on earth whether we like it or not. OK: ok, not. Pray for his conversion! Not that converting a modern Jesuit is an easy thing as it may take a moral miracle. Our Lord asked if He would find faith on earth when He returns. He may not find it even in His chosen people of the Church---it is not all the fault of the sheep. We know masons, sodomites, heretics, and cowards are among our prelates and nothing is being done to change that. The weeds-BIG ones--surely are growing with the wheat such that one can hardly see or find the wheat.

  8. These Anonymous comments regarding the Pope are a disgrace and decidedly NOT - CATHOLIC! Heavens knows I have discomfort with this Holy Father ...but come on ...what do you hope to gain from such vile comments about the future of a person's eternal destiny? You will not attract people to Catholicism for sure...good grief ...give us a brak from your nastiness ...the problems and evils that surround us are enough to contend with and battle against for a Catholic who truly loves the Church.

    I'll say it again - people who make this comments about the Pope not love the Church..



    1. God gives us a Pope, but why do we feel entitled to a good Pope? Does God owe us anything, when it is we who have a great debt to God!? Like Parents, we cannot choose what kind of people they are, but let us thank God that we are given parents.

  9. I only see one truly objectionable comment, and who knows who wrote it.

    Presumption, either presuming God's condemnation or your own personal salvation is a problem.

  10. Btw, it's entirely possible that those writing the especially toxic comments aren't truly Catholic, and it's likely that they are also not self-identified traditionalists.

    1. I know the type. They go to SSPX chapels out of spite rather than love of tradition. (Sometimes they become some of the most virulently anti-Catholic Orthodox converts.)

    2. I've been going to SSPX chapels for almost two decades and I've never met anyone like that.

    3. Thanks be to God, those people don't really last long in SSPX, because they take issue with things easily, wherever they go.

      But should they stay at SSPX, or in other trad. communities, they may ruin the witness of the traditionalist movement.

      It's like having a Neo-Nazi in a Monarchist group or something. Outsiders can't tell the difference, but the actual differences are huge. Yet the differences insiders know, outsiders don't really care about because it takes effort to discriminate one group from another, one ideology from another- and that just isn't fashionable nowadays, right?

    4. To talk to some people, you'd think this illusive breed was the only problem the Church actually has.

    5. They usually start out in the Novus Ordo, they find one thing objectionable, then the list increases. So they move parish to parish, until they end up in some Eastern Catholic or Trad parish. Then they complain about some minor things, and it keeps piling on.

      When speaking to a lot of people who attend the Novus Ordo, their only fault is their ignorance, most of the time, thanks to lack of substantial catechism. Of course, there are the know-it-alls who insist, that is, with a closed mind, that the Catholic Church started from Vatican 2 and Pope John Paul II was the first pope. I don't waste my time with such people, really.

      They're the mirror image of certain "Traditionalists" in this blog.

      They share many things in common, strangely enough.

    6. Sounds like a snipe hunt to me.

  11. A few weeks ago I rec'd a hyper email forwarded 80 times that some person would be in heaven in 20 years - meanwhile U.S. would be taken over by Muslim Sharia law. Problem w/this Sharia law is that women would not have ability to DIVORCE their husbands, could not CHOOSE their own husbands, and would have to OBEY their men folk (women would be enslaved!). I wondered what heaven was this person thinking they were going to - surely not the heaven of Jesus Christ or the apostles SS Peter and Paul. Had this person even read the New Testament? I say the same re: this perverted filthofile -- and since he is a modernist and a Jesuit I would ask him to define 'the house of the Lord' - he could surely be talkin' about Satan for all I know from his past words and action.

    Other thing: Notice PF is NOT planning to RESIGN like HUMBLE Benedict. Or abdicate to please his buddy heretics and schismatics -- how could he give his buddies burial honors as Catholic bishops or put priests under house arrest for saying the pre-1962 mass if he abdicated or resigned? His ego is as colossal as his blind stupidity.

  12. Well, then. Everyone ready to pray for Cardinal Burke's Election?

    1. ...been doing that for a looooong while now.

  13. I think this is Pope Francis general way of saying for Catholics not to expect him to be around for much longer.
    I remember reading about Paul VI, who often spoke of his impending death. He started talking about his approaching death about the time he was Pope Francis' age (nearly 78), and Paul died at 80 (he missed 81 by 7 weeks).
    Speaking of Paul VI, I think it's a disgrace that he is going to be beatified.....and now their talking about that Archbishop Romero being beatified?? These people are ruining not on the Church, but the system of making saints as well.

  14. How can any Pope thank God that "his people are happy"?

    The pope has absolutely no idea of the levels of happiness possessed by a billion catholics.
    Such knowledge is known to God alone.

    Indeed calling catholics [assuming thats what he was referring to and thats what he actually said] as "his people" is incorrect since catholics are Gods people.

    They are not the popes people.

    The pope does not "own" catholic people.

  15. The Pope wasn;t trying to own people.....he was generalizing. He's good at that.

    1. A person who makes claims that "his people are happy" is behaving like some deluded demagogic potentate trying to grab a power that can truly only belong to God.
      Nor is pope Francis good at generalizing, were that correct then his crackpot mantra of a church for the poor would not be taken seriously.

      Unfortunately it is being taken seriously and the consequence is

      1] the escalating poisonous filth of so called "liberation theology".

      2] the rehabilitation of heretical priests promoting that filth

      3] the alienation of all wealthy catholics.

      4] the diminution of the the concept of the catholic church as being an institution welcoming of every class of person irrespective of personal wealth and income.

  16. I love Pope Francis. He is God's gift to us and we need him. I hope and pray he will be amoung us for many, many years to come. He is showing the beauty of the gospel in simple words from the heart. People understand this and are connected to him.

    1. "He is showing the beauty of the gospel in simple words from the heart."

      yeah.....nice.....truly the words of a sweet saint....

    2. You obviously think then , like pope Francis, that Christ came to earth only to save poor people.
      Also you must think like pope Francis that Christ founded a church
      that contains no certainty of doctrine and that anybody who hold such certainties is wrong.

      I find pope Francis deeply repellent as a pope due to his many outrageous statements that in my opinion undermine catholic faith.

      The sooner he departs the better.

  17. So many "Rad - Trads" sublimate unhappy and often failed private lives by latching on to liturgical issues as pious excuses for their frustrations. As a psychologist, many of those I have encountered would be classified as anal-retentives and borderline schizophrenics. All that aside, to wish ill of the Sovereign Pontiff and even to want his death, or to speak disrespectfully of him (not denying the right to humbly question things he does) is the gravest kind of sin against the virtue of religion, and a manifestation of the worst sin of all, which is pride.

    1. This is papolatry.
      A type of heathenish idolatry that thinks a leader can do or say nothing wrong.
      Pope Francis has by his astonishing and careless statements brought this criticism on his own head.

      He seems utterly unaware of the terrible damage he is causing
      especially among what are termed "traditional" minded catholics.

      There is nothing uncharitable in pointing out that Pope Francis is deeply mistaken in some of the things he says.

      Only clerical sychophants and courtiers think he can do no wrong.

    2. @Anonymous "Psychologist" I've often found the same to be the case among people who disparage faithful Catholics.

    3. So, "Psychologist" being untraditional makes you "normal" and if you look at the norms now? I'd prefer to be a Rad Trad.

    4. You can say that about almost anything, just replace "Rad-Trads" with "Nazi" or "Homosexual" or whatever you want to vilify.

    5. Dear Anonymous psychologist,

      I do not wish to be rude - but please spare us your psychological analysis which is nothing other than predjudice. That is judging something without real knowledge of the same - and basing your judgment on a few instances that may have a common bond of Traditional Catholicism.

      I'm sticking with tradition for sure - I want no part of the modernist inventions inflicted on the Church of Christ by people with enormous egos who think the can tamper with the Holy things of God and pass it off for religion.

      Check "the inventors of the new Catholicism" - there you will find many egos and psyches that need professional attention.

      I'm sticking with the Saints - Our Lord's friend!


  18. While Pope Francis canonized 124 martyrs in Korea and preached the Gospel to over one million joyful Catholics in that vibrant and growing part of the church (celebrating Mass most reverently in Latin, by the way), there are bitter and unhappy eccentrics who complain that they don't like the color of his shoes. Much as I love the Extraordinary Form and attend, it, the large number of sourpusses who attend can be blamed for the fact that such a small percentage of people do attend the EF. By now they predicted great crowds and it hasn't happened. If they keep behaving as such, they will prevent many others.

    1. Only a tiny proportion attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in its traditional form because people are kept ignorant of the true Faith, including the truth about the Mass, and are kept ignorant of the fact that they may have the traditional form. Many practising Catholics know nothing about the traditional Mass and that they have the right to it. The current leadership in the Church keeps people ignorant and does not make the Usus Antiquior available. Many people, even if they knew about it, do not have the ancient Holy Mass anywhere near them.

    2. I've often found that the bitter polemicism of sub-Catholics in the face of people who have legitimate grievances about the clergy's irreverence, lack of accountability, the absence of Faith and so on, have no rational account for their own views and so they like to draw these psychological caricatures of sad miserable and bitter people, which actually is a much more fitting description for themselves.

  19. geeeeze Tancred....when did you start attracting such 'sourpuss' losers to your combox?...they're swarming around here like flies; you must really be hitting the sweet spot.

    1. You are quite correct Susan.

    2. There's a group of official mouthpieces in the Catholic Church (Notably Patheos bloggers, NCR, Der Wanderer and others) who have nothing to say, nothing to offer, but wail and gnash their teeth and spit venom at faithful Catholics for having concerns and opinions.

    3. Tancred, I think the crime is knowing the Faith and openly adhering to it.

  20. @tancred. The people you refer to are spiritual " careerists" who gravitate to ecclesiastical power centres like mindless moths.
    They must needs agree totally with the prevailing mode of watery catholic indifferentism that characterises this current disasterous pontificate.
    Any frank outspokenness of firm opinion or doctrinal certitude will be punished as clearly evidenced in the treatment of Cardinal Burke when he was effectively demoted for expressing the mildest of concerns with regard to a papal utterance.
    In the meantime openly heretical cardinals like Walter Kasper continue receive papal approbation.
    It can only end in schism if this folly and irresponsibility of pope Francis continues unchecked.

  21. By introducing the novel and materialist concept "preferential option for the poor" pope Francis has officially injected the notion of spiritual class division within the ranks of the catholic church.

    It is idiotic in the extreme and can only lead to schism.
