(Rome) Is the hand of the Grand Lodge hidden behind the provisional administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI)? Another spotlight on a controversial measure of Roman Congregation for Religious, with the approval of Pope Francis.
Storied Florence, destination of aesthetes and art lovers, is the Italian capital of Freemasonry. In the city on the Arno, there is no quarter and no district in which a Temple of a lodge can not be found. The late Florentine Father Florido Giant Ulli SJ (1906-1974), one of the foremost Catholic experts on Freemasonry said: "There is no association, whether secular or Catholic, into which the long arm of the Lodge does not reach." The Jesuit wrote, among others, the fundamental work: " L'Essenza della Massoneria italiana: il naturalismo "(The Essence of Italian Freemasonry: Naturalism), in 1973, shortly before his death, it was published in the same place with a double imprimatur of the Jesuit Order and the Archbishop of Florence. Father Giantulli paid for his studies on the "Masonic sect" (Pius IX.) with that price which is reserved especially for anti-Masonic authors: After his death he was slandered with the rumor that he was a "secret lodge brother".
Since the 60s, the Church has become quiet on Freemasonry
In the 60s of the last century, the Catholic Church ceased almost entirely from talking about Freemasonry. It seemed suddenly that a secret peace agreement entered into force. A mutual "acceptance" in the sign of pluralism. A few Catholic writers, priests and laity, continued the study and observation of this secret society. In the German speaking world it was Alfons Maria Cardinal Stickler (1910-2007); Bishop Rudolf Graber (1903-1992) of Regensburg; his pupil, the priest Manfred Adler (1928-2005) and the Austrian lay theologian and political scientist Robert Prantner (1931-2010). All four were heavily attacked. The latter two were chosen for their publications and lectures as the targets of violent media campaigns that demanded considerable personal sacrifice. Adler was removed from the Diocese of Speyer schools and removed from his order, the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist (MSJ). Prantner was deprived of his post in the Department of Ethics and Christian Social Teaching at the Philosophical-Theological College of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna in what has been euphemistically referred to ever since as retirement. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Faith Prefect braced himself in November 1983 against the assertion of parts of the Church that the cross and Lodge had become compatible. Quite a few Church leaders ignored the interjection of the Cardinal and later, and the Pope despised by the Lodge. This includes the Vienna Cathedral Rector, Toni Faber, to name just one example.
Fides Catholica , a Magazine Challenging Freemasonry
In other European countries west of the former Iron Curtain, things are no different, so also in Italy. There, the issue was marginalized in its extent and was surrounded by a media taboo, that the few ecclesiastical writers (not sensational journalists) who still dealt with it, could easily be dismissed as marginal "story tellers". Until 2006, when in that year the new journal was published by the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Fides Catholica . The editors were Father Serafino Lanzetta Maria, a lecturer in moral theology at the convent's Seminary of the Immaculate Mediatrix. Already, in the first issue the magazine the point was addressed and published by Father Paolo Maria Siano FI, the recognized experts on Freemasonry in the Order, perhaps even the currently most important Catholic Freemason expert, with the article entitled "A Study on the Incompatibility Between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church." In it, he pointed out that the "modern Freemasonry, since its inception in 1717, was characterized by an enlightening and a magical-esoteric component, with the goal to "overcome dogmatic fundamentalism" with the reason for division and the absolute, bring out the truth, inn order to bring people together in a broad, natural religion, to leave the way they realize God left to the subjectivity of the individual, but follows a cultus all the same.
Numerous other publications in Fides Catholica on Freemasonry followed. But Father Siano went beyond mere statements and publicly crossed swords with the Masonic brethren, as the usual mixture of ridicule and irrationality was applied to him.
Masonic Satanic Cult and Attacks by the Lodge
Loge Har Tzion Rome
"In the context of a 2009 Conference held in Florence held by Fides Catholica, my confrere Father Serafino Maria Lanzetta had words with some Masons present in the audience, including Vittorio Vanni from the Lodge Stella del Mattino (No. 1031 -. Florence, Grand Orient of Italy). He accused me in a genteel way of seeing in Freemasonry something that does not exist there, a Masonic satanic cult ... Those responsible for the website of the Roman Lodge Har Tzion Monte Sion (No. 705 -. Rome, Grand Orient of Italy), published on 16 July 2009 an esoteric praise of the Devil, and one of his lodge brothers, the psychoanalyst and high degree Freemason, Emilio Servadio (33rd Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite) wrote in 1974: 'The devil is as a friend with whom you can talk. The devil is as an instrument that transforms us, perfects us, and as we reach the one, the liberation of duality ... It is necessary to reconvert Lucifer back into the devil ... '". Thus Father Siano wrote in his "Handbook" about Freemasonry. There is also the suggestion that Vittorio Vanni published "an essay on the Devil of the Tarot," in which he praised him as, 'principle or positive energy and as a necessary way to get to the light ... good and evil are the only light."
Commissariat Because of the Opposition to Freemasonry?
"In light of recent events, since the beginning of the provisional administration in July 2013, many things seem to confirm what many suspected immediately. The Franciscans of the Immaculate are paying now for their opposition to Freemasonry. This includes the emergence and role of Professor 'Mario Castellano, who is regarded as an instigator of the "rebels" - to which belongs Brother Alfonso Bruno. Father Bruno has been the new "strong" man since the overthrow in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, or what's left of it," said Christiana Riscossa . The particularly active convent of Ognissanti, which was heavily involved in exposing Freemasonry, was dissolved and reorganized by the Apostolic Commissioner. Father Lanzetta was exiled to Austria and Father Siano to Africa.
That the provisional administration has had to do with the fact that the Franciscans of Father Manelli hindered the "dialogue" of part of the Church with Freemasonry, of this the historian and former Christian Democrat vice-mayor of Florence, Giovanni Pallanti is convinced. The columnist of the daily newspaper La Nazione wrote recently:
"When, on March 1, 2013 [at the Church of Ognissanti in Florence, managed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate] this Order presented two books by Father Paolo Maria Siano (the " Manual "to Freemasonry and" Freemasonry Between Mysticism, Rituals and Symbolism "), which had appeared in 2012 at the convent's publisher, that is also given by the journal Fides Catholica, I thought that this is an historic event.
Never yet, so far as I know, was the Freemasonry criticized for their secrecy and their hostility to the Church before so many attendees in Florence. Father Lanzetta chaired. Father Siano spoke.
Could it be a coincidence? After that day, the problems for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and their Florentine monastery of Ognissanti began. It may be a pure coincidence ... Personally, I do not believe in such coincidences. "
Coincidence or Not: Today "Deathly Quiet" Prevails in the Ognissanti Monastery
The words of former Vice-Mayor originate not from the "usual" circles, the "traditionalists", "Pelagians" and "Crypto-Lefebvrians" or whatever they are "kindly" entitled with, but by a well-known representative of the Left Wing of the former Christian Democrat party, which one can not be dismissed by the new Sanhedrin class as "reactionary", without having to enter into a discussion.
"What now of the rescued 'dialogue' between clericals and Freemasons going forward? Can they now sleep peacefully? In Ognissanti in Florence, peace prevails under the provisional administration - the peace of the graveyard," said Christiana Riscossa .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Traditio Catholica
image: Traditio Catholica
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Very interesting! During my visits to Florence as a tourist I wasn't aware of the city's reputation as a hotbed of Masonry, but looking back the connections aren't hard to see. It all fits together.
Count Leon de Poncin's book on Freemasonry and the Vatican is still revelant!
This article opens a big can of worms. Based on all the information we currently have on the FFI scandal, it is pretty obvious this persecution is being instigated by Francis himself. If the suspicions in this article are true, we have a far bigger problem than the FFI being persecuted. The fact that Italian and Argentinian Freemasonry have openly endorsed and lauded Francis arises even more suspicions and conspiracy theories. And let us not forget Francis was the candidate of choice for the Lavender Mafia in both the 2005 and 2013 papal elections.
I have supreme confidence that the Synod on the Family this October (and in 2015) will change Church teaching on divorce, remarriage, and "ambiguate" homosexuality. The entire Francis papacy is culminating into a perfect storm for schism - a schism which won't happen because Vatican II has neutered the episcopacy. The shepherds would much rather grow cuckold horns on their mitres than kick the apostates out of the Church's nest.
So here we are, helpless and vulnerable. Francis does what he wants when he wants. Freemasonry laughs like a burning kettle while we are bound and gagged, forced to watch Francis destroy the very Church we love. I just hope the FFI doesn't get Battered Wife Syndrome, since Francis is clearly implementing the three stage cycle on them.
E.F. had a photo a while back with Fr. Bruno receiving a prestigious communication award from a Vaticanista Msgr. who was holding his hands in the shape of a triangle. At first i dismissed it,,, upon reading this article I am not so sure it was coincidental.
Anyone unable to see the insinuation of freemasonry in The Vatican, nay the post-conciliar papacies has lost the plot. The protestant liturgy fabricated by BUAN was the perfect liturgical vehicle for unhinging Catholicsm and turning it into an ecumenical, interconfessional means of subversion. Now we have no discipline, no unity, no Roman Catholicism. Only a few faithful Roman Catholics keep The Faith of our Fathers alive. The church as such is a declining disarmed corrupt institution that scatters and has the fatal sign of the dead fig tree just fit for cutting and burning. Our Blessed Lord is in the process of doing just that. Alleluia Amen. Come Lord Jesus.
Do I smell the flesh of a burning martyr?
Anonymous 1:24 pm: Conspiracy theories are not only the product of a lazy, unreflective mind devoid of insight, they are dangerous both for the person(s) who holds them, treat them as proven fact and spread unsubstantiated assertions and allegations.
The line you are trotting out reflects the irrational and thoroughly un-Christ-like invective of the sede-vacantist end of the ultra Trad movement. It resembles the propaganda scripted by the publisher of 'Christ Chaos' which has much in common with chaos and little with Christ.
Oh Brother! Talk about Extremists!
It's the Lodge!
You didn't bother to read the article. I thought making unreflective snap judgements was unChristlike. Hmmm, must be a newChurch idea?
Unfortunately I think that the entire Church right of center will succumb to "battered wife syndrome", if they aren't in the process of doing so already. Our Church is currently set up in a way which places the Papacy at its center with everything else orbiting the Pope and aiming to please his directives, whatsoever they may be. A good Pope direct our religion to good ends, but a bad one can destroy everything.
Fr. Luigi Villa certainly thought a certain pope was involved with masonry:
The Magisterium of Don Luigi!
The only 'newChurch' that Catholics need to be wary of are the little churches within the Church such as the disciples of the New Movements which proliferated under JP II whom now even the Trads despise.
These movements have done more damage to Catholicism than the Lodge could ever imagine.
The whole world woke up up one day to find itself masonic...
Or to use another way of saying ...we are so saturated in masony that we don't even notice anymore ..
One has to be radically truly Catholic (not an extremist fanatic please!) to see this it is not conspiracy theory nutcases' imaginations - it's reality ...contrast Catholic true teaching with the way the governmemst, schools society in general are run ...it is VERY clear the masonic imprint...
Besides I have read much on this subject. It has been under planning for a long time the masonic use of the Church's institutions.
Do any Italian correspondents know whether [Fr.?] [Br.?] Alfonso Bruno is related to Giordano Bruno? The sharing of the surname is certainly caught my attention.
Here is the photo of Fr. Bruno standing next to to the Msgr. for his award from the Vatican Office for the film on Duns Scotus....
My mistake it is Air Maria not E.F.
Nay, Cyprian, the floundering wreck of liberal modernism & its papacies - enemy within the church according to Pope St Pius X - a true pope saint - not a modernist engineered charade of one.
And supported by St Pio da Pietrelcina who encouraged him to do exactly what he did effectively and surviving several assassination attempts in the process.
Leon G, then, as Pope Francis told his priests, 'he a man', declare yourself and take the consequences.
You are clearly a sede-vacantist and have made your home in the schismatic 'church' of your own needs and wants.
You have returned your membership card and have, therefore, lost your right to be taken seriously by continuing loyal members of the Catholic Church.
Go away, LeonG, You'll feel a lot better for it.
It's no wonder then that you don't factor in Jesus Christ or His Holy Spirit.
Just for interest, did Don Luigi also have the support and authoritative backing of the Tooth Fairy?
Your come hither confidences and insults will probably be mighty embarrassing to you some day.
Why not do something constructive, like give 10% more of your taxes to government, or eat a can of chilli peppers or something.
I have only just read this post, and comments, today. The link given immediately above, by Anonymous on Aug 8 2014 at 3.36 AM now goes to current year 2015 awards. Going back on their site to previous years, photos and details of prizewinners remain to 2012 inclusive, and then only uninformative text, with no names of prizewinners or photos for 2011.
I wonder: Why?
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