August 7, 2014 07:55 | Communication to the Editor
Antonio Socci: Are Pope Francis, the persecuted Christians in the Middle East no matter how President Obama?
(Rome) The Catholic journalist Antonio Socci, director of the Academy of Television Journalism in Perugia, a joint project of the University of Perugia and public television RAI, wrote after the Angelus of Pope Francis from last Sunday on his Facebook page a short comment:
Bergoglio says to the persecuted Christians 'See to it how you cope with it'?
At today's Angelus Pope Bergoglio said, 'Looking the other way is an kind of way of saying, see toit how you cope with it'. But that is not Christian. "
But Bergoglio avoided any reference to the persecuted Christians and especially those that are being persecuted in Iraq at this time because of their faith.
Not even a reference to the initiative of the Italian Bishops' Conference, which has declared a day of prayer for the persecuted Christians for the coming 15th August.
According to his own words, this means that you are being harassed because of your faith and out of your homes? See how you can cope with it.
A tribute to the Italian bishops! Rather, why didn't the prayer not connect with the initiative of the Society of St. Peter ?
This ends the commentary. The Catholic journalist left the question hang in the air, whether Pope Francis, is indifferent to the persecuted Christians of the Middle East. Indifferent as the U.S. President Barack Obama and most Western leaders?
The Austrian bishops have proclaimed an ecumenical day of fasting and prayer on August 8. With his suggestion that the bishops should have actually aligned their prayer initiative with that of the FSSP on August 1, Socci would clearly have overwhelmed the bishops. A joint initiative of Western European Episcopal Conferences with a community of tradition? That would be the best imaginable from the U.S. Bishops' Conference. As "Western Europeans" we should just enjoy it, that the bishops are active.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
Pope Francis is absolutely worthless.
I think his words and deeds and agenda and appointments will slowly (too slowly indeed), drive the faithful from him. And the thousands who once turned out in their crowds to see him will slowly melt away.
Let us hope he is gone soon, alone with his cohorts behind the scenes.
If only those persecuted for holding to the One True Faith would adopt Pope Francis's 10 secrets for happiness - then they would no longer be persecuted (of course they'd no longer be Christians). Blessed Michael, the Archangel, intercede for us . . .
After all he only the bishop of rome. In vac ii world he down sized the title of pope to let the bishop around the world to do what they want.All he does is DIALOGEs with the enmeies of Christ the King.
But he's more authoritarian than any Pope since Pius XII.
This comes from a Muslim foot-kisser. Remember that.
Did the Pope say "This is unacceptable" somewhere? If he did...
He obviously doesn't care about Christians.
"Muslims, hold onto your Korans!"
Talk about aiding and abetting the enemy!
They called Pius XII "Hitler's Pope" when he did nothing to help the Nazis but save thousands of Jews.
Can you imagine Pius XII praising Nazis the way "Mohammed's Pope" Francis does with Muslims?
The chickens are coming home to roost now.
Let's see what happens next Maudy Thursday & Pentecost.
"Wait, I have to make a floral offer to Theodore Hertzl, first, then I'll say something about it, you bitter pneo pelagians..!!!"
What a fat mouthed, foul smelling coward! He can denounce 'the mafia' but not those who murder babies in the womb or bury Christians alive! Afwaid to judge -- he better be afraid of judgment!
Maybe Msgr Ricca stole Francis balls...who knows..
Sts Peter and Paul and Holy Mother pray for us.........
Is the Pope a Catholic? Nope. How about a Christian? Nope, not even a basic Christian. We don't know the workings of his conscience so it could be uncharitable comment, BUT his actions and utterances point to his being some sort of Zionist.
And the good news? Well, if pope Francis had any historical sense he should recall and reflect what happened in 1527. Rome was sacked, brought to its senses, and the counter reformation started. Expect boos and jeers at his next Orbi et Urbi appearance.
According to current reports the numbers of neo-catholics in the modernist conciliar church are leaving in their tens of thousands annually. The demise gathers momentum.
Yes, exactly.
"Let's see what happens next Maudy Thursday & Pentecost."
Sigh. Do we have to...?
Let Pope Humble Francis offer himself in exchange for the holocaust of his Catholic children. Anything less is not fatherly, not Catholic and not acceptable.
Tancred and the precious one, Damask Rose. How quickly you forget the bully boy Pius IX (read Newman) and more recently John Paul II and Benedict XVI who 'ran' the Church, not pastored it, just like the autocratic totalitarian dictators they despised so deeply.
But the question remains, why should practically any of the posters on this blog really care about the Popes since Pius XII since most of you are Sede-Vacantists, or give two hoots for the Catholic Church since you are adherents to the Church of Christ Chaos and the schismatic Lefebrve.
What would you know about balls?
Why should any of you Nemos care in the least about Francis, the Catholic Church or anything to do with them? You are not members of the Catholic Church but of a schismatic, sectarian cult led by the publisher of Christ Chaos with the support of The Remnant.
Since you have returned your membership of the Catholic Church you have forfeited your right to be heard and taken seriously.
You sound like a poof.
You have the advantage on me in that department, Tancred.
You protest too much.
Try and keep your responses factual and to the point.
Flaming out and attacking people who have a better grasp of the situation isn't helpful to you or anyone else.
Why don't you take your own advice, O Tancred?
I'm certainly not a sedevacantist .and have nothing directly to do with FSSPX (although I have come to respect and admire the French Archbishop who founded it)..but see clearly the big, big problems with this papacy.... it is clear precisely if you know a little about ongoing, unchangeable Catholic truth that this papacy - at least at a superficial level - contradicts the perennial magisterim in continuation - public speeches, interview, etc., ecumenical prayer meetings in the VATICAN itself. (that made me so UNHAPPY and WORRIED). I fear the people who do not recognize these great contradictions have lost a true Cathoilic sense of reality..
But there are none so blind than those who do not wish to see
If only Iraqi Catholics could read the JP2 catechism of the Catholic Church---they'd know that the plan of salvation is for Muslims. They could just convert and still go to heaven and keep their heads.Yep, that's what it says. Getting more and more fed up w being a Vat 2 Catholic.
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."
I think it's time to call for the intercession of St James the Moor Slayer!!
Cosmas sounds jile one of the EWTN imbeciles. POpes like Paul VI, JPII, Benedict XVI and especially this guy Francis can sell out the Catholic Faith and our tradition in the name of ecumenism and inter religious dialog and it's a big chorus of "Yes Holy Father, Whatever you say and do Holy Father and we will obey!".
Francis could come out onto St. Peter's balcony in jeans and a t-shirt and this crowd would still cheer . He could allow for married priests tomorrow and women deacons and they'd shout "Yes Holy Father!!"
Although I am too young to remember him, I've seen videos of Mao Tse Tung holding mass rallies of Red Guards during the 1966-76 Chinese Cultural Revolution...when all the old traditions of the Chinese people, their philosophy and beliefs and traditons (including religion), was almost totally destroyed. And the millions cheered like lunatics as their world and heritage was destroyed around them.
WYD reminds me of that.....all the millions cheering for a Pope who has lead them away from the traditions and beliefs of our Faith.
And Francis is the worst of all. So his reaction during this persecution of Catholics and Ortohodox Christians in Iraq should be no surprise!
In my opening line above, I meant "Comas sounds like......." sorry for the typo.
I believe Nostrae Aetate is rapidly being shown as at best, wishful thinking and foolish naïveté.
Yep, all he does is attack persons, and is certainly not a man of ideas,
To poster Cosmas.
It is perfectly consistent to be a loyal catholic and also criticise papal conduct and speech.
If you think the catholic papacy of itself confers "perfection" on the holder of the office then you have a gigantic problem.
That catechism is deficient.
Moslems do not worship the one true God.
Moslems worship a false God.
That their false religion contain references to Jesus, Mary and Abraham is incidental.
Papolatory is a form of heathenish idolatory. Certain Catholics are so unsure of what they believe that they perceive any form of papal criticism as a form of disloyalty.
The nearest equivalent historically would be Nazi fanaticism.
In their own blind way fanatical papal followers who seek to quell any criticism of their leaders conduct are in exactly the same mould as the Islamic fanatics.
They cannot be reasoned with.
They seem to be working from some kind of script where they bemoan "trads".
Point of fact most of the people we cite here are anything but "trads". Take Michael Novak, for example, who for all of his faults was dismayed by the Holy Father's indifference to life issues.
I believe you all should look to Finding God in all things.
Ignatian spirituality is one of the most influential and pervasive spiritual outlooks of our age.
The Fathers talked about God's wrath, scourges and chastisements.
Ignatian Spirituality?
It is not as you allege "one of the most influential and pervasive spiritual outlooks of our age."
Were it so then the obvious decline in catholic faith and morals in western society would not be as pervasive.
The Jesuit Order itself is out of control breeding many priests
largely indifferent to spiritual matters but deeply polluted with the filthy poison of so called "liberation theology".
Pope Francis seems to have drink gallons of that foul brew.
All those inebriated with its doctrines exhibit a vacuous joy that feeds into a worldly populism bereft of any authentic universality.
The very anti-thesis of genuine roman catholicism.
What is applicable to Ignatian Spirituality is applicable to everything else by that measure.
If you blame that, you blame the Church, and if you blame the Church, you start looking elsewhere, to schismatics, heretics, or God forbid, even the Turk.
Let's see what happens during this upcoming 'Synod on the Family'. We really don't have to wait that long.
Tancred, you're talking about Novak's response to Pope Francis, correct? If so, then that just reinforces my view that the Catholic bishops use the poor, the unborn and the Latin-American immigrant as foils to increase their political influence. They don't really care about what they claim to care about
Frankly, I'm glad that Catholics are starting to question JPII's legacy and approach toward Islam. I'm glad that the veneer of JPII's cult of personality is starting to dissipate. If JPII was a Winston Churchill regarding Communism, then he was a Neville Chamberlain concerning Islam.
I agree Barbara. We are called to criticize prelates that seem to be promoting error, even if it is a Pope. as long as we are charitable about it. It's not only our 'right' it is our 'duty.'
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