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Pope Francis' Bull |
Pope Francis has paid special "attention" to diocese, orders and communities that are connected to tradition, since the beginning of the pontificate. Ciudad del Este is one of these dioceses. The bishop's see is located in the second largest city of the Latin American country. It covers an area of nearly 30,000 square kilometers and holds 700,000 Catholics. This represents 98 percent of the population.
Under Bishop Livieres There is a Big Boost in the Diocese
The Bishop of Ciudad del Este is the Argentinean Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano, whom Pope John Paul II had appointed in 2004 at the head of the Paraguayan Diocese was only established in 1993. Since then the diocese has experienced an amazing recovery. The majority of the clergy consists of priests from religious orders. By 2007, the diocese only had 12 diocesan priests and 70 religious priests. Today, they are preparing in the seminary more than 250 candidates for the priesthood. Almost all parishes of the diocese celebrate in the Old Rite.
As Blogonicus reported, it was confirmed by the Apostolic Nuncio to Paraguay, Monsignor Eliseo Ariotti, that the Holy See will conduct an apostolic visitation of the diocese. Pope Francis has instructed so that the former Vatican diplomat, Cardinal Santos April y Castello, archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica since 2011, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Santa Maria Maggiore has been in the spotlight since the election of Pope Francis because the miraculous image of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani is a favorite church of the Argentine Pope, which he has already visited several times. In Santa Maria Maggiore, oppressed brothers of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate perform the altar service. There was the seat of the dissident group, which carried out a radical upheaval in the Order with the help of the Congregation of Religious. At the beginning of the month celebration of the Immemorial Mass of All Ages established since the Jubilee Year 2000, was abolished by Cardinal Santos Abril without replacement. Pope Francis has been friends with Cardinal Abril from the time when he was 2000-2003 nuncio in Argentina.
With Cardinal Abril, Bishop Milton Luis Troccoli Cebélio will perform the visitation from Montevideo. The Paraguayan Episcopal Conference announced the upcoming Apostolic Visitation at a specially convened press conference.
Diocese of Ciudad del Este "Oasis in the Modernist Morass"
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Bishop Rogelio Liveires at March for Life in Ciudad del Este |
"The Diocese of Ciudad del Este is an oasis in the theological modernist morass of Latin America," said Messa in Latino. Bishop Livieres helped settle many traditional communities and start-ups in his diocese, which he offers "fatherly protection and spiritual retreat," said the tradition associated website. A diocesan priest from Ciudad del Este has written about the announced visitation by Rome: "It seems important to me, be noted that the prosecution does not proceed against the clergy of the diocese, where Don Rogerio Livieres is a popular and highly respected chief shepherd, but by other bishops who do not have his zeal. The attack comes from the commissions of the Episcopal Conference, led by progressives and where tradition and the Catholic faith is guided by the Bishop of Ciudad del Este, this is unbearable."
More Seminarians Than all Other Dioceses
Ten years after the appointment of Bishop Livieres, the fruits of his pastoral ministry are obvious. The Diocese of Ciudad del Este, which includes only twelve percent of Catholics, today with about 250 seminarians, has more seminarians than all other dioceses in Paraguay. Training in the diocesan seminary is know to be "truly Catholic in its doctrine and liturgy." As well known that other bishops are nervous about how demand the religious congregation in the case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, and "counter-measures"?
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Press Conference Announcing Pope Francis' Measures |
Bishop Complained to Archbishop of Asuncion About Aberrosexuality
The immediate occasion in which the visitation takes place right now, is likely to be a speech by Bishop Livieres which he gave in early June at the March for Life in his city. In it, he lamented with harsh words that the incumbent Archbishop of Asuncion, his Metropolitan, Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga has still not been removed from his office, despite the "existencia de pruebas concluyentes y coincidentes" [proven and demonstrable existence and coincidence] for his aberrosexuality. Archbishop Cuquejo, belonging to the Redemptorists, was still a Cardinal contender in 2002. He was appointed by Pope John Paul II as Auxiliary Bishop of Asuncion, first as interim from 1982 to 1889, and then officially appointed as archbishop in 1992. With the election of Pope Benedict XVI. this was withdrawn because of initial suspicions levied against Cuquejo, and a coadjutor was placed at his side in 2006. According to Bishop Livieres there was now no doubt. All Paraguay forms an ecclesiastical province. This attack on the highest representatives of the Catholic church in the country was strongly condemned by the General Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference and it demands an apology from Bishop Livieres. Which he refuses to do.
Not Two Months Later If a Visitation in Ciudad del Este Does Not Take Place in Asuncion
The Apostolic Visitation arranged by Pope Francis is set to take place from the 21-26th in July. One might entertain the hope that the Pope wants to make an accurate picture about why the diocese experienced such a bloom in vocations in order to eventually derive a model for the universal Church. Roman circles are trying to appease and to stress that the Apostolic Visitation is only serving the purpose to learn the diocesan relations and the local reality. A direct connection with the liturgy was not given. In traditional circles of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, however, they are harboring fears. The announcement of the visit has rekindled painful memories of the Vatican action against the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Pagina Catolica / Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Yes, I suppose one could put a happy face on this and think maybe the Vatican wants to see what this diocese is doing right so others can also do what they are doing but truly, I doubt it! This Vatican administration has great antipathy to the traditions of the holy Church. And sending someone who stopped the TLM at Santa Maria and perhaps even helped with the overthrow of the FFI ...well, that says a lot. It says that this holy bishop who has spoken up against a powerful homosexual bishop is now in the bulls-eye. He is target practice. To have 250 seminarians when huge dioceses have 30...well, that cannot be tolerated. There is a 'priest shortage' after all and we would not want to disturb that image, would we?
This all confirms that the persecution of the FFI for spurious reasons was just that...along with a dislike for the true teachings and traditions of holy mother Church.
But cardinals who are loose canons and atheists who get interviews--well all that is okay. So what if the pewsitters are confused and worried and wonder what they might have to defend next. Lets face it, those who wish to embrace ALL the teachings and traditions of our heritage are not wanted by those in power who seem, for all intents and purposes, to want to negate them.
The aim is likely to "find" something that can be used as a ruse to close down the seminaries, take priests and bishops out of their positions from which they bring people to the Faith, and clerical and religious vocations. Blessed Michael, defend us in battle . . .
The Traditional Latin Mass is more dangerous to this pontificate than the 2% pedophile clergy.
There's no reason to doubt that this "Apostolic Visitation" is motivated by the same ugly intention to destroy as was the visitation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Francis and almost all the Vatican clique is utterly modernist. The honorable Bishop Livieres should be prepared for the worst. Perhaps the best thing he can do is simply stand his ground and say to the Commisionars that the Pope can go to hell and that he (Livieres) wil join the SSPX. It's the only possible escape. If he subjects himself to the Pope and his Commissionars he'll face the total destruction of his work. Fearless opposition, and entering the SSPX with all his priests is the only credible alternative route. This will teach the Vatican a lesson. This strategy should be followed in all cases of persecution of Tradition and the traditional Mass.
This is an honest question. Wasn't this the diocese whose Vicar General was/is the Superior Generql of the Society of St. John who fled the U.S. because of accusations if sleeping with teenage boys at the St. Gregory Academy in Scranton, PA?
Yes, Carlos Urrutigoity fled to this diocese following his charges in Scranton, PA. Numerous articles point out that the reason for this visit is part of an investigation into Urrutigoity's actions.
From what I have read Carlos Urrutigoity is very dangerous. He was ordained for and taught at SSPX seminary untill he was caught molesting a seminarian and Bishop Fellay actually wrote a letter to The Bishop of Scranton warning him.
This bishop is something I've did not heard of before. Thank God for him.
"One might entertain the hope that the Pope wants to make an accurate picture about why the diocese experienced such a bloom in vocations in order to eventually derive a model for the universal Church." St Peter certainly would, as indeed would any true friend of Christ.
Well, that voice for evil Huffington Post is not going to point an arrow towards Catholic orthodoxy as being the reason. That would be suicide. Much better to keep the sex scandal in the news and use it to laud Francis the poster boy for Modernism.
But if there is suspicion among the faithful Faithful every time Pope Francis makes a move it is because he has well earned it.
Think of Carlito as a convenient pretext.
None of the sources cited would prefer to report on Francis' hatred of Catholic orthodoxy. You lose. Again.
It is difficult to speak about Francis in a positive way. What few want to admit publicly is that Francis has, by any pre-Vat II definition, wandered into heretical territory. This not my judgement, but the judgement of previous popes, saints, theology and councils. Still we hesitate to come to the fore and say so in clear, declarative language because we are frightened by an inadvertent offense against Christ and his Church. A well thought out prudence is commendable, but there comes a time when truth must override prudence. The mistake that many orthodox Catholics have made is in allowing Catholic Modernists to set the parameters and define the language. Any word can mean anything if the lexicon is stuffed with deceitful meanings.
Pre-Vatical II criticism of the papacy came mostly from hidden Modernists who sought to covertly dismantle its structure. We now do not want to become irrational critics of the papacy as the unfaithful did before. So we wait and surreptitiously glance around the room to see what someone else might do.
I think we must now be brave enough to judge Francis in light of the full 2000 years of Catholic teachings, and not merely accept what we believe to be dubious. If something sounds wrong, we have the right and obligation to demand clarity. Our God of light and truth will not judge us badly because we sought His truth.
We are the People of God and he doesn't smell right.
Well said. I also think Professor Robert de Mattei explained our duty to oppose error very succinctly in his letter to Fr Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria, on 13th February.
An investigation into an alleged child molester who was employed as VG in the Diocese wouldn't require a formal Visiation of the Diocese. It would be a special investigation regarding only the particular individual and the Diocese's dealings with him.
Simply enter "Carlos Urrutigoity" into Google if you have forgotten about the damage his SSJ did to the Traditionalist cause a dozen years ago.
Ignoring or condoning sexual misdeeds, no matter what the short-term advantages, is likely to do damage in the longer term. One dodgy priest could be the pretext for a Visitation which retards the work of many others of impeccable life.
Benedictine Oblate
" Almost all parishes of the diocese celebrate in the Old Rite."
Is this actually true? That almost every parish in this diocese regularly offers the TLM? How had I not heard of this?
If it is, it would be a stunning development, unmatched anywhere in the Church outside Campos.
"Sometimes it will feel like you are being persecuted by the Church, more than you will feel being persecuted for the Church."
- Fannery O'Connor
No, Athelstane; to answer your question, it’s not true about the Traditional Latin Mass in the diocese of Ciudad del Este. I’ve seen what’s going on down there with my own eyes and have friends who live there. The Bishop is Opus Dei. There’s not an “old rite” vs. “new rite” mentality in his diocese. Masses are often offered ad orientem, but you’ll hear just as much sacred music in Guarani as you will hear Gregorian chant. Really, it would be naïve to think that the tension there is “old rite” vs. “new rite”.
And it would be ignorant to think that Rome has any real concerns about the Bishop’s vicar general. The Vatican itself already closed the case on Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity.
If you are a conspiracy theorist, though, you might take a look at the “before and after” statistics of the Bishop of the diocese, Mons. Rogelio Livieres (cf. link below). It is amazing what he has done so far in his ten-year reign. The statistics speak for themselves. Astounding.
What I saw with my own eyes down there is in accord with the statistics. Whatever conspiracy you invent, it is not simply a Latin Mass thing. It’s bigger. Here’s what I saw: long lines every night at the cofessionals, Masses ad orientem, Communion from altar rails, preaching with authority, packed Sunday Masses, kids knowing bible stories by heart, hundreds of seminarians, newly ordained priests, joyful families.
Go to the website of the diocese. Let Google translate the articles for you. Read and investigate.
Then, look around a little bit on The Eponymous Flower: the Franciscans, Bishop Elst, the ousted Bishop from Rosario. Yes, if you’re a conspiracy theorist, the controversy brewing in the diocese of Ciudad del Este hints at something huge...
Link to the website of the diocese of Ciudad del Este: http://diocesiscde.info/
I don't believe you.
It's more of a Sodom vs Jerusalem thing.
Las acusaciones en contra del Padre Carlos no tuvieron eco Porque no hubieron, pruebas y el caso se cerro si buscan en Diocesis de Ciudad del Este podran conocer mejor el resultado de esta polemica, y fèliz les cuento que el seminario que Monseñor Livieres abrio tiene mas de 200 seminaristas algo inusitado para la region.
Hard to believe that people like this bishop still exist in this world... But harder for me to believe, is that there are "good" people that can criticize mons. Livieres, even when he is the only one in the Western Hemisphere that consider the importance of the Liturgy for the life of the Church...
Dear Mr. E. Flower,
I recommend you do a bit more research. Start with this article http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/140606/time-globalpost-story-caused-schism-paraguay-s-catholic-church
Then a statement from the Scranton diocese http://www.dioceseofscranton.org/2014/03/15/statement-regarding-the-status-of-reverend-carlos-urrutigoity/
finally follow it with this excruciating expose of the second in charge Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity
Fr. Carlos is the Fr. Maciel of the Traditionalist movement -- and he uses sowing division between two bishops as a cover for his activities..
You better believe this Apostolic visit has A LOT to do with this….
Wake up!
Considering the climate of things in Rome, it might not have anything to do with that charlatan.
I can hardly believe some of the comments regarding the article on Ciudad Del Este...just because a priest says a beautiful mass doesn't mean he hasn't abused his position-wake up people! Its that attitude by clergy and laity alike that led to the global abuse crisis lasting so long..is he's a priest of Jesus Christ he can't he guilty. Judging by comments left on other sites by people close to Father Urritygoity, its easy to see he has started another personality cult that has deluded many young men with otherwise good noble intentions of serving the Church. This man must be kept behind lock and key... thank you Holy Father Pope Francis....I had been praying for this to happen for years.
The abuse crisis has lasted so long because the media perpetuates it. There are now far fewer abuses in the Catholic Church, but the real abuse crisis in state run schools, as well as deviant politicians promoting normalization of sex between adults and children is largely ignored.
Polarized spiritual attitudes do not help.
Paraguay is in a mess.
Its president was an out of control priest.
Of all countries on earth it is probably the one most in need of an apostolic purge of the highest order.
The conclusion of the Visitation: no ordinations and restrictions on the bishop.
I know for a fact - because I witnessed this and also others told me directly - that Carolos Urrutigoity slept in the same bed with young men and his students. They did this in their underwear and embracing under the blankets. He convinced many students that this was a good way to express affection between men. I know that he then lied under oath, after swearing to God that he would tell the truth, and he said that this did not happen. If you want to contact me I can be reached at conalgtanner@gmail.com Please see these links that have some of the evidence.
The Church needs saints and not revolutionaries
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