Friday, July 11, 2014

Cardinal Woelki is New Archbishop of Cologne -- “ A Bad Decision"

(Cologne) Pope Francis has appointed a new Archbishop for Cologne, which is, next to Milan, one of the most important and influential diocese of the world, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki. Woelki has been, since 2011, Archbishop of Berlin. Previously, he was from the Auxiliary Bishop of Cologne from 2003.  A decision about Cologne has been eagerly awaited In Germany, but also in interested and informed parts of the world Church. The Spanish Church and Catholic historian Francisco de la Cigoña is unenthusiastic.
"A bad decision in Germany. Now the important see, vacant since the acceptation of the resignation of Archbishop Joachim Cardinal Meisner of Cologne Archdiocese.  Pope Francis has appointed the Archbishop of Berlin, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki  for the See of Cologne.  He is 57 years old and suspicious in doctrine. He is the fifth youngest cardinal of the Church and now holds  a archdiocese outside of  Catholic tradition like Berlin, where Catholics represent a small minority. He changes from 400,000 Catholics, or about ten percent of the residents of the German capital, to two million Catholics, or 40 percent of the inhabitants of Cologne. This is not an appointment that makes the bells ring. It is rather worrying. "

Woelki Disappointed in Berlin by Colorless and Getting By

De la Cigoñas comments relate to the fact that great hopes were placed in the pupil of Cardinal Meisner, as archbishop of Berlin and cardinal. But Woelki disappointed and proved to be a quite colorless, quickly adaptive to the mainstream  prince of the Church.  Woelki doesn’t even come close to the stature of Meisner.  In the spring of 2012, less than a year after being appointed Archbishop of Berlin and shortly after his appointment as Cardinal, the Cologne Cardinal noticed an unpleasant  "openness” towards aberrosexuals in  Catholic  Mannheim. Subsequent "corrections" that were not real, were not able to correct the confusion. Will the Cardinal present an edgier Catholic profile as  the successor  in Cologne of Cardinal Meisner?
Cardinal Woelki was born in 1956 in Cologne. His parents were expelled at the end of the war from Ermland, the Catholic part of East Prussia. He was ordained a priest in 1985 for the Archdiocese of Cologne, where Woelki worked in parish ministry as a military chaplain and as Church President of the Kolping Society. In 1990 he became secretary to Cardinal Meisner. From 1997 to 2003 he served as director of the Woelki Theological Collegium Albertinum in Bonn and completed his doctoral studies. In 2000 he received his doctorate at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross of Opus Dei in Rome.  In 2003 he received  episcopal consecration as titular bishop of Scampa (today the city of Elbasan in Albania), Pope John Paul II then had appointed him on the proposal and request of Cardinal Meisner, to be auxiliary bishop of Cologne. The Cardinal is a member of the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education and a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Pope Francis appointed him last April, also as member of the Congregation for the Clergy.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: De la Cigoña
Trans: Tancred


  1. This bishop's defence of intrinsic evil - one of the four sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance - is gravely evil and a defiance of God, His Commandments, the objective Faith that He entrusted to His Holy Church! Shocking rejection of Christ Our Lord and our God-given rational nature.

    1. He's just being a good lieutenant in Francis' army.

  2. Hate to be off-topic, but is offline?

  3. Creepy worldly men command of the Mystical Body of Christ....what a never-ending nightmare ....

    Dramatic and dangerous as it all is for so many reasons between the homosexual agenda (now evverywhere) and the useless (the most benign adjective I can use) hierarchy we have - they are both getting VERY BORING...How I wish we could ignore them

    Oh for one, two three honest, God-fearing Bishops or Cardinals...come on ...get us out of this mess - take courage will have more faithful than you realise behind you ...and the pleasure of Our Lord Jesus Himself - which is the most important

    Who cares about the rest ...this life is but a twinkle in the eye in the face of Eternity..

    Prayers for 2,3,4, ..or more courageous Bishops!

    We are fed up with the phony ones...


  4. The wolves are in charge of the henhouse but this is nothing new. It seemed slightly better for a time but now sliding backwards. Not only are our 'c'atholics catechized by the world due to lack of teaching from our shepherds for decades but now so are many shepherds! And the truth does not seem to be in them. Buckle up, faithful ones, the ride is getting bumpier all the time with persecution from within and without.

  5. This bishop is obviously an ashkenazi infiltrator into the church. remember what Bella Dodd said, she witnessed over 1000 communist infiltrators into the Church. Check out the true story AA1025 about a comatose Priest discovered to be an agent of the KGB after he died. One better believe this and wake up. My new book is available free to any Traditional Catholic that requests a copy: email for the book.
