Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Left Media Hunt
Satanic Persecution of Priest
Edit: a courageous Catholic priest tells the truth, teaches the Catholic Faith and now the media is on the hunt. We’ll be following this to see if he shares the same treatment with other courageous priests who’ve offered themselves to say what’s right.
Bilderberger and Freemason leads a Catholic pastor to his media pillory, because he tells the truth - memories of times of Nazi church struggle.
Bilderberger and Freemason leads a Catholic pastor to his media pillory, because he tells the truth - memories of times of Nazi church struggle.
- Thank you, Father, for the clear words which the Austrian bishops are too cowardly to say![Image: Parish Journal Neukirchen a / d wild, quoted by ORF-NE]
Homosexuality - a Grave Sin “Against Nature"
Pastor Fr. André Wingen wrote in the bulletin of his parish in Neukirchen an der Wild, which is located in the district of Horn in Austria that:
- "Homosexual partnerships are perverted, unnatural and (are) among the gravest sins ... homosexuality is abnormal, that is against nature, and needs to be healed."
This finding can not be refuted by the media whores, for if homosexuality is in the nature of man, then there would be no more people.
So long as there are still people, then homosexuality is something unnatural (see: "sins against nature” according to Catholic moral teaching) and perverse (see" pervertere ", lat).
This may be seen also in the Diocese of St. Pölten as: . "[T] he priest brings legitimate issues for discussion."
And "media friendly": "The discourse could be 'constructively‘ undertaken." - in the usually inefficient way asindicated by the bishops.
Journaille as homo-Lobby
But godless journalists are simply not thinkers, but are hanging by the strings of the capital elite, in order to uphold the systemically important lies of the ruling despot.
Anxiously trembling for their jobs journalists will be thrown a few bread crumbs for their anti-Christian, while treading the bread of life into the dust.
The Press is enslaved by the devil which incites against Catholic priests and against the truth.
Enlightenment Struggle Against the Church
The poor Presstitutes blaspheme, as in totalitarian systems, against Jesus Christ, who is to be stigmatized over again in the general public. Such stigmatization there was before the Second Vatican Council, for example, in the French Jacobin revolution and during the Nazi church struggle.
The lie factories of global high finance (i.e., all mass media) are calling ultimately the abolition of the Catholic faith and the Catholic priesthood.
The lie manufacturers give the well-orchestrated order to commence fire against a real Catholic priest.
Baiting of the ORF
The pro-regime and state-funded (extorted) radio (ORF) persecutes real Catholic priest as well, like all other mass media that are held by the financial oligarchy for the purpose of the dictatorship of opinion.
- The O probrious R ed F reemasons ( ORF ) are persecuting a priest:
With such "overly conservative" people you have only problems, says a passer-by, "those people who do not think outside the box." (Source: “ One is healed of Homosexuality" )
If you look at the reporting on Russia, thus it is clear that the ORF workforce is fixed on Eastern campaigns and the creation of empires.
From the former ORF-building on Argentinian Street in Vienna, the National Socialist broadcasts were already transmitted from 1 April 1939 to to 6th April 1945 as the National Socialist propaganda broadcaster of "Reichssender Vienna," which even the Left Internet Encyclopedia "Wikipedia" can not hide. - Brother Reinhard Göhweil, chief editor of the "Wiener Zeitung”, outed as a Freemason, who according to the independent Andreas Unterberger, was involved in the persecution of a true Catholic priest. (Source: "Masonic Rules Also Apply to U-Committee" )
- The owner of the Sub-“Standard”, [Der Standard is a state subsidized Austrian daily newspaper] which needs must agitate against a true Catholic priest, of course, is the Zionist Bilderberg Demagogue Oscar Bronner . See also Wiki.
The regular presence of the subject Bronner at the annual Bilderberg conferences proves that the media is a modality of money. All those who do not share the ideology of the Bilderberg Group, are placed on the “Standard” media pillory, spat upon and guillotined (even the inventor of the guillotine was possessed by the evil spirit of the Satanic Freemasonry). - Another spiritually dead “rumor monger" pox, who is also responsible for Jacobin propaganda, called insultingly "Austria". This gutter sheet is co-financed to a large extent by government-related ads involuntarily extorted from taxpayers.
The photo on this article shows a black cross, which will probably recall in its darkness the emblem of the German Wehrmacht and the contempt of the Church by the National Socialists during the Church struggle. Of the capital-dependent hysterics, this best-buy sheet to as many trim to followers, it says hysterically: “Pastor Rails Against Homosexuals"
(Source: “ Pastor Rails Against Homosexuals ")
is not enough: The pastor of Neukirchen an der Wild “ even expressed himself critically against abortion", i.e. the unpunished murder of unborn children, which consequently logically “folllows” that they are "lives unworthy of life” according to the Jewish Viennese Socialist Party Councilor Julius Tandler.
Proxy war
The mass media which is outfitted with power by Satan beats the priest, but intends to strike Jesus Christ.
The strangest thing to me is that the media keeps insisting that homosexuality is a permanent, even genetic thing and cannot be changed. But anyone who has lived around young, single homosexuals has seen for themselves that they are willing to change if they find the right partner of the correct sex. To simultaneously support one's friends and to endorse the secular narrative requires a unique kind of doublethink. Surely I can't be the only one who sees that modern, psychological explanations fall short.
Oh how much the media loves to condemn the Church about her stance via homosexuality! Heaven forbid people should live holy lives. Being a devout Catholic means going against the tide, for the world loves it's own and it's deviant ways.
To the first anonymous, this from the last few weeks - confirming of course what we all know to be true:
The "homoheresy" is the panzer division lined up against the remnants of Christian civilisation.
And of course this courageous priest will not be defended by his Bishops, or the Cardinal of Vienna....or even the Pope, Francis.
You are correct in what you say about the media, but I'd be surprised if the last time you or any of us actually heard a priest or bishop issue a public statement in condemnation of homosexual activity was within the past 40 years. Moreover, when was the last time that you even heard a priest or bishop utter the word "homosexual". Like the media, the clergy of the Church has adopted the acceptable term "gay".
The adage about bishops making good paving material often attributed to St John Chrysostom may be a lot more accurate than many of our bishops and priests care to believe.
As we know, as each week goes by such priests are more likely to be attacked than defended by the hierarchy.
Also, they are likely to be attacked by their fellow priests. I just stumbled across an account from a month ago of how Fr. Unger, the parish priest of "Conchita Worst" (that bearded tranny Austrian singer), is defending he/she/it. Like so:
“Putin thinks he’s a real man with his big muscles and shooting,” said Father Unger.
“But it’s Tom who’s the real man because he’s fighting for rights.”
Caution! Don't scroll down too far or you'll need bleach to wash out your eyes. Along with the talk of "rights" and "tolerance" and "equality," the media is slowly adding in an intro to deviant porn.
Bishops who condemn official dogmas like that usually get accused of sex abuse and are forced to resign. Archbishop Carlson comes to mind.
The young man who is a former practitioner of homosexuality who authored a book claiming the practice was "same sex attachment disorder" was on the right track from my understanding. Also, recently listening to several different shows on brainwashing and mind control, especially as regards joining membership in certain secret societies (such as is alleged in Skull and Bones), the forcing, apparently, of someone to engage in a homosexual act destroys their sense of self identity and then makes them more malleable or able to do things which before they were not capable of, whether it's violence or engaging in occult activity. This is at least what is alleged by some people who have made a study of it.
The media, at least in the entertainment industry, is already onto the next 'forbidden' sexual taboos as promoting them as 'normal' - mostly incest and other more horrendous things such as are alleged to occur in the witchcraft promoting show American Horror Story. I have seen incest story lines in at least two British shows I have seen in recent years - the first the first episode of Midsommer Murders, the second during last season's Call the Midwife - where the Anglican nuns chastised the lay midwives for being 'grossed out' by the incestuous brother and sister couple - then made excuses for the suicide of one after the terminal death of the other. It's all promotion of the Anti Faith - the Anti Gospel of Antichrist
It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that the media of 'news' and 'entertainment' is completely in the service of big money and the Bilderbergers, BUT it is slowly becoming apparent the Catholic Church is also slowly succumbing to its deathly grip.
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