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Frei Betto, Suit and Tie Dominican. |
Bishop Kräutler on the Shortage of Priests: Married Men Must be Consecrated
On 4 April, the Austrian Mission Bishop Erwin Kräutler was received by Pope Francis. Bishop Kräutler (born 1939) has since been Bishop of the Xingu Territorialprälatur in the Brazilian Amazon since 1981, where he succeeded his uncle Erich Kräutler of the same Order. Erwin Kräutler is also Chairman of the Indian Missionary Council of Brazilian Bishops' Conference. The bishop is a member of the Order of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (CPPS). According to the Bishop, whose Order has produced good priests in the German language, is active in his commitment to the rainforest and the Amazon Indians darlings to the left crowd. He is said to be assisting Pope Francis in the drafting of an encyclical on the subject of ecology.
After the private audience with the Pope Bishop Kräutler stepped in front of the public and stated in the Salzburger Nachrichten on April 8, he and the Pope had spoken on the admission of viri probati of married men to the priesthood.According to him Kräutler Pope Francis had agreed and said that he could well imagine that married men are ordained to the priesthood, when the bishops agree. This brought Kräutler again a discussion in progress, which was actually considered as completed. Since the Argentine pontificate these and other issues of progressive Wishlist appear again and again. Last summer it was the then nuncio to Venezuela, the just of Pope Francis as the new Secretary appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the lostrat the discussion about the abolition of mandatory celibacy, without taking itself a party.
Pope: Bishops should agree and propose solutions
According Kräutlers words of Pope Francis would make the bishops' conferences on this issue have a crucial role.You should decide if they deem it appropriate to dedicate even married men. He, Kräutler, had in its geographically large diocese too little priest available. In many places, only a Mass could two or three times a year are celebrated.Always Loud Kräutlers representation of the Pope had given to understand that Rome could not decide everything, but the "national and regional episcopal conferences" to agree on reforms and Rome should submit proposals to the solution. Kräutler told the Pope of a Mexican diocese in which there are few priests, but 330 deacons, but they can not celebrate Holy Mass. The question is how to go on in this situation.
In the Diocese of what Kräutler not said it is the Mexican Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas. A problem diocese outside of any standard in which it really lacks everything except deacons.
Frei Betto calls for Rehabilitation of the Heretic Giordano Bruno
On 10 April, the Brazilian Dominican Frei was received Betto Libanio Christology of Pope Francis in audience. The tie wearing Dominican (born 1944) is considered one of the leading liberation theologians of Latin America with excellent contacts with left-wing governments, including the brothers Castro in Cuba. Under his friend Lula da Silva, the Socialist state President of Brazil (2003-2011), Brother Betto was a government advisor for several years. Social Political commitment for Frei Betto always came first, which is why he did not do four years in prison for the Faith, but for his political struggle against the military government and he was also tortured. Among the friends of Betto belongs also the no less obstinate Leonardo Boff.
Frei Betto is the author of the "New Creed " , in which he expresses: "I believe in the God liberated from the Vatican and all of the religions existing today and future. The God who is above all baptisms, before all the sacraments and beyond all religious doctrines. Free of the theologians he spreads, disinterested in the hearts of all the faithful and the atheists, the good and the evil of those who believe themselves to be saved and those who consider themselves to be children of damnation and also those who are in secret, face indifferently what will be after death. I believe in the God who has no religion [...] I believe in God, who sees himself on the other side of the atheistic reason [...]. "
Pope: "Will Pray for Giordano Bruno"
As with the private audience for Gustavo Gutierrez, there are no pictures of the encounter between the Pope and Betto Frei. Brother Betto turned then before the press and told the Spanish news agency EFE that he had asked Pope Francis to rehabilitate the Italian philosopher, astronomer and heretic, Giordano Bruno. In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Betto said he was received by Pope Francis in the guest house Santa Marta. "I asked the pope for a brother who had landed on the pyre and asked him to officially rehabilitate Giordano Bruno. I think that the church should finally bring justice. Pope Francis had replied that he will "praying" for Giordano Bruno.
The "progressive theologian from Brazil" ( La Repubblica ) showed a clear satisfaction that the Pope had given him no negative response on his advance to the rehabilitation of Giordano Bruno, whom Frei Betto considers to be a "humanist".
Atheist "anti-Saint" for Theology Soon "as Important as Thomas Aquinas"
Betto was convinced that the writings of Giordano Bruno like those of St. Thomas Aquinas "in some time will be an important contribution to theology."
Giordano Bruno was burned on 17 February 1600, one of the few heretics burned by the Roman Inquisition at the stake in the Campo dei Fiori in Rome. After the unification of Italy, the Italian Freemasonry erected a monument to Giordano Bruno. The militant atheism, who in self-definition are "church-critical humanists", revered former the former Dominican Brother as one of its "heretical anti-saints." This also includes atheistic Giordano Bruno Foundation in Germany and Austria to which Karlheinz Deschner belonged, who died on April 8.
Pope as a "Loving Father of Liberation Theology"
In addition, Frei Betto revealed he had spoken to the pope about liberation theology. "I told him that the Pope must be a loving father to liberation theology, as he really is, because all we theologians are children of the Church." For Betto there is a clear blame, for progressive or liberation theologians in the Church were never responsible for "breaks", "We have never provoked fractures within the church. All divisions, heresies and fractures since the 20th century were caused by the Right, of the conservatives and traditionalists."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / La Repubblica (screenshot)
image: Wikicommons / La Repubblica (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
If they'll do that to Bruno...
Then give us Saint Girolamo Savonarola.
On what basis does this recalcitrant apostate and long-time enemy of the Faith get a personal audience with the Pope?? Has he come away chastened, repentant, ready to work to undo some of the great harm he has done? No, he comes away confirmed in his apostasy and hate for the Faith and emboldened in his diabolical work. Reparation! Blessed Michael, defend us in the hour of battle ...
It wouldn't be the first time this Pope has been used for other people's purposes, but it would be nice if he'd public ally contradict these people more frequently, as was the case with his atheist friend.
Still, the only reason I'd want to meet these people if I were pope would be to arrest then and try then for heresy.
The pope talks to heretics about heretics and Fr. Manelli of the FFI is under house arrest. Probably because he doesn't wear a suit and tie. Bad is good and good is bad in our modernist Church. I can't call it Catholic anymore. The damage has been done. Can't wait for the pope party on April 27 to make more heretics into saints official.
Yes, every nobody, or heretic, or aposate gets welcomed by the Modernist popes. Even sodomy loving child murderers like the obama person. But in no way would they trouble themselves with bishops and priests who adhere to Catholicism.
We have a duty to point out the errors of Churchmen, especially to our children. The Devilish errors of Pope Francis would even horrify JPII and that is goin' some! Benedict XVI should be quaking with fear at the sight if the monster he helped create by shamelessly defending a council that has no defense! But when we expose their falsehoods and stab them to death with the sword of truth, we should also be quick to pray for them that they receive the graces necessary for their conversions. Not just for their own souls but for the souls who are in peril because of the nonsense they spew.
"In the holy name of Jesus! I bind all spirits not of the Holy Spirit that influence our priests, bishops and pope and I send them to the foot of the Cross to be judged by the Lord!"
What is going on?
Celibacy needs to go it is outdated and unnecessary. It had no basis in religion it was about inheritance of property rights.
Thank you for your learned remarks which surely demonstrate devotion in studies as well as profound understanding.
Saint Peter, the first Pope was married, and so were many popes. The discipline of celibacy is commendable, but to make it mandatory is strange, and has been abused by homosexuals and other deviants who use the sanctity of the celibate life as a screen for their evil.
Of course, I do not find objectionable the notion of hieromonasticism. That is why bishops should be, as was the tradition even in the West long, long, long ago, to be elected from monastic communities for their devotion to a holy life.
Instead, what do we have now? Bishops of Bling (Not just that one German Bishop, but people like Mahony) , Airport Bishops, Administrators, Politicians, at the expense of the faithful's immortal soul.
I'm afraid you're as well informed about the Bishop Emeritus of Limburg as you are about Church history.
You presume I talk about the unfortunate Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, though I said nothing about him. I have no problem with Bishop Emeritus of Limburg, because I know that he had plenty of opponents and that the accusation against him was unfounded. But you cannot deny the amount of money being handled by members of the hierarchy regardless of how they spend it.
So yes, I'm as well informed about the Bishop Emeritus of Limburg as I am about Church history.
You only attack me because I echo Pope Francis. Yet you have not any argument to refute that married clergy existed before the Council of Trent, only passive aggression which God Himself will take into account on the Last Day.
A. Because it's a powerful indicator of dissidents.
B. It's well-attested to by authorities above and beyond the internet that celibacy is an Apostolic tradition, like the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Brandmueller, Father Jolie of German priests.
C. I attack everyone who apes dissident positions, no matter how well-intentioned they pretend to be.
A. So Eastern Catholicpe are invalid, gotcha. An absolute indicator of dissent is Female Priesthood and ACTUAL dissent against the Pope. Archbishop Lefebvre is either a dissident in the same league as Nuns on a Bus or he is Antipope. He will never be a saint, thanks to the Catholic Circular Firing Squad. It is no wonder why Protestants believe in the ridiculous position of Sola Scriptura, or the Orthodox in their ridiculous position of Collegiality. They have some final authority, an authority that we used to have in the Catholic Church in the person of the Pope but is, accept it, gone. It's never coming back. So the change in the situation is a reason why you have to carefully think about who the dissident is nowadays. You are with the Pope, or install an Antipope that fits your definition of orthodoxy. That is all I have to say about dissent and what indicates it.
A. So Eastern Catholics are dissidents for having married clergy, gotcha. And exceptions granted by the Pope are invalid, gotcha. An absolute indicator of dissent is Female Priesthood and ACTUAL dissent against the Pope. Archbishop Lefebvre is either a dissident in the same league as Nuns on a Bus or he is Antipope. He will never be a saint, thanks to the Catholic Circular Firing Squad. It is no wonder why Protestants believe in the ridiculous position of Sola Scriptura, or the Orthodox in their ridiculous position of Collegiality.
So you must accept the possibility of the abolition of the celibate clergy, or deny the validity of Canon Law anyway.
C. The Pope would most likely think you a dissident, and a defiant and obstinate person who is worthy of being held with contempt by the hierarchy and the Catholic Church in general. My own ordinary considered me as such after I confronted him about the liturgical abuses in my parish. That is why the Franciscans of the Immaculate will never be allowed to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass beyond what insignificant number they are allowed, that is why the Fisher-More College was shut down, and why things aren't looking great for your little Rad Trad movement, a movement which I thought I would belong to but grew to hate for its self-destructive behavior.
If you spoke to the Pope and called him a dissident, how can you expect to get rid of Cardinal Mahony? I'm certain that you are viewed as a threat because you like being a threat, and so you will be treated as a threat. Feel free to complain to the internet some more.
St. Paul stated: "I would that all men were even as myself; but every one hath his proper gift from God"
but Tancred states: "You are a dissident and you warrant mockery and contempt because you disagree with me."
B. I do accept that none of the Apostles had any children, or that they have left their married life for a life of celibacy to carry out their mission, but I never advocated for married Bishops anyway. Married priests, though I don't think it will fix any shortage in ordinations, know what married life is like, and having a room-mate priest doesn't count. Maybe that's the reason why you have so many homosexual priests especially in the Traditional Latin Mass scene; even if they don't commit homosexual acts, they go into the seminary and think it is normal to be with merely the same sex and they develop a culture of homosexuality in rectories; that "tradition" has been around as long as the Renaissance. It is abhorrent and I would rather be Orthodox than have effeminate Roman priests, who are a product of compulsory celibacy. (Or you shall concede that homosexuality is genetic, not as a result of the external environment and upbringing, and therefore natural and willed by God.) If it was apostolic tradition to have compulsory celibate priesthood, and the key word is -compulsory- then you would have a more explicit word from St. Paul (1 Corinthians 7:7-8 and 32-35) but I have not seen any damning sentence against a married priesthood, (Because the priesthood as we know it now did not exist then) unless you are prepared to accept that unless you are celibate, you are damned, with all the married people of the world, period. It would seem that the jump to compulsory celibacy for the priesthood was a handy thing for those bishops concerned by parishes who have their lands inherited to the children of their priests. It is because those bishops were more concerned by, ironically, things of the Earth that they end up creating this abominable position of compulsory celibacy for the priesthood that is enshrined as a tradition, but not as a law, curiously enough.
So you must accept the possibility of the abolition of the celibate clergy, or deny the validity of Canon Law anyway.
C. The Pope would most likely think you a dissident, and a defiant and obstinate person who is worthy of being held with contempt by the hierarchy and the Catholic Church in general. My own ordinary considered me as such after I confronted him about the liturgical abuses in my parish. That is why the Franciscans of the Immaculate will never be allowed to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass beyond what insignificant number they are allowed, that is why the Fisher-More College was shut down, and why things aren't looking great for your little Rad Trad movement, a movement which I thought I would belong to but grew to hate for its self-destructive behavior.
If you spoke to the Pope and called him a dissident, how can you expect to get rid of Cardinal Mahony? I'm certain that you are viewed as a threat because you like being a threat, and so you will be treated as a threat. Feel free to complain to the internet some more.
St. Paul stated: "I would that all men were even as myself; but every one hath his proper gift from God"
but Tancred states: "You are a dissident and you warrant mockery and contempt because you disagree with me."
In answer to your answers: A. There are other clergy besides Byzantine in the East. Your statement also presumes that Eastern Clergy erroneously believe that the Western tradition is an innovation as you described it.
I don't accept the abolition of celibate clergy as a legitimate, no.. Even the Easterns haven't abandoned it entirely, and I think there are many who would be leery of change and the animus delendi that motivates so many advocates of this change.
Maronite Cardinal Warns Against Abandoning it:
C: You are a dissident, because you want to change things because they're "out of date". Your words, not mine. Clerical celibacy is not an innovation as you suppose.
Married priests is a major part of the We Are Church platform, for obvious reasons.
You sound like a trouble maker. You put words into my mouth and you make statements that are simply not true.
I think you went wrong in the beginning when you launched your attack on priestly celibacy as "old fashioned". It's not.
Claiming that clerical celibacy is from Apostolic tradition is all rather nonsensical. What is the ontology of "Apostolicity" of a tradition? It cannot be transmitted by ordination, as the successor to a see is not ordained by his predecessor. Indeed, if according to our most esteemed modern theologians, the teaching has been from the beginning that the very being of the Church is to be found in the sacraments, then for this concept of Apostolicity to have any true ecclesiastical significance, it must be attached to some sacrament. But if so, under what sign is "Apostolicity" passed on to the successor of an Apostolic see by his predecessor? And in what way can mandatory celibacy for the priesthood be connected to this concept?
Tancred, you are at liberty to accuse me of being a trouble-maker, but it doesn't necessarily make it so. I can accuse you of putting words into my own mouth and telling things which are not true as well, but all we have is an impasse and only the Lord knows whether what we say is truth, or out of ignorance, or out of malice.
If I were a trouble-maker I would not take time to think out what I say and just outright vandalize the comments section. But doing that won't benefit anyone, neither will sarcasm and passive aggression.
But I am convinced in what I say that many priests pervert what should be commendable- do you not agree that even if you give a priest a good thing, they will find ways to misuse and abuse it? So if the Mass can be destroyed or warped, why can't the practice of celibacy? And so, why would you equate anyone who honestly finds merit with married priests with idiots who merely want to destroy everything in the "Revolutionary Spirit of Gender Equality" or whatever agenda they're pushing forward?
Celibacy has its place, and so does marriage. If a man wants to devote his life to God alone, he should not be married and should be a monk; if he feels called to marriage, then marry- but if monks can be priests, why can't married men? It's not the same as allowing those already ordained as being allowed to marry, or allowing bishops to marry as in the practice of high-church protestants... It's all the matter of consistency between the tradition and what the actual law allows- that Clerical Celibacy is mandatory, yet it is not explicitly written out in Canon Law that all clerics must absolutely be celibate- or else we'd have to do incredible legal/theological gymnastics to justify married Eastern Catholic clergy and those from the Anglican Ordinariates.
Another tragic result of enforced celibacy for the priesthood is the treatment of priests like they are less than "real" men, as if they are eunuchs, even though they are virile and do desire women but in fact have to sacrifice that married life in a false opposition against the priestly life when the two doesn't have to necessarily be in opposition with each other.
It is to prevent scandal that ordination of married men must be re-instated in the West, and there is in fact no legal prohibition against it; the ones who would have something against it, are those who follow tradition for tradition's sake, or those people with something to hide and using people with good intentions as a tool for their subterfuge. If dissidents can use the valid issue of married priesthood as a means to hide their evil, why can't dissidents use the celibate priesthood for their own ends? Isn't it the fact that homosexuals have been more safer and protected during the time when there was no great scrutiny raised against the clergy and their practices? No one was going to question that corrupt priest with access to young people and other men, but these days, that is not the case.
Who gets to decide the issue anyways? Pope Francis doesn't seem to take any initiative in enforcing the rule of celibacy among the clergy, but seem to give that authority to the local bishops. That, I find disturbing, because there is no uniformity in practice if each bishop should have different opinions on the matter.
In any case, should Rome decide on ordination of married men, they can find a working model from Easterners in terms of people who wish to be celibates and those married men who feel called to the priesthood.
I'm not "John" and I disagree with him about celibacy being outdated. Our Lord was celibate, and if men want to really, really imitate the Lord they should not be prevented our discouraged from doing so- The issue I find with it is, if celibacy is a necessary path to Christ and so our Salvation, then none of us should exist due to celibacy, or no married person is really worthy of Christ and His Kingdom.
. But I agree about the historical basis for mandatory celibacy, that in the West, it's was all about politics; in the East, there have been plenty of autocrats unaffected by the byproducts of Frankish laws, and so inheritance was not much of an issue compared to the utterly fragmented West. (Compare the counties of the Holy Roman Empire with the Themes of Byzantium and Krais of Russia... they were largely unified by an autocrat, and so the clergy and their children have no basis to set up "Bishoprics" as an independent fiefdom without incurring the wrath of the emperor or tsar.)
Anon, you have an aberrant view of celibacy which does not accord with the Faith, and the special closeness of one of Holy Orders to God, and hence to his people, through sacrificial love. One could never call on a spiritual father who was married as on one who has sacrificed marriage and biological fatherhood for the Lord and his spiritual children.
It's more dismantling of Catholic Identity and another attatck on the Catholic Priesthood - that is the real target with these modernists - the secularisation of the Holy Priesthood - by attacking the Catholic Celibate Priesthood, The Most Blessed Sacrament is also attacked - and here is the heart of our Holy Faith. They want to minimize the supernatural reality of our Faith substituting it with something human and with human limits...they want to destroy the Church...
The priest is "another Christ" - Our Divine Lord is the only model for Catholic priesthood...all the saints, doctors of the Church and mystics confirm this.....it is not a matter of pragmatism or what would be useful on a managerial level...
Come on the priesthood is not another "job" - it is a calling from God....if the call is genuine - then the grace is there to follow the call in its entirety
The priesthood is the most important office that exists...and these modernists don't understand a thing about holiness, chastity and divine beauty - or at least aspirations towards them.
Sounds like a personal problem. I agree with Lynda and Barbara.
Anyone who doesn't realize priestly celibacy is an Apostolic tradition is just an Utrechtine, or worse.
In December 2013, two Latin-american proeminent leftists were invited to the Vatican, where they delivered speeches defending Liberation Theology and Socialism. They were Joao Pedro Stédile, representing the Sem-Terra movement, which organizes criminal invasions of private properties in Brazil, and Juan Grabois, a well-known Argentinian lawyer, in representation of the Cartoneros (paper collectors on the streets). Grabois, whose private interview with Pope Francisco lasted two hours, preaches that everyone, even the poorest man, that becomes proprietor transforms himself by this very fact into an exploiter and must be fought. Brazilian Catholic Prince Bertrand de Orleans e Braganza sent in April a respectful but firm letter to the Pontiff, asking Him to clarify all this. To time His Highness has not received any answer.
Errata: Prince Bertrand de Orleans e Braganza sent his Reverent and Filial letter to Pope Francis on February 8th, and not in April. Its must read text is also available in English.
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