Rome (kath.net / KNA) Ignorance of Catholic doctrine among bishops and theologians is in the opinion of Cardinal Walter Brandmüller (photo), the main reason for the current "chaos" in the Church. Given the internal Church debate on marriage and family the "unadulterated Catholic doctrine" is in danger, said the German cardinal and ecclesiastical historian of the Italian newspaper "Il Foglio" (Thursday).
Under bishops, preachers, catechists and "especially among moral theology professors", there is often prevails an absence or lack of clarity about the doctrine, complained Brandmüller. Adding to the resulting confusion are bishops who claim that the Catholic moral teaching is not up to date.
Brandmüller also identified statements by Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier to a renewal of moral and sexual education. Ackermann might be right if he meant that believers are more motivated to live a life according to Catholic doctrine, and this needed to be better explained. He could, however, be wrong, if he wanted to have said that the Catholic doctrine no longer fits the times, says the cardinal. Ackermann told "Mainzer Allgemeine" early February declaring in an editorial interview with the that he saw the need for a change of morality and sexual ethics of the Church. It is no longer appropriate, to refuse divorced and remarried admission to the sacraments permanently and consider premarital sex in general as a grave sin. At the same time Ackermann stressed he is not about making fundamental changes in teaching.
The Augsburg Church Historian Brandmüller had been President of the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences from 1998 to 2009. He has belonged to the College of Cardinals since September of 2010.
Message of Our Lady at Akita (Oct. 13, 1973: the 56th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun): "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops."
Thanks to Vatican II.
What's new about this? This has been the history of EVERY council since Nicea in 325.
Post Trent witnessed the Counter-Revolt against the prods, which put them entirely on the defensive and created one of the most beautiful periods of architecture, exploration, scientific advance and literary glory man has ever seem. Vatican II has only generated intellectual mediocrity, the subordination of the Church to the state in many parts of the world and the spirit of an age which is bent on ignoring God and enslaving his children.
Perhaps the manus will no longer be as brevus in the coming months.
One of the jerks.
Meaning Ackerman if he is left leaning in his remarks.
I guess Karl Keating of Catholic Answers will now classify Cardinal Brandmuller as "a hyperbolic traditionalist" because he refers to the present state of affairs in the Church as "chaos" (see his thread on this deriding traditional - minded Catholics for making the same observation)
"Under bishops, preachers, catechists and "especially among moral theology professors", there is often prevails an absence or lack of clarity"
That's pretty generous, since most seem to know good a darn well they are part of the counter-syllabus, whilst still giving themselves Holy Ghost credentials.
It is quite incredible that there are people at the top end of the Church who are ignorant of Church doctrine. What would we think of top lawyers who were ignorant of the law or top surgeons who were ignorant of anatomy? It is really time that these Bishops sharpened up. The sheer idleness of many of the clergy is incredible.
I think of Bella Dodd,"School of Darkness"she testified,"In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men in the into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." A dozen years from Vatican II she stated "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church -----------
Well, God knows who they are and He isn't done yet.
They are vipers.
Chaos is the word ...to describe Novus Ordo Church ..l
The vital systemic problem is that we have a protestant liturgy which drives the new-catholic faith into anthropocentric invalidity with non-Catholic praxis based on an already anathematised norm, using the vulgar tongue as the main linguistic vehicle of The Mass. If we include inaccurate translations and countless abuses then we cannot expect much of an improvement any time soon.
It would be better to let this one go as far as it can in order to wipe out its infectious remnants.
The Novus Ordo sucks.
keating and his friends at catholic answers are making milliions of dollars at the expense of Our Lord. Boycott them.
Recently on this site, there was a profile of the new head of the Jesuits and his Marxist beliefs. That is the source of all of the chaos. Francis is a Jesuit. It is all based on the evolutionary beliefs of Teilhard de Chardin, SJ. Malachi Martin, SJ, wrote exactly on the coming turmoil as an insider who then got off the train at the next stop. He died in 1999.
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