Wednesday, February 5, 2014

UN Demands the Church Alter its Teachings, Including on Abortion

The Vatican defends itself against criticism of the UN Children's Rights Committee (UNCRC) on the ways the Catholic Church treats the sexual abuse of minors.

Vatican City / Geneva ( / CBA / red) The Vatican is defending itself against criticism of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on the role of the Catholic Church in the sexual abuse of minors. Some of the claims published by the Committee in Geneva   were interfering in the Church's teaching about the dignity of man and the freedom of religion, said the Vatican press office. Details are not mentioned.  The Holy See recognizes its commitment to defend the rights of the child in accordance with the religious and moral values of Catholic doctrine in the agreement signed by it and the UN Children's Convention.

The Vatican representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Maria Tomasi,  expressed the suspicion in an interview with Vatican Radio that the opinion of the Committee of the report on the most recent child report  had been prepared in the Holy See before the inspection. The assessment was not at the height of the current situation. It did not take into account the measures that would have long since been taken by both the Vatican and the National Episcopal Conferences on the Protection of Minors against abuse.   Therefore  the Committee to the United Nations is doing a disservice, said the Vatican diplomat.

The UN Committee had criticized that most recent child protection report of the Holy See to be insufficient on Wednesday.  Some necessary measures were missing so far, said the UN experts in their report. They complained that in practice sex offenders could remain unpunished in the Catholic Church. The Committee requested the Holy See to to bring the canon law in accordance with the UN Convention on the protection of children.

 Certain provisions of the Catholic Church law did not correspond to the demands of Child Protection Convention. This concerns in particular the right of children to protection from discrimination, violence and all forms of sexual abuse. The Holy See must ensure that ecclesiastical laws are adjusted to provisions  the Convention. In addition, the UNCRC demanded further information on the extent to which clergymen were obliged at all levels, to report cases of abuse to state authorities.

The Holy See has undergone as a signatory to the Child Protection Convention for the first time a regular evaluation by the UNCRC. On 16 January discussed the UN Committee and the Vatican's representative in Geneva open questions, among others, to child pornography, measures against sexual abuse and discrimination against girls. P. Bernd Hagenkord, director of Vatican Radio in German, has pointed out in the afternoon in an article for Vatican Radio that the UN paper claims that the Church's teaching on homosexuality contributes to social stigma. In paragraphs 25-27 according to Hagenkord, he  insinuates more than is proven that church doctrine leads to violence and discrimination. The same will be said about the gender debate, the Church represent here a doctrine of the distinction between male and female, the way they would represent lead to discrimination.

 The UN paper becomes absurd  then at point 55 on the subject of abortion. There the Church is even asked to change the doctrine of the Church. The Church should allow that under certain circumstances abortion is permitted. Then the Church will even be asked to read the Bible in "prescribed manner". The UN wants to dictate how biblical texts are to be interpreted. (C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved

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Ioannes said...

How blind are the old men in the Vatican? Can't they see that the United Nations will NEVER be an instrument of God, and that it is eternally opposed to the Church!?

You are with Christ, or you are against Christ. The United Nations is an abomination, and it must be destroyed- no, it is not so that we wait for God to send His angels to demolish this institution, but God, acting through the Church, must destroy the United Nations, one way or another!

Insofar as Christendom in the West is being attacked by words, let this Crusade by with words, but the moment the United Nations or its collaborating, secularist, satanic instruments start shipping off Catholics into camps, or imprisoning those who will never submit to the idol of a United Nations without God as sovereign and king, then we certainly have precedent in the Cristeros, in St. John Capistran, and those holy Crusaders who miraculously took Jerusalem.

Saint John of Capistran, pray for us!

Anonymous said...

Dream on Masonic United Nations - you don't have a hope in your empty souls that the Church will BEND to your stupid demands - despite the present mediocre leaders at the helm of the Barque ....

Dream on perverted United Nations

"For who may abide the day of His coming?.
And who shall stand when He appearth?
For He is like a refiner's fire
And He shall purify the sons of Levi...

He that dwelleth in heaven shall laught them to scorn; the Lord will have them in derison (Psalm 2:4)

"Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel...(Psalm2:9).

Man's puny attempts at changing the laws of almighty God wil surely be dashed to pieces....

Praise always to Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our King!


Dane said...

I demand that the UN stop demanding.

Unknown said...

Convicted child molesting or openly homosexual priests should be burned at the stake...along with every member of the United Nations...

Unknown said...

Paradoxical that gay pope Paul VI & his greatest admirers, the negligent ecumeno-maniac JP II and the neo-ecumenical liberal liturgical hybridist BenedictXVI, lauded the UN as being the greatest human agency for bringing about world peace, justice etc. Both feet went in there, did they not? It makes you realise that the church is being run by liberal modernist de facto schismatics who have done everything possible to subvert the ultimate institutionalised authority of Our Blessed Lord in order to implement their defective pantheistic and phenomenological ideologies. The sheer humbug from The Vatican in mumbling out of both sides of the mouth while covering up on a systematic basis has plunged then into the place they deserve. What irony that the UN should morally chastise the hierarchy of the liberal modernist church. After the liturgical and pastoral holocaust they have inflicted on the church since 1965, followed by the sexual and financial corruption throughout the establishment through laisser-faire laxist attitudes, they deserve everything coming to them. It is time to hand over the Cardinals and presbyters they have hidden away in The Vatican to immunise them from prosecution. It is time the papacy was brought to book too. It is time for the secrets of many to be laid bare. Frankly, I have had enough of the deceit and the obfuscation. It is time for the truth to out.

Unknown said...

I would also like to see independent public inquiries in UK, France, USA and other western countries into the state education and care systems for child and elderly abuse. Already, in one year in UK there were 1,000 cases of teacher abuse of minors, while the report of abuse from one care establishment in Wales was shredded.
The UN also has skeletons in its closet too with perverted aid workers and sexually deviant troops. Let us have the truth out in the open there as well. If we are stone throwing at the muddle-headed authorities in Rome we also need to throw stones at the immoral UN and the abuses in state run education and care systems.

Anonymous said...

This is part of the increase in intensity and nature of persecution of Catholics and truth-speakers as with the evil Lunacek Report passed this week by European Parliament. Blessed Michael the Archangel defend us in the hour of conflict ...

Anonymous said...

There is a petition demanding UN apologise for attack on the Church at citizen Go.

Anonymous said...

Lynda, please give link again. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I cannot paste the link to the comment box of this blog but it's at Search for UN to apologise to Vatican.

Elizabeth said...

Here's the link that Lynda referenced: