The Bishop of Trier would completely change sexual ethics of the Catholic Church: New marriage after divorce is no "permanent mortal sin." Homosexuality for the bishop no longer "unnatural".
Trier ( Catholics who hold to the teaching of the Catholic Church, currently have it difficult and can expect no support from their pastors in Germany. Several German-speaking bishops have, it appears, firmly resolved to remake the moral teaching of the Catholic Church again. Compared to the
Rhein Main Presse the Bishop of Trier,
Stephan Ackermann said, now that it no longer fits the times when "a new marriage after divorce is regarded as permanent state of mortal sin".
When it comes to birth control, the Bishop then pled ignorance and even said: "The distinction of natural and artificial contraception is also somehow artificial. I'm afraid that no one understandsit any more.." Ackermann would naturally make large concessions also the subject of "homosexuality". "Based on the Holy Scriptures, which referred to it as a wicked aberration [See Gen 19, 1-29, Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:10;. 1 Tim 1,10], the Church's tradition has always declared 'that homosexual acts are disordered,'" as it is stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For Ackermann, obviously, this is an outdated idea. To the newspaper, he says, despite this clear finding of the Church, "the Christian image of man is based on the polarity of the sexes, but we can not just say that homosexuality is unnatural" What the Catholic Church really says on this subject:
QUOTE from the HOLY SCRIPTURE: For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.(Romans 1:26-27.
Link to
I would imagine that the Bishop says those things about homosexuality because he is a queer himself.
Not to worry! He's in "full communion."
Not a bishop - a revolting man ...without shame...when will we be rid of these creeps?
It's likely he never had the true Faith or at least had lost it prior to seminary.
No surprise, really. He's been "re-baptised" by a female Protestant "minister", and in a visit to a gay bar declared his opposition to the Church's "discrimination" against homosexuals.
It's the same part of Europe which led the Reformation last time around and it's probably still in their DNA. The mystery to me is how they have been allowed by the Vatican to get away wih this semi-schism for so long.
Yet another bishop's skull set to line the floor of Hell.
I'd prefer a new edition of the Catholic Inquisition than to ever let a(n) heretic remain a Bishop. The Truth is unchanging...He Is, He Was, He Will Be. A serious purging of heretical religious needs to be first on the list before more souls are lost...the heretics included. Lord, have mercy!
I don't think Jesus would agree with him. But then again, I don't think he cares.
'The mystery to me is how they have been allowed by the Vatican to get away wih this semi-schism for so long.'
No mystery, really. After the wide spread rejection of Humanae vitae Paul VI simply shut down. He refused to enforce it and simply went on to other things while the rebellion grew bigger and bigger. By the time John Paul II came, (not to excuse his slow and ineffective response) the rebellion had been gaining steam for a decade.
This sort of dissidence has been a problem for a long time.
Their heretical dissent and the leading of untold number of souls away from Truth continues with impunity. They are in 'good standing'! But let them turn toward tradition, faithfulness, and the proclaiming of the Truths of the faith and then see what would happen. The Franciscans of the Immaculate know.
I'm just glad he didn't offer a Latin Mass!
Bishop Ackermann is contradicted by the Bible and 2000 years of Church teaching. Only those who want to be deceived will be deceived by him. St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Whoever is a heretic is also a schismatic." (Summa Theologica, Q. 39, A.1).The Bible doesn't merely say that homosexuality is a wicked abberation, it calls it an abomination and says that it is filthy and deserves death (Lev. 20: 13 & Rom. 1: 26-32). "Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, not idolaters, not adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind... shall possess the kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 6: 9,10).
Apparently Canon Lawyer Ed Peters agrees w/bishop. According to Lawyer Ed a pregnant unmarried 6th-8th grade Catholic school teacher can't be fired because she hasn't had an abortion which means she has repented (or so Lawyer Ed figures--not sure how he is determining repentance)! Lawyer Ed also doesn't explain how the teacher's "repentance" is supposed to be communicated to the 6th-8th graders who simply see that teacher's pregnant w/no wedding ring! Apparently not even Catholic 6th-8th graders are scandalized anymore by fornication or maybe Canon Ed knows more about what the bishops are teaching our little kiddies -- specially if they were educated in Cardinal Daneels diocese!
A Canon Lawyer should be prepared to use an array of chemicals to destroy the metaphorical termite infestation feasting on the barque. Peters feeds them honey.
John Paul II himself did much to advance the Judas Council Revolution. The Assisi scandals are just the tip of the iceberg. Search the net for this essay:
The Secret of John Paul II's Success, by John Vennari
On a related note, also see:
The Oath Against Modernism vs. the 'Hermeneutic of Continuity,' by John Vennari
St Thomas instructed us to love those we disagree with as much as we love those that we agree with.
And yet despicable is still despicable. Imagine that.
"Though Jesus was kind to those who had gone astray and to sinners, He did not respect their erroneous convictions, however sincere they appeared to be."
-Pope St. Pius X
"Where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness."
-Fr. Faber
The problem with your site eponymous is that you expend all this energy telling the world why these clerics and their leader are NOT Catholics by any stretch of the word, and then spend the rest of your energy attacking sedevacantists who point that out to you. Like CFN, the SSPX and all the other 'recognize and resist' bunch you clearly see that the post conciliar Anti Church organism produced AGAINST the FAITH and AGAINST the CHURCH by Vatican II and it's antipopes is NOT Catholic but then you want to pounce on the Catholics that still remain and say so. Yes, indeed, consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, apparently - not of Catholics who call themselves by that name anymore, though Our Lord did tell us to Let Your speech be Yea, Yea and Nay Nay - everything else comes from the enemy. Your aiding and abetting the enemy by calling non Catholics Catholic 'bishops' and 'popes' will have to be answered to on the other side. Good luck with that.
Sedes are basically revolutionaries.
I don't spend much energy on them at all.
I agree the bishop is in error, but so many commenters seem to have such a mean-spirited and judgmental tone. That is not pleasing to God, either.
I wish they were meaner.
Erroneous reasoning. This wouldn't be the first time this canonist has shown error in his reasoning.
The most profoundly evil and despicably vile form of treason in the universe is any Catholic who would defend an arch-heretic prelate out to destroy the Catholic Faith.
You are worse than the heretic.
The heretic we can fight.
You vile traitors wrap yourselves up in your simpering cowardice and attack those of us prepared to oppose these heretics and apostates before they can rob your children of the opportunity to be protected from them.
As for this heretic bishop: anathema sit. He is not Catholic.
"White-sepulchred, hypocrites - nest of vipers"
"bishops" like this are rotten to the bone Anonymous..and leading millions astray...what about "it would be better if he hadn't been born ....the millstone round the neck bit etc. etc.,
A creep is the least I can call him...and a Hail Mary I can muster for him although these "creeps" repulse me...
May Our Lord only be the judge of his soul...but I will not switch off my brain and refuse to see and JUDGE whether a Shepherd is a true one or a WOLF...
Let's pray for him!
Still aiming for the low hanging fruit, huh? When are you right wingers going to start speaking out against serial adulterers like Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh?
Wrong forum.
"Many Cardinals, many Bishops, and many priests are on the road to perdition, and taking many souls with them." Our Lady at Garabandal, June 18, 1965
Dear Anonymous, I didn't hear anyone here say to love Ackermann less because of his corrupted stance. We should love him more because he is SO wrong. Signed, your anonymous brother.
I have heard one Catholic bishop speak, preach and teach the Truth.
From the rest I have heard garbage - they tend to like dress up and money, they really are easy to spot. They are fakes!
Whatever you do, do not click this link. It goes straight to porn.
The one thing I was most disappointed with in the most glorious JPII and his other lung the wonderful Pope Benedict was their unwillingness to out of hand dismiss Bishops like this on the spot. In addition, publicly excommunicate them. I am even more disappointed with Pope Francis in this way. It past time for the temples filthy trash to emptied.
Our Lord speaking to St. Catherine of Siena
They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of fallen human nature] .... but they do even worse when they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but is disgusting even to the devils themselves whom these depraved creatures have chosen as their lords.
For Me this sin against nature is so abominable that for it alone five cities were destroyed by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear their iniquity ....
It is disgusting to the devils not because evil displeases them or because they find pleasure in good, but rather because their nature is angelic and flees upon seeing such a repulsive sin being committed. For while certainly it is the devil that first strikes the sinner with the poisoned arrow of concupiscence, nonetheless when a man actually carries out such a sinful act, the devil goes away.
If one adopts a practice that is natural , good and under the aegis of marriage wholly acceptable by both Church and State, one does not destroy whole body systems in the process. The colon and the kidney in the case of men and the throat and repeated vaginal infection in the case of women are the hallmarks of homosexual practice. Is this Bishop so ignorant of the facts that he would not in Christian Charity instruct the people in his Diocese as to why the Church's teaching in this matter has been correct since St. Paul ? Who can the laity trust today ?
I have absolutely nothing to do with porn of any type as I'm 74 years old and a practicing Roman Catholic.
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