Prefect of the Papal Household, "I do believe that the investigation will clear up allegations of wasting money, non-communication and skipping of controlling bodies in favor of the bishop" - Cardinal Lehmann: "media campaign."
Regensburg (kath.net / KNA) The Prefect of the Papal Household, Archbishop George Gänswein (photo), expects the exoneration of Limburg's Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst by the Episcopal Conference Commission. "I do believe that the investigation will clear up allegations of a waste of money, non-communication and skipping of controlling bodies in favor of the bishop," Gänswein said in an interview with the online edition of the "Mittelbayerischen Zeitung" in Regensburg.
The result must then be submitted to the Congregation for Bishops in Rome, continued the private secretary of Benedict XVI. "Only then, and after careful consideration, the Holy Father will himself make the decision."
Gänswein took part on Sunday in the celebration of the 90th birthday of Georg Ratzinger in Regensburg, representing the emeritus pope. "For him, it was comforting that I have come to his side. But it is also naturally a bit difficult for him." Benedict XVI. will no longer journey to Regensburg, not even secretly, says Gänswein. "After so many years of experience, I think that's impossible."
Georg Ratzinger turned 90 years old on 15 January. Today he celebrated Mass along with his brother in Rome, who is four years younger. On Sunday in Regensburg, a Pontifical Mass in his honor was held in the cathedral. There, the Cathedral Choir led by the former Director of Music for one of his own compositions on the Mass "L'Anno Santo". On Saturday they had surprised the former Director of Music with a serenade outside his home. Georg Ratzinger headed the world-famous choir from 1964 to 1994.
Cardinal Lehmann took a position in the CBA interview about Tebartz van Elst and replied that after a visit with Pope Francis, the matter should be made clear as soon as possible, so that it should not endanger the Church's spirit of optimism. Because the process fosters mistrust and a hostile sentiment against the Church.
"I told him that I think the Limburg Bishop is a very intelligent, well educated, communicative and polite man, of whom I have never experienced anything of wasteful swank," said Lehmann as to his view of the Pope's audience, however, a certain policy of secrecy is said to have burdened the process, and. «a media campaign has stoked it." 90th birthday of Monsignor Georg Ratzinger - With Curia Archbishop Georg Gänswein and Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer - Celebration in Regensburg Pontifical Mass in Regensburg Cathedral in honor of Domkapellmeister em.
Georg Ratzinger (C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Archbishop Gänswein Photo (c) Paul Badde
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