The fight against "gender stereotypes" is officially underway in France. In order to put the ideological re-education in effect, it already starts with small children in preschool. The state takes over the education of children and wants to start as soon as possible with a one-sided indoctrination. The program is based on gender ideology, which states that the biological sex is not decisive, but the perceived gender. The left-liberal "liberation struggle" will "liberate" man and woman allegedly from socially "enforced" gender roles.
Book Recommendation: "Father Wearing a Skirt"
The socialist government program aims to "educate for a culture of equality between the sexes" and "eliminate prejudices and stereotypes that can be the basis for discrimination."
The government has set up a special website to spread among the teachers "appropriate" instructional material for the support of the ideological perspective of the Socialist Party (PS). The largest teachers' union, which belongs to the left trade union cartel, supports the government and recommends that the teaching staff to use books that are "deconstructing gender stereotypes". For that reason, books are recommended like "I Have Two Dads Who Love Each Other" or "Father Wearing a Skirt".
Minister Peillon (see separate report France: Jewish Education Minister: "We need to replace Catholic Religion by a Republican Religion" ) and Minister Vallaud-Belkacem (see separate report France: Website of the Government for Abortion and Against Pro-Lifers [German]) are both socialists and firmly anchored in the Masonic network (see report Hollande's "Charter of Laïcité" Identical with Masonic Proposal - Pure Coincidence ). The two Ministers continued their "struggle" in kindergarten on Monday "against all forms of self-censorship" and continued by holding highly charged ideological speeches to children aged 3-6 years: "both boys and girls can play with toy cars." Or: "Today, there are many women who make war and are therefore called soldiers." Or, "Are they only reserved to be dancing girls? Can a woman be a bricklayer? Can a boy play with dolls?" Of course, the minister told the children and encouraged them explicitly to do so.
Euthanasia, abortion, divorce
The fight against "gender stereotypes" is not the only ideological battle front of Francois Hollande's government.On the day after his two ministers marched out for the first time out in a kindergarten ideologically to coerce infants, the President announced a plan to introduce euthanasia. For the next 13 February, the socialist ruling party summoned their senators to discuss for the introduction of a bill for a "dignified death".
The abortion law will again be debated in the French parliament on January 20th. The government also wants to raise the unpunished killing of unborn children to a "human rights like the others." According to the Estrela Report, which failed two times at the level in the European Parliament, France's Socialists want to continue the way single-handedly.
Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, is the originatress of the famous-infamous Loi Taubira "Marriage pour tous" , in which "gay marriage" was legalized in 2013, according to the journalist and author Sophie Coignard of the female Grand Lodge 'Grande Loge Féminine de France' (GLFF). A year ago Taubira issued instructions to immediately recognize that children born abroad to surrogate mothers are French citizens. A first step towards the legalization of surrogacy which is banned in France surrogacy, which is urged by aberrosexualist organizations. The atheist from French Guiana will now impose the quick divorce as well. If a divorce is based on consensus, they will in future be recognized by court clerks with an informal act.
Protest Against Government Policy
"The killing of an unborn child will be reduced to a trivial solution, to which one could have access at any time," said Archbishop André Cardinal Vingt-Trois of Paris, criticizing the new abortion plans of the government. Regarding the express divorce, he said: "This is a serious way to conceal the harmful consequences for society. Because people are acting as if there were no consequences."
Meanwhile a man unloaded several tons of manure to protest against President Francois Hollande outside Parliament in Paris. On 2 February the civil rights movement Manif pour tous is back on the streets in Paris to protest against government policies.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...
Unbelievable. Lord help us.
Evil beyond all reckoning! Parents, you have a God-given duty to protect your children from such unspeakable abuse. Parents, stand up and protect your children. If enough parents do so, the state will be unable to pick you all off one by one. Join together in a supportive organIsation. And ask, no demand, that Carholic bishops and priests support you, nay lead you in the battle!!
Perhaps the citizens of France should practice euthanasia...on the government that tyrannizes over them.
I don't know. The bishops and priests must have been useless for years for things to have gotten this bad. I remember seeing photos of bishops and priests not wearing clerical dress - they couldn't even be bothered to witness to what they are. They are whited sepulchres. All sterility, a dead faith coupled with homosexuality. The Frankfurt School seems to be in full swing.
God help the French.
(Lynda - a lot of parents are leading immoral lives and their children are just witnesses to it. Why would these parents move towards a more moral sex life? But, yes of course, there are still righteous and good parents out there.)
"Man dumps tons of garbage..." Oh, you did not mean the pile of horsesh*t from the French education minister? Silly me.
This is idiocy they beyond belief,straight from the Feminist Bible.
speechless...almost. I agree Lynda...where are the shepherds in all this?
Here we have school boards and members are voted in. Decent people are voted in to ensure that no bs like this comes near the children in our schools. But again, that is here where I live.
Meanwhile, Hollande cheats his mistress and flirts with actresses while he has already had 4 children with another. Is Sarko much better - third marriage and behaviour like a pretending emperor who left massive debts behind him? France is going the same way as all the others.
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