(Munich), the militant Jewish convert and Catholic priest Ariel Levi Stefano di Gualdo has expressed his opinion on the "German" problem in the Catholic Church and speaks of a current, complete schism. Specifically, he recalls his experiences some years ago in Munich with Archbishop Reinhard Cardinal Marx.
"The real problem of Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, is that things are always the same, which plagues German representatives of the church: first they are German, then perhaps they are Catholics, but always on their own terms with an ineradicable Teutonic arrogance. The reason for this is not that they have remained the old pagan German people in their innermost being, but that they are always hostile minded to Rome, or because they reject Romanitas as a center and engine of Catholic universality. The reason for this is the thinking of Martin Luther with his, "I stand here and will not be moved,'" says Levi di Gualdo.
Of Cardinal Marx the Roman priest describes him presently: "by the result of an obvious error made in good faith, errors by two different popes: Benedict XVI, promoted the young and aspiring bishop to the Bavarian Archbishop's chair and created a cardinal, and Francis, who wanted him for his commission of the eight wise men."
He continued: "And I have previously identified problems that I had treated and had to pay a high price because I had dared to address some thorny issues publicly, to say the least, I want to refer to two chapters of my book And the Devil Made Hmself Triune (E Satana si fece Trino), in which I describe as a witness and a priest, facts and situations of unprecedented theological and liturgical severity, which I faced myself in different contexts in Northern Europe, especially in the Catholic 'Bavaria, where I stayed the longest and whose main metropolitan See, then held by Archbishop Reinhard Marx and who even now remains inactive, although before his eyes, the things I have described in good conscience happened day after day."
"Germany Between Radical Secularization and Factual Schism"
During my stay in Germany I noticed how the residents of Munich were looking at me on the street, as if they would see something very strange.
Everything became clear to me with a blow when the following episode happened in a street of the old town ...
"Rev., Are you a German priest? "
"No, I'm an Italian priest."
Some moments of silence, then a sly smile:
"I'm an old Catholic woman, wife of an Italian who's been dead for some years. I still remember the time when our priests went through the street dressed as priests ... "
Then she smiled again and asked the next question:
"How long have you been in Munich"?
"For two months, but I'll still remain for some time. "
Again a smile with another question that stunned me:
"How many priests have you met who dress as you?"
I stopped for a moment, and then thoughtfully replied:
"To be honest, none ."
The old Catholic who still remembered when the priests were dressed as priests on the streets of her city smiled again:
"I could be your grandmother, allow me a piece of advice: stay as you are, a priest, who is recognizable for all."
"No, I'm an Italian priest."
Some moments of silence, then a sly smile:
"I'm an old Catholic woman, wife of an Italian who's been dead for some years. I still remember the time when our priests went through the street dressed as priests ... "
Then she smiled again and asked the next question:
"How long have you been in Munich"?
"For two months, but I'll still remain for some time. "
Again a smile with another question that stunned me:
"How many priests have you met who dress as you?"
I stopped for a moment, and then thoughtfully replied:
"To be honest, none ."
The old Catholic who still remembered when the priests were dressed as priests on the streets of her city smiled again:
"I could be your grandmother, allow me a piece of advice: stay as you are, a priest, who is recognizable for all."
Munich, Where Anonymous Priests and Burka Wearers Form the Picture
It took another month and in fact I never met a priest dressed as a priest in the streets of Munich, which I renamed Bürchen [In German it's called München], a pun on burqa, since it is forced upon the women of a certain "Islamic" inclination, although such clothing was declared by leading religious representatives not Islam compliant on several occasions. In some Islamic countries, this apparel is prohibited for access to public places, universities and even presentation in mosques. In the Bavarian town Bürchen, however, veiled women are accompanied by husbands and children in droves from the five-star hotels, to shop in the most expensive jewelry stores and art studios in the city. On the one hand, the priests of this city are anonymous on the streets going in civilian clothes. Even the most avid priests seem not to appear more than two meters in front of their church in church clothes. On the other hand, the veiled Muslim women have the transformed the Bavarian capital into the Bürchen of shopping.
In the capitalist countries of dying Europe you buy everything with petrodollars from gold to indifference to the injury of the true human rights of entire peoples, in which the wealth of the entire country is held in the hands of a few families, and are held in impoverishment. They are doing benefit to 'human rights' to fight by the tacit consent for the representatives of secular fundamentalism in Europe who are prepared, not for the real, but to campaign the loudest when it comes to legalize the abortion pill, or in a sacrosanct laicization of the Catholic Church and forbidding Catholics to speak.
Since the petrodollars are welcome, while the priests of this once Catholic Bavaria have reduced faith to a private matter, it is celebrated in secret behind the closed walls of the church, but no longer is witnessed to in squares.
Since the petrodollars are welcome, while the priests of this once Catholic Bavaria have reduced faith to a private matter, it is celebrated in secret behind the closed walls of the church, but no longer is witnessed to in squares.
Astonished at Priests, as Exotics
After these months of my loneliness, these ended by the arrival of an English confrere and fellow student in Rome. As we walked together for the first time through the city center, my colleague said after a while:
"As you look at us here, it seems as if we would move on to the catwalk in a fashion show. As long as the women look that still falls under the rules of nature, but as the men look that begins to make me worry. "
"As you look at us here, it seems as if we would move on to the catwalk in a fashion show. As long as the women look that still falls under the rules of nature, but as the men look that begins to make me worry. "
I reassured him and told him about my experience and that the reason is simply that they do not meet priests in person.The elderly, who still remember, seem to think to themselves, "You are not yet extinct." And the boys who have never seen anything like it, simply look surprised and curious.
When we came out of the Maximilian street on the Max-Joseph-Platz, my colleague whispered. "That one even has photographed us,"
"Get used to it, I do not mind it any more," was my answer.
He replied: "We only wear a black clergyman . Imagine if we were to go in the cassock. That would probably have a place on the front page of the newspapers, at the Max-Joseph-Platz two aliens have been seen". [...]
He replied: "We only wear a black clergyman . Imagine if we were to go in the cassock. That would probably have a place on the front page of the newspapers, at the Max-Joseph-Platz two aliens have been seen". [...]
To Celebrate the Difficulties of a Foreign Priest,
So I told my colleague: " I have never been able to contact the local priests in this area, I do not know them and never met any: first of all you should know that I also had difficulties in terms of hospitality, to be able to celebrate Holy Mass. Difficulties that I would have expected as a priest in Vietnam, the People's Republic of China or Saudi Arabia, but not in the 'Catholic' Bavaria. When I was still unable initially to celebrate the Holy Mass with the German Missal, I asked the religious, who hosted me politely but with utter detachment, several times if they could help me. But no one wanted to, even though they had time to devote to many other Catholic, non-Catholic and ludic things. Thank God the Jesuits in Rome put me in contact with Jesuits in Munich, with one of their old confreres in connection who gave me his time and his benevolence and introduced me above all to one of the chapels of the Society of Jesus available at the University where I was able to celebrate the Holy Mass. It is the merit of this Jesuit, if I can celebrate with adequate linguistic dignity in German today, and above all that I could celebrate in Munich at all. [...] "
The Liturgical Abuse in the Parish of St. Boniface
The homily, which was held during the celebration of Holy Mass and is a part of the liturgy itself, "is usually held by the Priest celebrant or by a concelebrating priest with him or sometimes, if appropriate, also transmitted to a deacon, but never a laity. In special cases, the homily may be withheld for a just cause also by a bishop or a priest who takes part in the celebration, without being able to concelebrate" Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, 64 .
Let us not even go into the details of what happens during the celebration of Mass or what is made of the Eucharist.
I am particularly impressed that it is not to any remote church, but a parish located in the heart of a capital city. Here, as in other central parishes everything is practiced, which is prohibited by the liturgical rubrics, the instructions and the following admonitions by the Holy See, but above all what is harmful to the dignity of the priesthood.
The Missal is used only for the preface of the offertsory and the Eucharistic Prayer. The rest is pure improvisation as is customary for sociologicsal Salon gatherings.
The reprobated practice by which Priests, Deacons or the faithful here and there alter or vary at will the texts of the Sacred Liturgy that they are charged to pronounce, must cease. For in doing thus, they render the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy unstable, and not infrequently distort the authentic meaning of the Liturgy.Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 59 .
The liturgy was reduced to a single reading and the sermon was preached by a layperson. The altar was prepared by other lay people for the sacrifice. After the celebrant had communicated, the laity then gathered first about the altar, and only then handed me the consecrated host as a priest and then performed the elevation to all and said: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".
When I at first concelebrated Mass, to which I was finally invited, I wanted access to one of the two host bowls to give Communion as the celebrant, but I was sent away by the layman immediately. I should sit down. I was so surprised, that I just went along with it, then had to observe the following: Although two priests were present, which were more than adequate for the Communion, Communion for about 40 believers was given by two laymen.
The faithful should normally receive sacramental Communion of the Eucharist during Mass itself, at the moment laid down by the rite of celebration, that is to say, just after the Priest celebrant’s Communion.[172] It is the Priest celebrant’s responsibility to minister Communion, perhaps assisted by other Priests or Deacons; and he should not resume the Mass until after the Communion of the faithful is concluded. Only when there is a necessity may extraordinary ministers assist the Priest celebrant in accordance with the norm of law.[173]Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 88 .
If there is usually present a sufficient number of sacred ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may not be appointed. Indeed, in such circumstances, those who may have already been appointed to this ministry should not exercise it. The practice of those Priests is reprobated who, even though present at the celebration, abstain from distributing Communion and hand this function over to laypersons.[258]Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 157 .
The believers who had received the consecrated host, went with the Body of Christ in hand through the Church
One should be careful that the communicant the Host consumed immediately before the donor, so that no one goes away with the Eucharistic species in his hand, Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 92 .
and went up to the altar up where they used to the standing upon the altar chalices itself. The "altar girls", girls in childhood obviously took habitually the chalice from the altar and even passed it to younger children, so that they could milk-dunk
the Sacred Host as a biscuit in a cup.
the Sacred Host as a biscuit in a cup.
It is the faithful are not permitted to "take themselves and even less to pass from hand to hand among themselves" the sacred host or the sacred chalice, Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 94 .It is not allowed that the communicants themselves immerse the Host in the chalice to receive the Host dipped by hand, Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum 104 .
As communion was over, a layman cleaned the sacred vessels at the altar. A layman opened the tabernacle and put the consecrated hosts into a cup, upright and without to show even the slightest hint to honor the Blessed Sacrament. After this horrible experience, I have rejected any further participation in such Masses because all this is no longer Catholic. As a priest, I can not complicit to doing what the Church forbids.
My colleague said it:
". I remember, you were pale then and came to my room and hammered your fists against the wall."
And all this happens even though the bishops, after having been admonished by Rome, sent their priests clear instructions.
You have never let me celebrate, because they have understood that I am a priest who faithfully followed the Roman Missal and fearing perhaps that the faithful could make a comparison. [...]
". I remember, you were pale then and came to my room and hammered your fists against the wall."
And all this happens even though the bishops, after having been admonished by Rome, sent their priests clear instructions.
You have never let me celebrate, because they have understood that I am a priest who faithfully followed the Roman Missal and fearing perhaps that the faithful could make a comparison. [...]
"Not Only Contemptuous Disobedience, but Devilishly"
All this is not only contemptuous disobedience and contempt for the authority of the Church. All this is demonic, because it is non-Catholic thinking and a non-Catholic style in the Catholic Church which is enforced with violence. It not only it thus intended to take away the people of God's faith, one goes even further: it wants to take away their faith in the Church.
In Rome you know these things exactly. "Perhaps we will soon do something concrete?"
"What?" laughed my colleague.
"They will give the Archbishop a cardinal's hat at the next consistory, because certain Archbishop seats are connected to the dignity of Cardinal. But the owners of this right are obviously not obliged to ensure that their priests obey Church law."
"What?" laughed my colleague.
"They will give the Archbishop a cardinal's hat at the next consistory, because certain Archbishop seats are connected to the dignity of Cardinal. But the owners of this right are obviously not obliged to ensure that their priests obey Church law."
German Episcopate has Proved Incapable
If certain bishops of Rome were admonished and forced to give their priests clear instructions, then they would simply send their clergy an official circular, in which they let it be known that they do this, because they are forced by Roman instructions. Thus they meet on the one hand, the requirements of Rome, but avoid any conflict with their priests.Once the circular arrives, a considerable part will feel provoked by Rome and be more hostile to Rome than before. The bishop washes his hands of the matter and has a clear conscience.
It is not the role of bishops to send around any documents, just to cover their backs, but to ensure that what is written is also observed. Even at the price, where they suddenly appear during a the Mass in a parish, rather than segregated in their own office to sit and perhaps more or less to write a Catholic bestseller. If he thus surprisingly appears in person to see what is happening, he did not hesitate to warn the priest at the end of the Mass to the faithful and, if necessary, to also remove him on the spot from his office. Only then do such circulars and official documents really gain weight and the bishops will show that they really are in union with Peter, instead of trying to hold together that which doesn't belong together by doing nothing.
Accept Tacit de Facto Schism in Order to Avoid Official Schism?
"Perhaps there is a fear in Rome that a serious approach could trigger a rebellion and lead in part to a schism," said my friend.
Fearing an official schism, one prefers to tacitly accept a de facto schism? [...] A community's life, which isn't really alive, is in a schism especially if in combination with the canons, the Magisterium and the instructions made by the Church, are like what I have seen in various churches of Munich, without the bishops really worrying about it.
Fearing an official schism, one prefers to tacitly accept a de facto schism? [...] A community's life, which isn't really alive, is in a schism especially if in combination with the canons, the Magisterium and the instructions made by the Church, are like what I have seen in various churches of Munich, without the bishops really worrying about it.
Viewing area as a Mission Country and Appointed Bishops from Abroad
Another solution? To begin to send bishops from abroad to deal with it as mission land, because that's what it actually is, because the German episcopate has proven unable to stem the Protestantization and the laicization of the Church. On the contrary, some professors-Cardinals, they even encouraged it. In this situation, to which we have come since the German bishops have not fulfilled their duties and did not exercise any control over their clergy, neither on church schools and nor the theological faculties, from which the worst rebellion is brought forth. Given the degree to have reached certain situations, Rome can no longer rely on politics and diplomacy. Because the longer you try to hold political equilibria to irritate anyone, the more the churches of these regions are [the German language area] empty. Because otherwise, Rome will one day indeed continue to hold its diplomacy in its hands, but its churches in northern Europe will be orphaned or have been peopled by "Catholics" who will be more Protestant than the Protestants. [...]
The following video is currently released on the homepage of the website of the Parish of St. Boniface released offers vivid insight into the liturgical "understanding" that Ariel Levi di Gualdo experienced a few years ago and described.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
"Fearing an official schism, one prefers to tacitly accept a de facto schism?'
Precisely, from JP II onwards this is the case in many parts of the church. The moral cowardice of the last 4 major popes in disciplining de facto schismatics such as these reprobates is very striking indeed. Cowardice is the word, in the face of tacit rebellion.
This is the same problem all over the United States.
The Pope is busy with the FFI and FSSP.. No time for rampant heretics.
Spot on!!! And there will come a time when good will be called evil and evil will be called good. Are we there yet?
What of the FSSP?
I am more glad than ever that we went to the SSPX in Detroit in 1997, as the Church melts down into schism. WAKE UP CATHOLICS !!! Christ said "I cannot return unless there be a great falling away". It's happening right in front of your eyes.
First I would like to point out that this priest's life is likely in physical danger for his correct words (for some who may be idiots... not from me or of my doing but from the ones he criticized). Second is what about the poor souls of the German people who are not being given the true faith? Where is the Holy Father who cares about Souls bound for hell and not cell phones, subway tickets or empty stomachs? After all is the Catholic Church in the Soul business or the Health and Human Services business.
Jim Dorchak
All these problems are alive and well in the States. The only difference is that the liberal bishops are too comfortable staying in the Church. The heresy of Americanism is rife and never went away.
We shall see world-wide schisms, not just Germany.
You are so right SuperTradmum about the U.S., unfortunately it is coming here to Chile as well I fear (as well as everywhere else for that matter). We have found lots of good time, funkey Banana rock and roll mass here is the NORM.
Jim Dorchak
The only way to bring the German bishops back in line is for Rome to deal with them individually. First, as soon as a diocese is vacant, an approved orthodox non-German should be appointed there as bishop. Second, the more outrageous abuses should be dealt with by summoning the bishop to Rome and putting him under the authority of an Apostolic Administrator who will accompany him on his journey back home. The bishop, while meeting with the Pope, should be forced to take an oath to be faithfully obedient in all details to the instructions of this Apostolic Administrator, on punishment of being defrocked immediately if he refuses the oath or appears to be disobedient when back home. The main point is dealing with them one by one. Call them to Rome one by one, screw them one by one, and replace them one by one.
I am afraid, that Rome itself is invaded by the types provided in this article. Actually, the present situation in the Church is a live witness to that. Moreover, another cardinal from the circle of "eight wise men", namely, Maradiaga from Honduras went so far as openly recognise that Modernism is OK. Thus, the schism de facto is inside the Church and what is more, it is already inside Rome. God help us.
I am horrified at the description of the Church in 'once upon a time' Catholic Bavaria. As for the Party Mass - how irreverant and ridiculous is the priest with all the children whirling around the altar. Does that man not remember what Mass is? Does he forget Calvary? What a mess - it is impossible to understand what the bishops of Germany are up to... they have turned the Church into one big Kindergaarten...at least here in Australia the Church is faithful to God.
These people are in rebellion against the Holy Father, and so is the SSPX. No difference whatever. Both think they have the authority to set their own rules.
Our parish is in obedience to the Holy Father in worship, and we are working on faith and discipline. Why? Because we prayed, worked and suffered for the change. We did not leave when it was difficult. We called out wrongdoing and the wrongdoers took it elsewhere. Think about it. With the help of God, you can help turn your parish around, too.
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