Thursday, August 22, 2013

German Green Politician Contradicted by Publisher of "The Pedosexual Complex"

Edit: Junge Freiheit is a conservative publication in Germany. They've been on Volker Beck's trail for some time now. Beck was cited in the 80s as being for legalizing sex with minors. He has since denied this claim, insisting that the citation was not what he said, but based on a "free redaction". What remains indisputible, however, is that this was part of the Green Party platform before people were as sensitive to this question as they are now. To our knowledge, there is no outcry for Beck's resignation. Such is Europe.

BERLIN. In the discussion of the article by the Green politician Volker Beck in the book "The Pedosexual Complex", the publisher Foerster has rejected Beck's view, the Greens for their part have prevented a new edition of the work.

On its website, the parliamentary secretary of the Green Party wrote on the matter: "The last printing was unauthorized and adulterated in meaning by a free redaction by the publisher. According to my memory, the legal department of the Green Party proceeded against publisher and/or editor: An enforcement of non-distribution was probably not attainable, but a new edition of the work with this article was prohibited."

He doesn't have any documents from 25 years ago. Today, he is annoyed that he had scripts and other documents of the time, and that they had not been better secured and preserved.

"New Edition Was not Planned"

The Managing Director of the publishing house, Joachim Köhler, however, told the Junge Freiheit, he could not remember a legal battle with the Green Party. "In addition, no new edition of the book had been planned. For this purpose it would have had to be sold out first. That was not the case. On the contrary, we had to pulp the rest of the printing."

How it came about at that time that Beck was taxed to contribute to a book published in 1988, was also, according to Köhler, who has worked for the publisher since 1995, unknown. Either Beck, with the editor Joachim Hohmann (the book was published under the pseudonym Angelo Leopardi) were introduced or he had been invited to write an essay. As Hohmann died in 1999, only Beck can be relied on for information.

However, Beck himself would not comment on this issue for JF. A request for Kohler's statement remains unanswered. (Krk)

Junge Freiheit,....


  1. Will a victim come forward, I wonder.

  2. There are numerous victims, but it's not exactly a hot news item. Most people, attuned to the media circus, mistakenly believe this is a Catholic problem.

  3. I guess the German media is a lot like the U.S. and other media, very selective. This propaganda apparatus really does create separate worlds of separate unrealities. The internet offers tremendous alternatives. But as always, one is what one imbibes.
