Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Putin Unleashes Largest Military Exercise Since the Fall of the Soviet Union

MOSCOW, 13 July (RIA Novosti) On the orders of President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Defense Ministry has alerted the troops to the east of the country on Saturday. At the alarm exercise, the largest in the history of the new Russia, more than 80 000 troops have participated.

In use are more than 1,000 tanks, 130 aircraft and helicopters and 70 warships, such as the Ministry of Defence announced on Saturday. Army units were involved in the military districts of the center and east, but also the Pacific fleet and Air Forces. The alarm exercise should last one week. It aims to examine the mobility of large organizations. In particular, the ability to be tested is the movementof troops over thousands of kilometers away quickly.

The Russian General Staff in February - the first time in 20 years - had triggered a practice alert that pointed out a number of problems points.

About a month later, President Vladimir Putin ordered on the night of the 28th of March, unexpectedly, large-scale maneuvers in the Black Sea. It was attended by 30 ships, 250 tanks, 50 guns, and 20 aircraft and helicopters. Forces, airborne troops and special units of the General Staff with more than 7,000 men were in use. In late May a practice alert took place on the west boundary.

Video, here....


  1. It needed to be done and more such exercises need to be done. It's a messy world.

    1. Odd that you would say that because I tend to agree. Look at the current situation with our governmental spying on citizens not just here but all over the world. The Snowden affair alone is reason for Putin to show military might by these exercises. Juuuuust in case our Commies are feelin' froggy about messin' with Russia's Commies.

    2. Further thought from needs to be done,. The U'S. is the only super power and with this power it has become more arrogant than even handed and respectful of other nations sovereignty. The others are expected to Compromise themselves to weakness. Most of us have not a clear notion, some no idea what things the U.S. does in their/our names and with their/our and non existent money.
      The Russian government is not stupid. They necessarily do not like the idea/reality of the U'S' and their allies dismantling and fragmenting Russia's allies to diminish any stable alliance/power that interferes, unCompromises with Western aims/designs. And goes without saying, Israels.
      to Tends to agree. Yes spying is an ancient business.
      Your bit about our commies messin' with their commies is on the money.

  2. Most governments collect intelligence, including Russia, by "spying" nothing new there.

  3. I'm glad to see them exercising. Over 75% of their enlisted men, and 70% of their officer corps, self identify as practicing Christians. This rate rises to over 90% in their elite special forces. Putin reinstituted the chaplain corps, which was disbanded after the 1917 revolution, and many modern warships have chapels where Orthodox priests can offer the Divine Liturgy. Putin may have his own reasons for doing what he does, but he is unwittingly helping to lay the groundwork for the consecration of Russia. The Russian military will need to be in top shape when the time comes.
