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photo: Rorate Caeli |
Tuesday, 23rd
July 15:00: Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite [Immemorial Mass of All Ages]
Wednesday, 24th July
9:30:Catechism by His Excellency Dom Fernando Areas Rifan
10:00: Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
18:00: Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Traditional Latin Mass (Celebrant: Dom Fernando Areas Rifan)
Thursday, 25th of July
9:30: Catechism by Dom Fernando Areas Rifan
10:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages
15:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages
Friday, 26th of July
9:30: Catechism by Dom Fernando Areas Rifan
10:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages
15:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages
For traditional priests, who are traveling to World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, there is the possibility, to celebrate Holy Mass in the Traditional Rite.
Link to katholisches...
Catholic youth who think all is well in The Church and the world just because they see occasional Tradition mingled in with Modernist Conciliarism without so much as a soft meow against the lies and distortions put forth loudly each day by Modernist Rome. These poor Catholic people will wear their shorts and tank tops and t-shirts to the Mass and think that kneeling and receiving on the tongue is nothing more than a tradition within Tradition. They will continue to think queer unions...why not? Female priests...why not? Communion in the hand...what's the problem?? Shorts at Mass...at least I am there, eh? Contraception...well, maybe I can NFP for another 5 years. Who needs confession? Penance?? Expiation? for what??! We all get to go to Heaven...Yeahhhhhhh! JPII...we love you!
Bishop Rifan, by his offering of that traitorous bit of incense to the Conciliar gods has become complicit in their crimes. So also has every Novus Ordo priest who continues to offer the Freemason service even while also the Catholic Mass. So also are the "exclusive" Latin Mass priests who also offered their bit of incense to the Conciliar gods by their fraternity's forced protocol signing. So also is every single Catholic who does not care enough to KNOW THE TRUTH OF THE CHURCH'S TRUE MAGISTERIUM and fight, fight FIGHT to keep it and shout it from the rooftops at every opportunity. "Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12
The faith that we fight for, the faith that is the revealed truth that came from God, the faith that we must have in order to please the Almighty God does NOT come from man. Reject the Conciliar Prot and Jew approved counterfeit Catholicism and cling to true Catholicism. Reject their happy howdy-doody worship service and pray the Mass that from Christ and is expiatory for your sins. And pray for the Consecration of Russia as Our Lady requested it, not as her disobedient servants have fraudulently performed it in order to satisfy wordly opinions and deceive the stupid.
I don't think anyone said everything is hunky dory. I would think an evident thirst for Catholic teaching would be a sign of hope for those of us who are looking humbly for signs and wonders, but it seems there are those who won't suffer any mention of such things at all.
The cup is half full. If we do not weary while laboring we will reap the harvest if we do not weary.
I too am appalled. No good can come of these performances/sideshow exhibitions put on to "interest" (entertain) "the youth" - saw the same schtick at "right to life" weekend in U.S. - were any (including the priests) in the state of grace? How dare turn God's house into a carnival stall?
I just work here, Mac.
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