"In defending a certain lifestyle and its supporters, but especially those who theoretically confess homosexuality and practice it in society, the state discriminates in a serious and irreparable manner against other opinions and lifestyles," said the Archbishop, as Pope Benedict XVI. had personally called upon the 2012 Synod of Bishops.
Ideological Law
The law against homophobia, for which there is no objective necessity and that will soon be discussed by Parliament, will introduce, after "70 years since end of fascism a thought crime, and awakes dark, long subdued and times always believed to be over, back to life. Times in which the State identified ideological positions which it forcibly introduced and sacrificed all opinons which did not quite match."
"Our nation is at risk of losing those basic freedoms of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of choice and freedom that form the core of the secular state," said Archbishop Negri.
Priest Persecution
"Whoever will continue to draw attention to the great heterosexual tradition of the West, which can be found in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and in the practice of the Christian life through so many centuries, a great and informative powerful testimony, is in danger of being persecuted, if he expresses his beliefs publicly," said the Archbishop. "The priests and the bishops who quote excerpts from Paul's Epistles during the public liturgical celebrations, which relate to the moral standards on gay [aberrosexual] positions, or recite from the Catechism of the Catholic Church or quote parts of the Church's social doctrine, could be brought to the authorities," warned Archbishop Negri.
Defend Freedom
Christianity, says Negri, should not forget what Pope John Paul II asked in the encyclical Centesimus Annus: always to defend freedom. Because "every time we strive to secure our freedom, we defend the freedom of all, and every time we lose our freedom or it is limited, it is lost or restricted for all," said Negri.
"Over the past three years, more than 100,000 Christians have been killed because of disregard for the freedom of conscience, and in almost all countries of the world. Is it possible that the 'defense of homosexuality' is in comparison, more important than this specific problem and more important than the freedom of conscience?" said Luigi Negri, the Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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1 comment:
Marxism's Children are the New Fascists. Ministers and preachers are being jailed and fined in Europe and Canada and sometime beaten up by Militant Sex deviants. In a major newspaper in the U.K, Damian's Blog-Fr. Z, people are still allowed to comment against the mainstreaming of homosexuality but for how long? An indicator is when Herr Loudmouth starts calling other commenters Anti-Semites the conversation is pretty narrow probably primarily
by self-censor by any who has something to say to Herr Loudmouth and knowing that if too much is said it will be censor by those who have to or want to censor. The Powers that Be.
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