Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cardinal: Christians Have a Tragic Lack of Knowledge About Islam

( Milan Cardinal Angelo Scola: "In Europe and the USA there is a very significant indifference about Islam. We are, in the truest sense of the word, ignorant. If we ask the average Christian about Islam, we get tragic answers." This is what Milan's Angelo Cardinal Scola said according to Radio Vatican. In a society becoming increasingly more international and in the growing religious diversity, Christians need a fundamental understanding of Islam. Scola sees the metropolitan See of Milan also as "a bridge, it is an opportunity, to meet the East and to understand, upon entering in an inter religious dialog.


  1. Yes. Catholics need to know more about the religion of Satan. They need to be reminded that there is only ONE true religion and Islam is it's enemy.

    The real lack of knowledge is found in Catholics when asked about Catholicism. Now THAT is tragic. And this Cardinal shares in the guilt of it.

    1. SO true and so terribly ironic!! We need to know so we can find out just HOW evil and satanic the Muslim religion really IS and not get sucked into the PC lies that if we could just understand Islam we could be brothers in faith, etc.. nonsense!They wouldn't accept us anyway and we are so naive to think brotherhood can exist between us! Conversion is the only answer to the divide so we must pray and keep praying!!

  2. Most catholics don't know their own faith since vatican 2 anything new is good and anything old is bad this is what they are taught since vatican2. A young muslim girl in Ireland asked her çlassmate if you really believe holy communion is thy body of god then why not get down on your knees and pay homage just maybe this cardinal is on to something

  3. Web sites like , and many others have been teaching for years that the primary essence of mainstream Islamic religion is a DIVINE MANDATE to subjugate and punish the infidel. Not to convert them. The silence of 'moderate' Muslims proves that they are correct. Also, The Islamic calendar sets year one as the year of the Hijra, when Mohammad's military career got seriously started in 622 AD. This event is more important to Muslims than the year of Muhammad's birth or death or that of his first revelation from Allah. Why? Because Islam is first and foremost a political-military enterprise. Any religious leader who avoids this discussion is by omission aiding and abetting the enemy. Loving our enemies doesn't mean pretending they aren't killing us.

  4. And doesn't mean pretending we aren't not killing them.
    If the Popes and the hierarchy are going to keep having
    "dialogue" with rabbis and Jewish politicians and other high power Jews then I'd say it's a good idea to do some talking to Muslim leaders. There are a lot more of them.
    This endless pursuit of war is not holy. Trying to build bridges is worth a try. One result is that some Muslims do convert to The Catholic Faith.
    Pope Francis was visited by Israeli president Shimon Perez or whatever his name is. Don't you see why Muslims are so pissed off? There needs to be some justice somewhere.
    As long as the Cardinal doesn't think we should start "symbolically" praying in mosques or going on the Hajh or whatever it is, to mecca then I think it's okay. Oh yeah or saying we pray to the same God and all that garbage then I guess it's okay.
    And I do hope Pope Francis talked some real turkey with Perez today. Israel really needs to get some religion and stop being evil.

  5. Muslims have a demonstrates low threshold, or indeterminate threshold for the things that make them angry. Have they ever needed an excuse to go to war?

  6. Tancred, I surely know what you mean but they didn't start this Modern Day "Crusade" until the Secular Western governments started trampling all over the Arab World in conjunction with the State of Israel established to a substantial degree by terrorism.
    I'm just saying concerning the Church is it not it's duty to attempt in small ways to promote peace in the world. It might in human affaires save some humans from persecution.
    It might help governments (U.S) to at some point cut back
    the voracious appetite of the Military Industrial Complex and stop the Fellowship of Christians and Jews calling me and asking me for money for hungry Jews in Israel.

  7. Oh that just made me think! I hope the Vatican purse doesn't give them money. They ask everybody you know.

  8. Anyway, I don't really know what the point is. The only tragedy I see is that too many Christians have bought into hating Arabs hook,line,and sinker. It only assists in the endless war. The West is never going to subdue them by the current methods. They're never going to kill them all. And the Church is never going to convert them all.
    So if ++ Scola is realistically saying we need to know more about Islam so that we can "know the enemy" thus realize a better way of dealing with them rather than continually urging them on and continuing a perpetual cycle of violence, I'd say that is worth considering. On the other hand as history has shown once they start it might go on hundreds of years. But I am correct that we the West and "friends" started a war against them and now they continue it.

    1. This war is not new, it is as old as Islam, which was created to destroy Catholicism. Saints and holy popes have urged to take up arms against them because of their murderous aggressions. Prayers to the Holy Virgin resulted in the sinking of their entire fleet. Knowing what Muhammedans are and what they do Saint Francis entered their camp hoping for martyrdom.

      Let us not bleed too much from the heart for Islamists. Bleed for their victims instead, many of whom are Moslems themselves.

  9. Islam is a fetid faux faith which does not worship the same God as we Catholics do. Dr Serge Trifkovic rightly described Mahomet as part John Gotti, part David Koresh and Dr. E. Michael Jones says of Islam that is the scourge of God applied to a decadent and decaying Catholic Church; both men are right.

  10. to CJ and Not Spartacus, I do not disagree with anything you say; faux religion absolutely and my heart does not bleed for Islamists or for terrorists. Mohamed is a "religion" conceived in in lies. Judaism has become a religion of lies. Why do the Christian and the Secular Worlds defer to those who follow it or those who Use it as their Banner to unchallenged commit endless evils. The State of Israel uses "God's Chosen People" in the most cynical way. There is One True Religion, The Religion of The Truth. Why do we Coddle "Jews" and their Unholy designs?
    And by the way. Has anyone here seen any documentary or other film and video of life in Israel? Just a couple of examples: A young man shouting at a western reporter, "Get the F.. outta here. This is our land. God gave US this land.
    We killed your Jesus and we'll kill you too." Or this: A penis spray painted on a Christian church with F.. Jesus. Do you know that numbers of Jews still call Our Blessed Mother, "Whore", and Our Lord, "Son of Whore".
    I don't kiss up to these people except through my tax dollars. In that I have no choice.

  11. Dear Anonymous. Agreed. The past one-half century + of our political praxis vis a vis the Jews has been an abject failure when it has not resulted in an increase in Jewish antipathy towards us. The simple fact is if we did what we are supposed to do - seek their salvation - then then would never meet with us anymore and that would put the kibosh on ecumenism; the universal solvent

    I think the reason we now deal with the Jews on essentially a political basis (the naturalism of a putative possible peace amongst worshipers of two diametrically opposed and very different faiths) is that the battle for a new orientation of the church was won during Vatican Two when Josef Cardinal Frings (with Fr Ratzinger as his peritus) and the AmBishops (with the Jewish double agent Malachi Martin and Time Magazine and the CIA) defeated Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani and others; Ruffini, Carli, Lefebvre etc.

    Voltaire said that if you want to know who rules over you just find out whom you can't criticise.

    As Joe Sobran noted - do not ever criticise the weak, helpless, and innocent Jews or they will crush you :)

    I would note that far too many soi disant traditionalists err by believing that the great Roman, Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani (along with Ruffini) was opposed to Vatican Two when the facts are that he and Ruffini pressed Pope John XXIII hard to call a council during the conclave that elected him because both knew of the dual problems of internal disintegration and the external threat of America.

    I have the info posted at my crummy website thanks to Dr. E Michael Jones giving me permission to upload pages of one of his books

  12. Not Spartacus, Thank you so much. So many people "shrink" even here at criticism of Jews. (for now I'll refrain from a dissertation). One thing you have said here concerning Cardinal Ottaviani I will look at, at your good website.
    You are aware that some insist that Pope John XXIII only wished to open the window(s) to consider how the Church could
    better serve the Church in the changing world i.e a New Evangelization but as you say there was a cadre of those with
    a different "vision". Some say that the Pope intended, thought that the council would last about three months not three years. These quotes from Voltaire and Joe Sobran are
    absolutely true statements. I refer to them sometimes.
    Thank you again.

  13. I one Anonymous apologize to everyone here for saying persons " shrink" at criticism of Jews. I correct myself. No one here shrinks from saying what he wants to say. And that is a very good thing. What I meant is that an extreme number of people in the larger world "shrink" at any criticism of Jews as though it is Blasphemy. Most Christians do this. And of course Secularists have their false religion. In that religion criticism of This Group is the highest manner of Blasphemy. Refer to Not Spartacus quotes Voltaire and Joe Sobran .
    I'm not trying to be preachy. I think you all know this. And surely you know that The Catholic Church is threatened by Islam Jihad, Secular Jihad, Jewish Jihad and even evangelical protestant Jihad. The Day may be at Hand.

  14. Not Spartacus, I have not read this E. Michael Jones book.
    I visited your 'crummy' website. I will now also read the book. Thanks again.

  15. message from Our Lady to Pedro Regis,

    August 29, 2008: Message 3046 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

    Dear Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. The one who could have been Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors for the enemy and will make men and women of faith suffer..

  16. Do you believe the vision was real?

  17. Yes, i do believe Our Lady is appearing to him...uncouth of a trad. to say so his messages have been approved by his local ordinary. This quote is just a snippet yet he has proven correct regarding natural and supernatural events. He does state in his messages of a Judas as a Cardinal who will allow Islam to take advantage...

  18. Anonymous 5 May 1:06 PM, I admit I'm somewhat ignorant about
    Pedro Regis and Our Lady. I must look again. My sincere thanks to you.
