These anti-Catholic bigots have launched an attack on Catholics in recent days by misrepresenting them, accusing them of committing crimes punishable in highly advanced and profoundly moral countries like Germany, France, Denmark and Holland. Let’s say never again, and speak out whenever you see a friend exhibiting this hateful bigotry and call them out on their anti-Catholic bigotry. When they’re not busy ignoring the wholesale and unavanged slaughter of Catholics worldwide in places like Indonesia and Nigeria, they’re attempting to pull a diversionary maneuver on concerned Catholics by slandering them.
On a slightly more serious note, in the last few days there has been a mounting campaign of character assassination by the approved bloggers of the National Catholic Register, book end to the National Catholic Reporter, being launched against certain persons because of a report against Marcelo González, an Argentine Catholic who’d made a report, later confirmed and apologized about by Father Ray Blake and the hermeneutic of continuity blog , on traditional blog Rorate Caeli.
Apologies are not forthcoming from other bloggers, however, who have not only refused to apologize, but have piled on further accusations as well against Mr. González in particular, and Traditionalists in general. Initially, a woman named Dawn Eden (Goldstein), is maintaining the familiar libel against Traditionalists and politically unprogressive individuals in general, as “Holocaust Deniers”. Not only did she cast some unfair accusations about Rorate’s coverage of the issue, and mistakenly associated them with the SSPX, but hadn’t even read the original document she’d used to accuse Mr. Gonzalez of being evil in its original language, since she doesn’t speak Spanish and read a google translation instead.
Furthermore, a hysterical Simcha Fisher utters a demand that there ought to be some kind of public outcry against the evils of anti-Semitism. We’ve noted in the past here on this blog that it’s difficult, if impossible, in great part because official mouthpieces don’t help much, that violations of Catholic doctrine, liturgical rubrics, veritable insults against Christ Himself, go unpunished and unanswered by those in positions of authority time and time again, while faithful priests are punished in turn, sometimes at the urging of people like NCR and Patheos bloggers. We expect that even if there is an official concern about unfounded charges of anti-Semitism by Neoconservative journalists, we’re not sure how they would enforce a principle which isn’t part of the deposit of faith or if a canonical proceeding could handle such a thing. In any event, many real violations of doctrine take place virtually every day and go unpunished, so we can’t imagine how this charge of anti-semitism could be enforced even if it were the problem the often emotive Simcha Fisher insists it is. .
If you wish to complain about the rude and frankly, libelous behavior of bloggers in various states of employment with the Catholic Church, we’d invite you to contact EWTN and National Catholic Register to lodge your complaints. (800) 421-3230.
I'm disgusted with Patheos bloggers, but its obvious that what is spewing from their filthy computers is born of jealousy.
I have read the woman, DawnEden, has stated she too attends Mass in the old form.
Traddies...form your circle!....aim!.......FIRE!!!
We are getting really good at this, I'm afraid.
What, self-described Traditionalists can’t engage in childishness, bad argumentation and frankly, libelous statements?
It's like when someone says "Some of my best friends are black, but..." you know that what follows is going to be racist.
Whenever someone says "I attend the TLM, but..." you know that they are going to say something horribly untrue about traditionalists.
Oh, dear...not the "anti-semitism" slur against good Catholics again. And again. And again. And again, etc.
Marcelo Gonzalez says in his post that he is tired of... I am too, way tired of it. I'm so tired of it I can't think clearly. Everything that Mr.Gonzalez states is accurate. Why do more people not find it very peculiar and unique that this topic can not be discussed in public forums. The Market is cornered by the One and Only Narrative, Period. How many people think it very odd that the Narrative is so very guarded that that it seems there is fear that the Narrative might have weaknesses in accuracy. The Narrative as it stands grants disproportionate privilege, deference, honor and more. That this deference, honor and insinuated guilt "Changes" the very central Doctrine of the Catholic Faith, the very central reason for the Catholic Church's existence is possibly the greatest heresy in the history of the Faith. Dual Theology is being "discussed", "explored" in Catholic Seminaries.
There are so many Dawn Eden Goldsteins accusing! I read her piece at Patheos Why I am Catholic blog a few days ago. She said a lot of the usual and had very uninteresting Links. At the end of the piece she said "Moral of the Story: Stay Away From The SSPX. I left a comment saying Ms. Eden's Moral of the Story was quite supercilious and that I'm sure she is not a theologian. My comment disappeared and I inquired about it. I checked back next day and the Post was gone and still seems not to be found. Certainly not because of only my comment but a number of comments I suppose. People have reason to be way tired of this, dismayed and more.
I visit a Jewish man's blog. This man doesn't agree with his Jewish brethren about a number of things. One of his posts a little while back was titled "They Never Know When To Quit". I couldn't agree more.
Rorate made Patheos mad. I have to say I kind of respect them again.
I might start again visiting Rorate. I stopped after Pope Benedict stepped down from Peter's Chair. They were going on with a discussion 'Will BXVI extend one last gesture to SSPX in hope of bringing them into full communion with Rome'? I said no will not happen and said why. Two sentences summed it up. Effectively I said it's because the very worst thing in the world is to be called a Nazi. Rorate seems to to be very sensitive of the " most sensitive" feelings. But...Oh well I like some of their stuff.
Oh yes. Bishop Williamson of course was already gone but Jewish Leaders were in another uproar over something that +Fellay had recently said in a visit to Canada. It seems to me so innocuous that I can't recall what he said that offended. He being in Canada, I'm surprised he wasn't arrested on the spot or at the very least fined twenty thousands or so for Hate Speech.
He included the Jews and Freemasons as enemies of the Church. How many of these people actually complaining about what was said have actually read the Bible, or any of the Preconciliar Saints and Doctors of the Church. In any case, they certainly haven't read the Talmud.
He included the Jews as in "Jewish religion" as enemies of The Church. That is quite accurate.
That’s what I said.
Simcha Fisher: a Jewish convert and "Hebrew Catholic," whatever that is. Why does she still care more about "anti-semitism" than Catholics and Catholic truth being attacked?
Not to mention the fact that anti-semitism is itself a non-sequitur and that these attacks on Tradition by people who have their heads shoved so deep into the sand that it has entered the brain are ridiculous anyways.
Mark linked to more junk from what he considers a 'good' traditionalist. Is Patheosism making its way into the traditional Mass movement?
I'm sure he's a nice person, pious and such, and I don't want to hurt him personally, but I'm tired of this. It used to be contained on the EWTN side of things, now it's all over. Again, I don't particularly like a lot of the 'conspiracy' stuff, but people rambling about the 'Extraordinary Form' and 'anti-semitism' and 'radtrads' are infinitely more annoying.
The "Holocaust" has been over for half a century, but Catholics and Orthodox are being happily murdered all over the world. I guess my priorities are higher than trying to please an ethnic pressure group.
Meeee tooo! And thanks for recalling the +Bishop Fellay Sacrilege against the Holier than Thou(s). And The Bible and the Talmud ? Oh they don't need to read that old history. It's that other historical event that usurped and replaced all old stuff. The New Golgotha. I didn't coin this. They did.
Have you all read this from a man who is Jewish about Bishop Williamson?
It's good! http://pauleisen.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/bishop-williamsons-fourth-trial.html
dolrosa, I did. His blog is very interesting. I wish there were way more people who attempted to tell the truth. But don't expect him to be other than secular. I don't mind. I don't visit there for spiritual succor. He is very informative.
Oh but of course the one part of the Bible that they proclaim is God's Chosen People. To Hades with the rest it might seem. And I do hope everyone will take EP's great advice and make complaints to EWTN and NC Register! Thank You EP.
I need to learn this lesson. Don't talk on the internet when should be sleeping. I meant EF, Eponymous Flower of course. I use it sometimes because it's beautiful. Sometimes I do, so not to presume familiarity. Although you seem o.k. with it. So Tancred, I like your advice re: EWTN, NC Register. And since this seems to be the tail-end of this discussion, please don't mind my asking if you will post something related to posted 4-14-013 on the Sidebar, Sedgladium ,facebook: EWTN A Network Gone (SO) Wrong. I can't access it. I'm not on facebook. I'm interested in What Is the lastest specific problem. Thanks.
You mean this? http://throwthebumsoutin2010.blogspot.com/2013/04/its-official-ewtn-slandering-latin-rite.html?showComment=1365967928693
Thanks very much.
Eponymous Flower = the only good use of 'EF' ;)
Catholics who pay homage to betrayers of Christ are betrayers of Christ. It is our Catholic duty to speak up at every opportunity so that they may see the error that they are engaging in.
Otto, you're a hoot and good for laughs!
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