Saturday, March 23, 2013

Liturgical Abuse at Pisa Seminary

(Pisa) A serious liturgical abuse occurs in the Italian city of Pisa with its famous leaning tower next to the cathedral. The Archdiocesan seminary is open to the public for  Holy Mass every Wednesday. On this day, the seminary organized  a contribution to youth ministry, a “Bible class", to learn about the Bible. The Mass is not  celebrated in the seminary chapel, but next door in "a horrendous chapel which is connected to a student's home. I've never seen such an ugly chapel,  that I can not even describe it, it is so ugly,” says Ester Ledda of the website Papale Papale.
The seminarians wear "instead of cassocks, horrendous shirts that would put even Monsignor Ravasi into a state of shock." The celebrant, “who, contrary to the homily, amazingly rushed the Eucharistic Prayer", he invited cleric and lay, to the following Communion: “Communion can be taken under both kinds: first the bread and then the wine. You must get the Sacred Host from me and then dip into the chalice, which the deacon holds. "
"I was speechless," said Ledda. A lot of people are present, it is a coming and going, beginning with the priest to the deacon, then with the host in the hand from one place to another. “Which was immersed in the blood of Christ's bleeding body, drops of His blood trickling down. One holds his hand under it, which he then wipes his trousers, others go with the immersed wafer back to her place, and take it there after first seating themselves. The drops fall on the way to the floor. "
Readers have confirmed the report by PapalePapale of the "Eucharistic Self Service" from personal experience.
The rector of the seminary, Don Roberto Filippini is one of the 63 signatories of the "Letter to the Christians", the Italian version of the priest-rebels. Likewise, the former chaplain of the seminary, Don Severino Dianich.
The militant Jewish convert and Catholic priest Ariel Levi di Gualdo reported the seminary of Pisa on PapalePapale: "Over the past two years, several former seminarians, good guys, turned to me asking if I could recommend you a Catholic seminary. They had been forced to leave this modernist-philoprotestantische nest because they were guilty of being Catholic. In the present state of things, we can say that  Pisa is no seminary, but a chicken ranch, in which the bad  priests are made by bad teachers and all that under the pale shadow of the archbishop, whose weakness has long been known.  What are these seminarians, with an underdeveloped or immature understanding value of the sacred  tomorrow as a priest? Nothing. "
Levi di Gualdo recalls the ecclesiastical rules which categorically forbid  that the believer takes to himself the Lord's body and the chalice of the blood of Christ, that  it was forbidden  to believers and that passing the body of Christ and the Chalice, is strictly prohibited and  that a believer may take the consecrated Host himself immersing it in the blood of Christ or the blood-soaked body of Christ is also prohibited: No. 160 of the General Regulations for Roman Missal, No. 9 of the instruction Donum Inaestimabile the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and the No. 94 and No. 104 of the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum same Congregation, to name just the most recent documents.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: PapalePapale


  1. Jeanette from The Land of KmiecMarch 23, 2013 at 4:46 PM

    Self-Communicating by intinction is FORBIDDEN. The first time I ever witness the abuse by intinction it was committed by an old man in front of me. He plunged the Host into the chalice and then whipped it out and the Blood splashed my face. My knees went out from under me and I almost passed out.

    Communion-in-the-paw is also self-Communicating.

  2. How can this happen ongoing so close to the Vatican ?

  3. I know of a ex Seminarian who went to the Pisa Seminary as a nice young man and left disappointed, bitter, and complaining about the homosexual abuses in the Seminary!!! Well now the poor guy, from a nice Catholic family in a small village in Tuscany is a raging homosexual and embarrassment to the whole village with his proclivities with Moroccans and Africans (he pays them). A once promising vocation destroyed. That my friends is the Pisa Seminary.

  4. I should add that he now hates God, his Church and our Lady. Lord have Mercy on those responsible for destroying souls in these Seminaries in Austria, Italy and America.
