Here’s a quick translation of his speech:

GCC Chairman Zollitsch: "I would urge, as Chairman of our Bishops’ Conference, to turn to the Holy Father to beg forgiveness for any errors that may have been committed in the Church’s areas in Germany against him."
Trier ( / dbk) Pope Benedict XVI. had “born hostility and injustice in the following of Christ. In his speech at the beginning of the week, the Roman Pope has asked for leniency for all of his flaws. I want, as President of our Conference of Bishops, to turn to the Holy Father and beg forgiveness for any errors that may have been committed in the Church’s area in Germany against him,” so said Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference on Monday in his explanation of himself in the end of the declining pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. within the German Bishops’ Conference Spring Plenary in Trier. documents the assessment of the pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI. by the chairman of the German Bishops 'Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, in the Spring Assembly of the German Bishops' Conference on 18 February 2013 in Trier, in full:
In a way all of Germany took a share in the share in the honor that was bestowed Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger when he was one of the Cardinals in conclave of 19 April 2005 to be elected as Bishop of Rome and the Successor of Peter. "We are the Pope," it said in a mixture of pride and joy. Today, after eight years, an overriding sense of deep respect and gratitude, but also quite mixed melancholy. A farewell still hurts too, especially when it comes to familiar and respected persons.
Pope Benedict XVI. all his life, struggled to fathom the unfathomable mystery of God. With great humility he wanted to get closer to God with all his senses to reveal Himself, let who God and what God wants for people: and the Praying in the celebration of the Sacraments, but also with the specifically human means of reason, and in ever new penetration of Scripture and the teaching of the Fathers of the Church, he dedicated his life to the approach to God.
This fundamental decision of his life shapes our Holy Father in such a transparent way that people revere him as their spiritual and intellectual authority. So do most people even those who can understand it because of individual decisions or adjustments or do not want. We are therefore well advised to his decision to resign in a few days, the Bishops, as recognizing what it should be: an expression of the life of faith that is aware of both: of the dignity of man, which is supported by the program Church, to witness God in this world, but also about the finitude of man knows that motivates him to recognize the narrow limits of his own strength and the latest live from the confidence that God, not man, brings success.
When the Holy Father was two years ago here in Germany, he urged again and again the fact that the Church for its own, draws from its transcendent divine source the vitality of its water and to fish in troubled waters is credulous and vulnerable to disappointment in the use of the forces of that world. The correct relation of the Church to the world is what he has particularly urged in his keynote speech to us in the Konzerthaus in Freiburg. We now know with more calm than at the time that he wanted to get the correct and important message of his life to bear draw some gift from the wells of salvation and let himself be the salvation of none other than the Lord.
This particular message, in fact, his words and actions during the entire period of his pontificate. The image of man acquires its contours from the belief in God and Benedict XVI. therefore life has a very positive image of people had, for man reflects God as his likeness, and was redeemed and brought home close to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Particularly, it is the aesthetic forces and reason that characterize the people - and Pope Benedict XVI. would add, his love of wealth. Why he was so happy and passionate theologian: Man, with all the forces of reason comprehend the self-revelation of God and wants to bring to bear. Each of us has guided always by the voice and persuasiveness of the oeuvre of Joseph Ratzinger and take guide us; last well until last Christmas, when he gave us at the end of his Jesus trilogy, the "Prologue" donated to the infancy narratives.
I am sure that the high opinion which the Holy Father cherishes in relation to man, has its basis deeply rooted in the experiences of his parents' home and in the faith life of the young Joseph Ratzinger. The security in a place of love gave to him the core beliefs of his life. More clearly Pope Benedict XVI. always a intuition for the degradation of wickedness and human error. Not that he would castigate sad and tragic developments in persons and society just simply to be denunciatory and unloving. He paid a visit to one of his closest aides in prison once. But he wanted to be clear in his assessments. This concerns the superficialities and turmoil of a society that separates itself from its Christian roots, values, as well as the failure of those who work towards reconciliation and not just peace, but not to let the violence in its many forms run its course. No, Pope Benedict XVI. did not shrink from calling a stop to destructive and hostile forces in the world and the people by name.
All this, however, in the spirit of honesty and self-criticism. Neither has anyone expressed the fallibility and seductibility of the Church itself as he. Honestly, he has spoken of the horrific wounds the priests and other representatives of the Church have inflicted on young people for life, humiliating them by sexual violence. In Rome, and while many of his travels, he found clear words of condemnation for sexual abuse and he was followed by his meeting with those affected by words and deeds.
When Pope Benedict XVI. from the freedom that faith gives, openly addressed the destructive and false sides of society and ecclesial life, yet never in a loud voice, and certainly not in a self-righteous tonality. He wanted - he has said repeatedly - to be a "humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord" and someone who knows about the wonderful power of compassion. Also to the power of compassion, for us as an example, were in my mind, the beautiful words during the Milan Family Congress in 2012 when he talked about how much it drives him, that in modern society, it has become so fragile and difficult for the family living together and all concerned that the Church has been close as brothers and sisters. Truth, clarity and compassion are three pillars of thought and action that remain to us from the present in a special way in this pontificate drawing to a close. How infinitely difficult it can be to be merciful, Benedict XVI. at last must see himself as he was deceived in the closest circle of his confidants and he did not even begrudge him this important place of protection and personal familiarity.
The Holy Father knew to make political points, especially in the context of his travels. As examples I will mention only the trips to Poland, where he, the pope from Germany, also visited the Auschwitz concentration camp, or his stay in the Middle East, especially in Israel and Palestine, or even in the United States and in Australia. Just as the Holy Father has made in relation to the ecumenical approach of the churches and communities, he never wanted for bold action and initiatives. This particularly affects the Orthodox churches, especially Russia. The great religions received the Pope and they have thanked him, especially the Jews and the world of Islam.
Not everything Pope Benedict XVI. has attempted has succeeded. He received the criticism and has an infinite number, of so many tense interrelated expectations of so many from around the world which he could not meet, of course. That is to say, implicitly and part of the honesty which Pope Benedict XVI. desired and practiced. In the act of turning to SSPX For example, he has invested a lot of energy and could not reach the goal. Their lack of understanding, he is just as exposed as the disappointment the other on the other side of the ecclesiastical spectrum, expecting certain ecclesiastical reforms. [Unlike the Jews and the Muslims, of course, or his own alleged contrition in the face of his own failings to implement desired reforms in the liturgy, and the ongoing withering German Catholic Church.]
Pope Benedict XVI. has suffered greatly. But he has steadfastly and consistently exercised his ministry in the knowledge that he on behalf of another, a greater man, stands. He has worn in imitation of Christ even hostility and injustice. In his speech to the beginning of the week the Roman Pope has asked for leniency for all its flaws. I would ask as Chairman of our Bishops' Conference to the Holy Father reversed pardon for any errors that may have been committed in the area of the church in Germany against him. Above all, I'm making a spokesman for the many millions of people in Germany and all the faithful who feel a very big thank you for his service: who feel spiritually from him nourished and in faith effort supported, and the his ministry as the Good Shepherd and bridge builders as great experienced. I want to thank you very emphatically say nice that our Holy Father has nourished our pleasure to be Catholic and to find a home in the church, which can not take a death and no power in the world to us.
COME WITH ROME to the last general audience with Pope Benedict XVI: 26. to 28 February. Bus ride from Linz, Salzburg and Innsbruck. More info here:
Outgoing Tip: 'We' have never been pope! Rend your hearts!
1 comment:
Pope Benedict still has the authority, and the duty, to reverse this horrific act. The question is, will he do so?
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