The protest today was organised by the eccentric comedian Frigide Barjot, founder of the Collectif pour l’humanité durable, joined by gay atheist Xavier Bongibault of the association Plus gay sans mariage (“More Gay Without Marriage”), and Laurence Tcheng of La gauche pour le mariage républicaine(“The Left for Republican Marriage”).
Edit: predictably, the English-speaking press is largely silent or unintersted. The aberrosexual Huffington Post sets the number of participants at "thousands". The BBC has been more accurate. The Washington Post is predictable as well. The Daily Mail , as usual, is better, points out that this is another real failure for the Socialist President Hollande and has an excellent photographic collage. Even the New York Times was more balanced than usual. This also comes on the heels of Hollande's increasing attacks against the Catholic Church.
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Credit: Daily Mail |
Paris, 1-13-2013 (KAP) With a demonstration this Sunday in Parish, more than 650,000 Frenchmen, as organizers have reported, are demonstrating against the introduction of same-sex marriage. The planners revealed that media reports are amazed at the size of the participants. Even Church representatives with Cardinal Philippe Barbarin chief among them estimated far fewer.
Already in November France there were hundreds of thousands protesting against so-called homosexual marriage. The organizer of the demonstration was the independent association "Manifpourtous". A counter demonstration of those promoting same-sex marriage is planned for the 27th of January.
According to online media in consequence, there were at least a dozen prominent representatives of the conservative opposition party, UMP taking part in the demonstration. Among them was the party president, Jean-Francois Cope and Ex-Minister of the Interior Brice Ortefeux as well as Euro Minister Laruent Wauqiez. He wants to hold a plebiscite over the controversial proposal.
In the mean time according to media reports, 115 representatives of the National Assembly have written a petition to President Francois Hollande. In view of the social divisiveness in this question a referendum is unallowable.
In the preparation with "Manifpourtous" -- Catholic Church representatives have been outspoken against the marriage of or adoption by aberrosexual pairs. The President of the French Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, came to the close of the demonstration at the Place Denfert-Rochereau (at the Eifel Tower) in order to express his thanks to the organizers. Even members of the world religions have been engaged against the broadening of the concept of marriage.
The Ministry Council had adopted a proposed law for the introduction of same-sex marriages and the right of adoption for aberrosexual pairs. The National Assembly confirmed it at the end of January. According to the Hollande's desire the new regulation should come into effect in the first half of the year.
In the meantime, the opinion research institute Ifop published a poll, according to which 62 percent of Frenchmen are of the opinion, that there is too much talk about "homosexual-marriage". The theme takes up too large a space in the social debate, say the majority of those polled.
Link to kathweb...
Note: there are also forces in this march which is readily evident from the photos that are also Revolutinoary, including Brigitte Bardot and her associates with their own opposition to the policies of the Socialist which overlap with the interests of the Church.
Wow,this amazing.Now maybe there is some hope for France.Oh, is that unrealistic optimistic? Maybe though there is hope for the Church.Let's hope for them,pray for them.Amen.
The Church's Eldest Daughter is on the rise. Glory be to God.
I've been following articles on this planned march and the attempts of liberals to hijack it. Now I was using a translator so maybe I have missed something....but what has this march for defense of traditional marriage got to do with the bishops???? If they were involved, I sure missed it.
It's been gearing up all summer, and Holande has even been threatening to take measures against the Church for a failure to tow the line.
Well, I must say I am surprised.Glad to hear it but still surprised. Thanks for the links, Tancred.
I do not agree it is the french episcopate's success - it is layfolk who deserve the plaudits. I read reports that the french bishops support civil unions. If this is true, then they are doing those who have worked hard against this godless govt a serious disservice.
Like you, I certainly have my reservations about the French Bishops, but if you've been following their conflicts with Mssr Hollande of late, you can see that most of them have been actively working against this obviously destructive proposal, but certainly a lot of the credit goes to people like Barjot. example...there are more. I know that most bishops in France like to keep a low profile. When the bishop in Biarritz protested against the gay day parade there he was told to mind his own business by the mayor. Not one "brother" bishop stood up for him. Judging by the state of the diocesan seminaries we can conclude that any idea of evanglisation, new or old, is far from their intentions.
True equality applies equally to everyone! It cannot be granted to a privileged few, but unequally denied to everyone else.
It’s hypocritical to demand "Marriage Equality” for aberrosexuals (those who engage in biologically aberrant, morally deviant sexual behavior), yet cynically deny it to all others that, by the same logic, are as equally deserving.
Aberrosexualists mock the very notion of equality by demanding “equal marriage rights" for themselves while conveniently refusing it to everyone else in a so-called “loving and caring relationship.”
What about those who want to so-call “marry” their blood relatives, minors, multiple partners, or even their lovable, adorable pets? That’s right folks! If you can leave your entire estate to your beautiful Labrador retriever, why shouldn’t you be able to marry him (or her?) as well? Shouldn’t “Marriage Equality” apply to these Americans as well?
Aberrosexualist extremists pushing so-called “Marriage Equality” need to come clean. They need to be consistent at the very least! They can’t advocate “Marriage Equality” for a chosen few, while hypocritically denying it to those who may want to so-call "marry" multiple partners or their grandma so they can be covered by her insurance and inherit her pension benefits. Otherwise, they must stop pretending to stand for “Marriage Equality" at all!
Don't bother asking about polygamy, either. Aberrosexualists know very well from hiring a multitude of public relations firms and funding multi-million dollar surveys and research that polygamy is unpopular and frowned upon. By that expedient standard, aberrosexualists gaily exclude polygamists from all the special privileges of their notion of "equality."
In the end, aberrosexual so-called "Marriage Equality" is not really the issue or the objective at all. It's merely a ruse; a devious ploy to make aberrant sexual behavior less repugnant in your mind. Everyone knows that the vast majority of aberrosexuals aren't the least bit interested in getting married or acquiring marital duties, obligations or responsibilities. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Don't take our word for it. Simply look at same-sex so-called "marriage" rates in Europe. Where fully permitted and encouraged by law, aberrosexuals have the lowest rate of so-called "marriage" and the highest and most frequent rate of divorce.
The real objective is to force society to compromise its values and accept biologically aberrant, morally deviant sexual behavior.
Everyone, no matter their race, their sex or their alleged sexual preference, ALREADY has the same EQUAL freedom to marry. Regardless of their race, sex, or alleged sexual preference, everyone has the right to marry a member of the opposite sex on the same EQUAL terms and EQUAL conditions. That’s what true Marriage Equality is all about! Aberrosexualists need to stop whining and stop sullying their own apparently scant intellectual honesty.
I go for same sex marriage. Let's be liberal and let everyone enjoy equality throughout the world. We are created equal and there is no singular reason of hindering one's happiness. Go third sexes go!
Except it doesn't work. When you consider how disastrous it's been and will be for the military, and other institutions. Most sexual assaults in the military are aberrosexual, and that wasn't apron led before the repeal of DADT.
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