Saturday, December 1, 2012

SSPX Has Productive Meeting Discussing Vatican II With Diocesan Clergy

Meeting in Diocesan Seminary

[] The Society of St. Pius X in Germany offered regular places at priest conferences for Pastors and Chaplains for Diocesan pastoral care.

Last Monday the most recent meeting in Zaitzkofen in the Seminary of the Heart of Jesus ended.

13 Diocesan priests, who are friendly to the Society, had taken part.

"It was a meeting in an atmosphere with many enthusiastic discussions and a very lively, brotherly interaction,"  said Fr. Franz Schmidberger.  "We are very solicitous for contact with Diocesan priests," also stressed the District Superior of Germany, who had travelled from Stuttgart for the meeting himself.

The theme was Vatican II and its consequences.  The lecturers were the faculty of the Seminary of Herz Jesu.

The Germany District  had brought a priest, to take care of contacts with the Diocesan priests, Fr. Robert Schmitt. (See photo)

He was also present at the meetings and showed himself very pleased over the spirited interest of the priests in the Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Priests involved in pastoral care in the Diocese are heartily invited to get in touch with him.

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  1. "The theme was Vatican II and its consequences."
    Who was giving the conferences? If the SSPX priests weren't, I'd be concerned the other priests might think they are "converting" the SSPX priests.

  2. @ Alan Aversa

    'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.

  3. Years back, Diocesan clergy attended SSPX Conferences in the North of England and SSPX clergy have been known to Celebrate Mass in a local Cathedral and the odd parish church. Happy days!

  4. Archbishop Gerhard Muller,Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican has got it right!

    Traditionalists and progressives are using the same false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II: Archbishop Muller seems to realize it.

    Heretical interpretations of Vatican Council II come with a new element added which is not part of the Faith.

    Vatican Council II is not a break with the past unless implicit salvation mentioned in the text, is assumed to be explicit and known in 2012.

    Archbishop Gerhard Muller's recent statement could suggests that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) has tracked the 'missing link' responsible for heretical interpretations of Vatican Council II.He seems to have detected the primary cause of Vatican Council II being considered a break with the past.

    It would be clear by now, that there is no text in Vatican Council II, which says being saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience, elements of sanctification etc are known to us in the present times.No text says that we can see the dead on earth.

    So we cannot imply, as is being done in general, that these cases are exceptions to Tradition i.e the dogma on salvation and the Syllabus of Errors.

    Since there is no 'known salvation' mentioned in Vatican Council II the Council is not a rupture with the past.

    The Council no where contradicts Fr.Leonard Feeney's understanding of the dogma on exclusive salvation.

    If the cardinal who issued the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston assumed that invincible ignorance etc were exceptions to the dogma, he made a mistake.

    The Letter does not explicitly say that Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy.One has to imply it - and just about every one is doing just this!

    The Letter refers to 'the dogma'. The text of the dogma does not mention any exceptions.It agrees with Fr.Leonard Feeney's traditional position. He was excommunicated for disobedience.

    This error from the 1940's, of the visible baptism of desire, has entered into the interpretation of Vatican Council II, by traditionalists and progressives

    The CDF Prefect realizes that it is heresy to consider the Council as a break from the past.It would be a break, if one used the false premise, of being able to see on earth, the dead, now saved in Heaven.

    The dead-visible is not part of the hermeneutics of continuity.The Council is not neutral it is traditional and there can be only one orthodox interpretation.-Lionel Andrades
    Feast of St.Francis Xavier

  5. Catholic Mission

    Great news...once Abp Mueller squares the circle by reconciling religious liberty, collegial equality and fraternal ecumenism with Tradition, he can move onto the eternal virginity of the Mother of God, transubstantiation and the nature of the Resurrection. Might as well deal with all the heresies at once before asking ourselves why someone who would once have been investigated by the CDF now heads it.
