Pope Benedict XVI may possibly visit the Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Kiev, Swjatoslaw Schwetschuk in the Ukraine.
Arcbishop Schwetschuk |
Vatican City (kath.net/KNA) Pope Benedict XVI may possibly visit the Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Kiev, Swjatoslaw Schwetschuk in the Ukraine, according to him. The possibility about such a visit was already discussed for this year, said Schwetschuk on Monday in informal talks during the Bishops' Synod. With a view to the social importance it is being descried as a "delicate matter".
As to the question if the Pope might come to his country, Schwetschuk said: "I believe yes". The Catholics in Ukraine are awaiting Benedict XVI., says the head of the Greek-Catholic Church in Ukraine. The possibility of a papal trip to the Ukraine has been speculated upon for quite some time; an invitation has been extended by the Catholics united with Rome.
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Flowers is the one of the most popular!
the Pope should come and bless and dedicate the new Cathedral and also name Shevchuk as the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church
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