Wednesday, October 31, 2012

News Reports

German Submission Bishops Praise the World

Germany. The German Bishops have could have taken something from the Conciliar Fathers from other continents, something about "fear of the world" -- which is currently pulverizing the Church in Germany.  This is what Archbishop Robert Zollisch of Freiburg said to 'Katholischen Nachrichtagentur' over the World Bishops' Synod  closing on Sunday.  There were positions given about "the hostile world, from which we must be detached".  The German Church-tax Bishops are opposed, rather "going to the world".

Bishops Against Homosexual Depravity

Slovakia.  The Family Council of the Slovakian Bishops' Conference has asked the Parliament to vote against the privileging of homosexuality.  The Council warns that the homosexually disturubed  will lead to a "civil partnership in the law".  Homosexuality must not be put at the same level with a Papa-mama-baby-marriage.  The homosexually disturbed stand "in complete opposition to the sanctity of sexuality between husband and wife in marriage".  St. Paul has already addressed the loan which is due from homosexuals because of their aberration. The position recalled antique Rome, which fell because of its own immorality.

Wild Reactions

Germany.  On October 30th the former protestant Minister Andreas Theurer and his wife converted to the Church.  This was reported by the Lutheran news 'edp'.  Actually the two wanted to convert today on "Reformation Day", October 31st.  Actually that would have been felt by Protestants as a "monstrous provocation", explained Theurer.  Because of "wild reactions" the conversion was to take place on Monday.

The Poles Warn -- the Germans Downplay

Poland.  The website of the Archdiocese of Warsaw has warned against "Satanic practices", which will corrupt the youth on the so-called festival of Halloween.  It has spread occultism and sorcery.  On the other hand, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch has said on his Archdiocesan website that Halloween is next to the "carved  faces in pumpkins at scary parties" allegedly increases interest in the All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day feasts.  There is a time to have a "collective harvest wonder", he insisted.

Euphemisms About Mass Apostasy

Austria.  The decline of Christians in Europe is dependent above all on the decreasing numbers of births.  So the Old Liberal Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn took his own responsibility for this massive decline in the Church from the table, for the Church-tax News 'kathpress'.  A connection between the decline of births and the allowance by the Bishops of artificial contraception in the Mariatroster Declaration [Austrian Bishops rejected 'Humane Vitae' in 1968, although he was quick to excuse it early in September.] was not made by the Cardinal.   There is no cause for his resignation -- he smoothed over the problem beautifully.

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