Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mark Shea Makes Sincere Apology to Father West?

Edit: We'd like to thank Spirit Daily, Pewsitter, Catholic Culture, Culture Wars and many others especially the intelligent commentators, who helped bring this to public attention

Just recently, Father West greeted some changes in Mark Shea's, (if not his future conduct) posts and accepted an offer of peace.

Word to the wise, even a semi-Pelagian who's liberal with the laurels of eternal salvation can bump up against the Neo-Republican agenda with impunity. He was chastened, but not for the right reasons in our opinion. Stay tuned for round 2, or 3. To be sure, he'll be stomping on other Conservative or Conservative-lite priests and figures in future.

Father West wrote the following on Facebook, today:
Mark Shea has revised his article on Perry Lorenzo and removed an offensive post about John Corapi. While Mark and I continue to have serious disagreements, they are on matters related to prudential judgments not the Catholic faith. I consider Mark to be a faithful Catholic. While I'm sure we will disagree in the future, I pledge to be more measured in my criticism. I thank Steven D. Greydanus for acting as an intermediary. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5, 9)


  1. How does Fr. West know if Shea is a faithful Catholic? Does he follow him around 24/7? It isn't wise to judge people for good or bad, says St. John of the Cross.

    1. There's a difference between faithful and good I suppose. It's not a sin to assume the best in someone, especially when they seem to be sincere in their apologies.

      We'll just have to see what future Shea does.

    2. Mark Shea dislikes traditional Catholics and speaks unbcharitably against them at every occasion he finds to do so. So that does not make him a "faithful" Catholic. I don't think this is what Fr. West meant by that definition.

    3. I assume that a "faithful" Catholic believes what the Church teaches and practices the Catholic Faith. He didn't specify what he meant, however.

  2. I am not parsing the title here. It seems backwards, it was Fr. West who manned up. It was accepted and all seems well.

    1. No, you're backwards Father West didn't concede anything. It was Shea who took down his offensive comments and removed an entire post brutalizing Father Corapi.

      All's probably not well.

  3. Shea, IMHO, hasn't really repented. He has retreated from actions that got him into hot water in the past, but he always turns right around and pulls the same crap again. He's a psychopath who will never be anything other than what he is right now. He will trouble the Church until some bishop excommunicates him.
