(kreuz.net) The Old Liberal German Catholicism has been in a state of "paralysis and weakness" for years.
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No Word of Dialog in the Gospel
The Cardinal criticized the Old Liberal 'dialog process" of the German Bishops, which makes the faith and the Church a process, whose second central event took place on the weekend in Hannover.
"There isn't a single mention of the word dialog in the bible" -- explained Cardinal Brandmüller.
Life Saving Medicine?
For the spreading of the Faith of the faith -- since the stagnation following the Second Vatican Council -- lies in the personal witness of the faith.
Structural reforms or pastoral strategies take a secondary role as far as he is concerned.
The Pope is apparently proscribing "life giving medicine" with the upcoming "Year of Faith".
In order to maintain one's self in an environment hostile to faith, perseverance and daily practice is needed.
The faith is "not an à la Carte choice on the menu, which one only has to pick what one likes."
Link to kreuz.net...
1 comment:
Post by Jeannon Kralj
God bless Cardinal Walter Brandmüller. He has said something so extremely important and no Church prelate has had the fortitude to speak this truth.
Dialoging to consensus is what the Rand Corporation in America perfected in the early 1960s, and it is called the "Delphi Technique."
It is a form of the Hegelian dialectic of thesis, antithesis, synthesis and is Satan's subtle brilliance of manipulating and controlling people and societies.
I have noticed in communication from "Catholic" websites, radio networks and shows and hosts, and "Catholic" spokespersons that this dialoging to consensus underlies almost all that they say. It seems to be linked to the concept of "ecumenism" as wrongly understood, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with loving and living to get to Heaven and helping as many as possible to get there too.
This "dialoging nonsense" is anti-reason and anti-truth and is pure anti-Christ, the One Who said He is Truth.
Truth is not discovered by consensus or "democracy."
We have to love Truth and stand for Truth and expose error anywhere and everywhere. The saints and heroes of this world are the ones who haved live, died, and gone to prison for Truth.
Again, what the Cardinal is saying here has importance for all of society. It is about how we seek truth. It is not about the wisest worldly "strategies" of the day. It is not by might and power. It is about striking down the principalities of this wicked world system with the sword of the Holy Spirit.
is a video about "Obama's Counterfeit Catholics"
that demostrates the Satanic subtlety of these new strategies of dialog and how they are contrary to the teachings of the Church.
God bless us each and every one in the Name of Jesus Christ Who is Truth.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
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