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(kreuz.net) There is "not a hermeneutic of pure continuity" in the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council by the Pope.
This oft repeated expression was made by the Old Liberal curial Cardinal Kurt Koch -- who is the President of the Pontifical Council for Unity -- to the German 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur'.
Empty Mist Instead of Catholic Doctrine
An interpretation of the "hermeneutic of pure continuity" would apparently be a substitution by the Traditionalists -- maundered the Cardinal.
In reality the Old Believers have maintained that the Pastoral Council represents a break with the Doctrine of the Church.
The Cardinal made a lot of mist: The Pope sees "a connection of renewal and continuity in the sense that the Council desired and needed a renewal of the Church but not a new Church."
Wants a Class of a Class
Cardinal Koch styled the documents of the Pastoral Council with the same comb, although they arranged are in four large Constitutions, nine decrees and three statutes.
On may -- apparently a "purely formal" -- distinction between the documents.
In any case the Cardinal fabricated then "a problem, as the Council of Trent (1545-1563) had only enacted decrees and no constitutions."
What the Cardinal didn't say: The Council of Trent formulated "anathemas", which condemned errors in sentences as clear as glass.
Dogmatically Unbinding
At the Pastoral Council Cardinal Koch saw "hardly any difference" in the "binding with regard to its content".
That means: the Pastoral Council itself had imputed a lower dogmatic value binding character.
He attempted to enhance the Decree on Ecumenism that it apparently has its dogmatic formulations in the non-dogmatic Constitution of the Church.
The Ecumenism-Cardinal Insults the Protestants
As far as the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X, Cardinal Koch sees difficulties in that they see errors in the Pastoral Council.
"That Councils can also contain errors, is in any case an error which goes back to Martin Luther" -- said the Cardinal critically on the fabrications of the Protestants.
The Old Believers must "really ask, where they actually stand" themselves -- as he leveled a broadside against the inventor of Protestantism.
Actually Cardinal Koch shows himself as more papal than the Pope.
Because the Pastoral Council did not avail itself of the infallibility of a dogmatic Council -- which Luther denied.
Take Care, Cardinal Koch
The Lefebrist website 'pius.info' posed the question today, "if the Cardinal is leading people with intention into error".
The hapless Cardinal needs remedial Catechism: A Council is infallible, when it defines a doctrine of the Faith.
This is the point that Martin Luther contested.
On the contrary the Church has never insisted that "everything, which is within the text of a Council is infallible."
Dogmatized the Pastoral Council After the Fact
The Pastoral Council understands itself as a Pastoral Council.
For that reason it could "not raise the claim of binding character."
The founder of the Society, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (+1991), had frequently pointed out that one said during the Council , that it wasn't necessary to express with dogmatic precision what would merely be treated as a Pastoral Council.
Actually: "After the Council then one would begin to make the texts dogmatic, as Cardinal Koch had done."
The Conciliar Church is a Divided Kingdom
Cardinal Koch also contradicted a statement by Cardinal Walter Brandmueller in the past May.
The later attested that the Conciliar documents over inter-religious dialog and apparent religious freedom had no "dogmatically binding content".
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DIVINE Assistance is also given to ALL Councils EVEN if they dont Define New Dogmas! For Divine Assistance a Council ONLY needs: A) to be called by the Pope b)to the Presided by the Pope c)to be Approved by the Pope d) Its documents to the directed to the Whole Universal Church and NOT to a particular person or group:
--Catholic Catechism 892 Divine assistance is also given to the successors of the apostles, teaching in communion with the successor of Peter, and, in a particular way, to the bishop of Rome, pastor of the whole Church, when, without arriving at an infallible definition and without pronouncing in a "definitive manner," they propose in the exercise of the ordinary Magisterium a teaching that leads to better understanding of Revelation in matters of faith and morals. To this ordinary teaching the faithful "are to adhere to it with religious assent" which, though distinct from the assent of faith, is nonetheless an extension of it.
--Pope Paul VI (Letter to Lefebvre, 1976): With the special assistance of the Holy Spirit, the Popes and the Ecumenical Councils have acted in this common way. And it is precisely this that the Second Vatican Council did. NOTHING THAT WAS DECREED in this Council, or in the reforms that We enacted in order to put the Council into effect, IS OPPOSED to what the two-thousand-year-old Tradition of the Church considers as fundamental and immutable. We are the guarantor of this, not in virtue of Our personal qualities but in virtue of the charge which the Lord has conferred upon Us as legitimate Successor of Peter, and in virtue of the special assistance that He has promised to Us as well as to Peter: "I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail" (Lk 22:32). The universal episcopate is guarantor with Us of this.” Again, you cannot appeal to the distinction between what is dogmatic and what is pastoral, to accept certain texts of this Council and to refuse others."
--Cardinal Ratzinger ( January 20, 1986): "Of course you can express your anxiety over certain interpretations that may have been given to various texts of the Council; you may also legitimately criticize such interpretations. But it is not possible for you to call into question the authentic doctrine of the ecumenical Second Vatican Council, the texts of which are magisterial and enjoy the HIGHEST DOCTRINAL AUTHORITY”
--Cardinal Ratzinger (Letter to Lefebvre, 1982): “In the third paragraph you speak of "statements or expressions of the Council that are contrary to the Magisterium of the Church." Then you list three texts of the Council incompatible, according to you, with the Magisterium, adding even an "etc." Here your position even more radical… But you cannot assert the incompatibility of the conciliar texts - which are magisterial texts - with the Magisterium and Tradition. You can say that personally, you do not see this compatibility, and to ask explanations of the Apostolic See. But if, on the contrary, you assert the impossibility of such an explanation, you are DEEPLY DEPARTING FROM THE FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURE OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH; the of faith of the Church which you are claiming to defend at the end of your letter, the faith you were taught during your childhood and in the Eternal City.”
Try addressing the points made, sir, rather than making your own unfounded and irrelevant assertions.
The points made regarding the Pastoral Council did not address whether divine assistance was involved, it only addressed the binding power of those documents.
In agree with Koch on one thing: the Church is in need of renewal...renewal after the destruction wrought upon it by Vatican 2.
Mr Lopez: Sir, a pastoral council, which states that it is not going to make any dogmatic definitions, does not enjoy the charism of infallibility, no matter who called it or who approved it. It is very easy to get confused by this, I know. But the fact remains that Vatican 2 carries no weight whatsoever when compared to genuinely dogmatic councils such as Trent, Lateran 1-4, etc.
Regarding God's assistance: well, yes, He is ready to grant assistance....when He is ASKED to do so by the Council fathers. And even if He is asked, that is no guarantee that the human element will not trump God's assistance, a fact clearly visible in such extremely problematic documents as Lumen Gentium, Gaudiam et Spes, Nostra Aetaete, etc.
We need to read less Vatican 2 and more Church history. There were 2,000 years of that history before 1969, you know.
That being said, thanks Dan, divine assistance and a non-binding Pastoral Council are not mutually exclusive.
I agree with Dan. This is the Catholic Church, with 2000 years of teaching. It is not the Lumen Gentium Church or Gaudiam et Spes Church, etc. The modernists will continue in their attempts to foist Vatican 2 as this super dogmatic Council we all need to bow down to.
Dear Vince,
Divine Assistance is only given if the Holy Ghost is invoked and for that purpose. The Holy Ghost was never invoked and they knew darn well better than to do that or they would never be able to do their dirt.
"Is Cardinal Kurt Koch Intentionally Leading People Into Error?" GASP! Vaticon II heirarchy....intentionally....gulp...DECEIVE???!! Say it isn't so!
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