Edit: Just to head you off at the pass, the accusation being made below that this Cardinal is protecting the Austrian abortion industry and promoting homosexuality is well documented. Kreuz.net's opinion of the intelligence of Neoconservatives you can infer for yourself.
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Kirche in Medjugorje © gnuckx, Flickr, CC |
(kreuz.net, Medjugorje) The Old Liberal Vienese homosexual-pornography Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has a flowery word of greeting to a youth festival to the false Marian apparition site Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
This was reported by the Archdiocese of Vienna.
Interfering in the Affairs of a Foreign Diocese
The youth festival took place this week.
With the words of greeting, Cardinal Schönborn stabbed his colleague who has forbidden pilgrimages to the false apparition site.
The Loving Closeness of the Lie
Yet still the Cardinal sent the youthful apparitionists his blessing which he inserted effeminately in a disordered way:
"It fills me with joy and admiration that you take all the trouble you to come to this so hot and secluded place where you do not expect a sea beach, no pool, but where a mother is waiting for you, Our Lady who each of you knows and loves. "
The prince of the church wishes the young people at the false apparition site, the experience of the "so loving closeness" of the Gospa.
The Biggest Hoax in Europe
With the statement that Medjugorje is supposedly, "the largest confessional in Europe" the homo-porn Cardinal said, that confession in the Conciliar Church has been abolished in most European countries.
He expressed his hopes for the youth that they have "a wonderful time in the community of the Church, which is living and brings us home".
They will like being sent "by the Gospa and her Son".
Link to kreuz.net...
When will he retire?
He's 67 now, so probably 9 years.
Wow - quite an angry post!
If it doesn't make you angry that this man is responsible for one of the largest Sees in the Catholic Church, then you're an idiot.
The sad thing is that Schoenborn was the Cardinal in charge of the writing of the current Catechism. I remember seeing EWTN profile him years ago, upon the Catechism's first publishing, in a series. Please see Unity Publishing for a chronicling of this demonic circus. The crux of the matter is that the demon in Medjugorge doesn't believe you have to be Catholic!!! He, (as the cursed "gospa") loves every false mystic, false prophecy (you think the infernal beast could manage one accurate prediction ever once in awhile..), and THE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL! If the demon is correct, there was a super-wonderful "new" (sic) sacrament giving to us from a protestant woman "pastor" (The "sleighing of the spirit") that allows us to throw off all tradition and sigh about what other "sacraments" may be inherited from other heretics, gnostics, pagans, etc..This is huge because EWTN, Fransican University, and others, who profess undying loyalty to the Church, are crawling with these sorts. Mother Angelica, before her stroke, was a huge, but unwitting proponent of these deceptions. We pray for all. When the demon is renounced by Benedict XVI, once and for all, (He already has as Ratzinger) many people should pause on what this means for the "renewal" and the abysmal failure of "ecumania" the past 50 years. How do we speak to any man about their house when our own is in disrepair? A good deal of MAXIMA MEA CULPAs would be a good beginning. Thank you for indulging..PAX CHRISTI!!!!!!!
+Schoenborn is one of the most brilliant men in the modern Church. I just wish he were on our side. Thanks for posting!
Yes, the good Cardinal was also responsible for the horrible YOU-CAT....that wishy, washy, feel good mish mash of of many heresy's interlaced with a small dose of truth. He is truly despicable!!!
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