Edit: we'd earlier identified a possible cooperative action between the Knights of Columbus and the Masons, where a pancake breakfast benefit sponsored by the Masonic Lodge was being permitted at a Knights of Columbus Hall, giving the very clear idea that they were cooperating and approving of each others aims and goals.
In an October version of a Knights of Columbus circular flier in 2008, there was this admonition on the bottom, really more of a CYA after the fact. How many Knights have actually read it at the bottom of the page?
James Terwedo is the Knights Counsel (who is listed as the contact person in the 2008 explanation) and is the same one who made the incredible argument that since the Knights don't technically own their brick and mortar that they'd have to rent them to homosexual organizations as long as they don't overtly oppose Church teaching.
In any event, it's interesting that Mr. Terwedo was aware of the prohibition against Knights belonging to the Masonic Lodge in the context of the planned benefit. What follows is the excerpt from the Knight's flier:
![]() |
Can Masons be members of the Knights of Columbus? The answer is no!
Why not? Because, the constitution of the Masons is in conflict with the
precepts of the Catholic Church. In order to be a member of the Knights of
Columbus, a person must be a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See.
The Holy See is the Vatican. A person can be a practicing Catholic, ie goes to
church, takes communion, etc., but not necessarily be a practical Catholic. A
person who is a Mason can not be a practical Catholic because he belongs to an
organization that has a written constitution contrary to the teachings of the
Catholic Church. A Catholic who is a Mason can resign his membership in the
Masons and thereby become eligible to become a KC. Most of us know some
good Christians who are our neighbors, fishing buddies, relatives, etc. and they
are Masons. But even Catholic Masons, can not join the Knights of Columbus.
If you have any questions, please contact State Advocate, Jim Terwedo at 952-
You certainly nailed it. A "Catholic Mason" is oxymoronic. When one becomes the other, the former is no longer. You can be a Catholic or you can be a Mason but you can't be both.
Three observations that I hope are received in the benign spirit that they are being offered.:
-Holy Communion is received, not taken. Seems a small thing but it is very important theologically.
-Non-Catholics are not Christian. Only Catholics are Christian because they follow Jesus Christ. (Traditional Catholics at least.) Protestants follow Martin Luther.
-The Non-Catholic neighbor, fishing buddy, etc is better described as being "well-intended". That goes also for Catholics, who if they were of right heart would cringe at being labeled thus since "None is good but God alone."
But according to "supreme" if you're a Catholic who publicly advocates for abortion you can't be kicked out of your council unless "supreme" gives the ok.
The "knights" of today would make Fr. McGivney spin in his grave. They are the Order of Loyal Racoons. I renounced my "knighthood" years ago. These are not serious Catholics.
Also, tell that guy in the apron to make me a sandwich.
LOL @ Jason's sandwich comment.
Myself, I'd rather be a member of the Holy Name Society and the Legion of Mary.
Speaking of Masons...has anyone else noticed how even small towns have their chapters? Every single small town has a brand new pale blue (UN blue?) sign announcing their presence. A friend who travels the countrysides noticed the same thing. I hope they are on every corner so when the Consecration is made, it will be more noticable that they are gone. *POOF!
PS...I see the internet gods finally realized that we were bypassing their verification code number that tells them our locations. Now if you don't include the correct number they do not let you post. Devils all of them.
Perhaps the Vatican should practise what they preach and give alms to the poor and destitute? The Vatican is in control of at least well over a half a trillion dollars in holdings (excluding art and artifacts), their real estate holdings are exempt from taxation, they charge for sacred rites to be practised by followers and ask for donations. Perhaps the Church should adhere to the principles of Christ and give to the poor of the world. True believers of Jesus Christ will still have faith in a true cause without the financial portfolio of the Vatican. Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely. The Roman Catholic Church is not the only faith to concede to such temptations: many others have lost their way with the majority of world -wide culprits being Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism to name a few (all should give back their wealth as mentioned). Religion and spirituality should encompass the same core beliefs to guide their adherents to being a better human being.The Golden Rule is simple "Treat others how you wish to be treated"; Respect all life and bask in the wonderful opportunity we have to experience life and consciousness.
The Vatican does feed the poor, dumbo.
Pls no dumbo Faith Hope and Love
Now they provide shower stations for the homeless in V.C.
Wow, and such wonderful Christian values you show right? Typical Hypocritical Roman Catholic. Pious in church, but once out that door all bets are off right? Last time I checked, Jesus loved everyone, not just the ones that you so called Pious ones deemed worthy of it. Reread your bible and quit thinking YOU are God!
Are you saying that Protestants are not Christians? If you are, than you are wrong.
If you say so, despite the fact that they don't really believe what Christians have always believed.
NOT TRUE I AM A FREEMASON AND A KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS.. Educate yourselves men. So are many Popes. Pope Francis is a Freemason Grand Lodge of Argentina 33rd Degree, Pope John XXIII Grand Lodge of France, and Pope John Paul II also a Freemason. Both of these are Saints. Also under John Paul II the Vatican canon law against Freemasonry was rewritten and the word Freemason is no longer there. The excommunication penalty has been lifted for over two decades.
Both Freemasons and Knights place their faith first! Also Freemasons contrary to popular belief are mostly Christian and that includes Catholics. WE DO acknowledge Jesus Christ. When and how?.....Its a SECRET...lol!!
I am a Knight Of Columbus and a Freemason. This post is so ill informed. The Under Pope John Paul II in 1983 the Prohibition of the being a member of the Freemasons has been scratch from the canon law. YES UNDER POPE John Paul II who was also a Freemason, and is now a Saint. and Just like John XXIII who is also a Saint and was a Freemason, Oh and lets not Forget Freemason Pope Francis 33 degree Grand Lodge of Argentina. Come on guys get informed, stop the BS.. I believe in Jesus Christ and Vatican or no Vatican Knights and Masons must put their faith before the Council or before the Lodge. FAITH comes first Masons do not obligate you change anything of your Religion and they do acknowledge Jesus Christ, just as Knights of Columbus do as well. When and how...like both groups say...ITS A SECRET!!
Thanks for the confirmation.
God forbid anyone would disagree with your confused theogony.
Please Read
It has been asked whether there has been any change in the Church’s decision in regard to Masonic associations since the new Code of Canon Law does not mention them expressly, unlike the previous Code.
This Sacred Congregation is in a position to reply that this circumstance in due to an editorial criterion which was followed also in the case of other associations likewise unmentioned inasmuch as they are contained in wider categories.
Therefore the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.
It is not within the competence of local ecclesiastical authorities to give a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which would imply a derogation from what has been decided above, and this in line with the Declaration of this Sacred Congregation issued on 17 February 1981 (cf. AAS 73 1981 pp. 240-241; English language edition of L’Osservatore Romano, 9 March 1981).
In an audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect, the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II approved and ordered the publication of this Declaration which had been decided in an ordinary meeting of this Sacred Congregation.
Rome, from the Office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 26 November 1983.
Joseph Card. RATZINGER
+ Fr. Jerome Hamer, O.P.
Titular Archbishop of Lorium
If your a macon and a knight. You need to pick and get out of one group. Hope you choose right.
I am a 3rd Degree KofC and I absolutely agree with Brother
Emanuel Alvarez. Blessing s brother Alvarez! Vivat Jesus!
Well as a Knight and Freemason I receive comunion on a daily basis. The laws of man dont apply to me when it comes to my faith in Jesus Christ. Its ok. Jesus hung out with pimps, prostitutes, theives, and lepers. Im good where I'm at. I'll let Jesus judge me.
That's not possible, but like unrepentant sinners everywhere, explaining the principle of non-contradiction to you is an exercise in futility.
I'm sure you've got a good gig going through both organizations and don't want to upset it.
I wouldn't say have a good "Gig" going. Im just a human being like evryone else. I take the good from both and apply it to my life. I give a flying - who doesn't like it and I don't care who gets upset. Vatican no vatican priest or Pope. John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
So who ever here doesn't aproove take it up with God as I will. Fraternal Greetings.
That's nice. Do you worship Santa Muerte too?
How humorous. It is easy to judge from the outside. All I can say is you are a moron Bro Tancred. How can you castigate what you don't know nor have ever experienced? Tell me Bro Tancred I would really like to know. Jesus was seen as an outcast. He was judged made fun of too. Like the buffoonish coment from the Bro. who asked me to make him a sandwich. Would you like mustard or mayo with that. I can turn the other cheek. I learned that thru Christ. perhaps you should learn some commandments. "Thou shalt not judge" for one. Pope Francis is a 33rd degree Freemason raised in Argentina. So were many more. I have seen the paperwork with my own eyes. Something you will never do and I can guarantee it. I will tell you why. Men of such pompous chip on the shoulder character like you have prooven to be with your comments will never set foot in a Masonic lodge. You are not worthy to take the oaths much less to wear the regalía. As a knight you should carry yourself a little diferent. I dont worship la santa muerte. Where do you get these things? I worship Christ God the Father and the Holy Spirit. I am Roman Catholic to the core and challange you directly to live your life acording to Christ's teachings.
I will tell you what we do in the lodge. WE READ THE BIBLE. We discuss everything exactly like we do in the council. NOTHING IS DIFERENT. Sometimes it seems like one fraternity copied the other. BEILIVE IT. I am not breaking my oath the only secret thing about Freemasonry is our forms of recognition. Nothing more. Everything else you can google and it will be there. You will have to filter the facts from the fiction, but it is out there.
I have never been told to worship any false Gods in the Masonic Lodge. I have never been pressured to do anything I did not want. I have only been specifically told and obligated to "Be the best Catholic I can be and to go to church". That is my truth. My only truth. So as far as your mockery I accept it and offer it to Christ. Can you live a Christ like life? Ask yourself if Christ would act like you then get back to me.
Fraternal Greetings.
Vitat Jesus!
Cogito ergo sum!
If what you say is true, then Santa Muerte is just as valid as anything else, so you might as well throw it in if you secretly appeal to it.
Btw, you argue like a woman.
Your claim that Freemasonry isn't bad is as mythical and satanic as Santa Muerte.
It's not ask our FREEMASON POPE!! You have no idea what your talking about. You just judge away as if you're entitled to it. I'm good bro. Got to go , lodge meeting about to start. lol.
Thanks for helping to confirm what I've been saying.
The only thing I have confirmed Bro. Tancred is your total ignorance, intolerance and lack of vision.
I am also a Knight of St Joseph of Arimatea. FYI.
Wow... not a lot of fraternity love around here. You can be Catholic and Freemason at the same time with no problem. Canonically you might not be a spotless Catholic but you still would be Catholic. Now, Knights of Columbus are not the Church and they don't do mass or communion so they can accept Catholics even "sinner" ones if they decide to. Who would like to have the position of inquisitor in the KofC to judge other Catholics worth? I think they leave it to each one conscience to decide. For Bro Emanuel is Ok so he does both for Bro Tancred is not so he would not. Isn't really that complicated. (Just imagine what would happen with all Catholics KofC also members of the Democratic Party, the Liberal Party of Canada, the PRI of Mexico, and all other Liberal Parties in the world...just saying)
Nope. Not much demonstrated anyways. All I will say is I forgive all of the insults and ridicule I have received on this blog. I will still be a practicing Catholic and don't care who gets angry about it.
Wrong, If you're a mason and a KofC , you are in direct conflict with the order and the church. Have you told the Kofc about you elegance to free masonry? If you did and they accepted you just the same, they are totally irresponsible and this contradict the KofC constitution. You should step forward and tell them...and hand over your card if you decide to they in masonry.
Tell me what article of the constitution says so, and I will. Also tell me as of 1983 where in the Canon code of law of the Catholic Church it says that Freemasonry is and its members are banned from the church. I already know the answer and you will not like it. However I want you to educate yourself a bit. Bro. Pelletier.
Also let Bro. Master Mason Pope Francis know he is in the wrong. He is a Mason and a Member of the Masonic Rotary Club in Argentina. Just to let you know.
There are also 3 active Masonic Lodges in the Vatican. For your information. Also Angelo Roncalli Whos is known as Pope John Paul XIII is a Saint and was a Freemason. I could go on... But I will stop there.
Vivat! Jesus!
Insane, but thanks for confirming what I've been saying. Many yahoos in the KoC have no clue how many evil and opportunistic creatures they have in their ranks. But KoC is pretty much a waste of time anyway.
I felt we forgot our degree work. "Remember that no creature so accursed can be, but some good thing in him a loving eye can see". "Hurt not your brother in thought or word or deed." "Harbor no evil against him, be slow to believe evil reports about him and even slower to spread them." " "Regard your brother with an eye of favor, let not your faith in him be easily shaken. "Judge not lest you be judged, appearances are sometimes deceptive" The Freemasons have only encouraged.e to be the best Catholic I can be.
The Jesuit or Jesuitas came up with the high degree Freemason rituals. Just thought I let you all know.
I have to thank you again for confirming what all too many deny.
Funny Tancred... So far all you do is pose random insignificant arguments. If you are a KofC, your values and how you carrie yourself is Jacked. You claim to know about Freemasonry, but so far all you have published here on this forum is Hot Trash. You know as much about Freemasonry as a rock knows about being soft.
Waste of time. You're either too stupid or too evil.
What a class act. The embodiment of a true Knight. ha ha ha. Fraternal Greetings guy.
We're not brothers, cheech.
Emmanuel – you're an inspiration and a good Man... up right before God and man. Thank you and I added you to my Google Circle. We are brothers in more ways than one.
Dirty birds of a feather flock together.
We both certainly served together in defense of the US.
Bro Emmanuel your words are pregnant with meaning. I am also an 8th degree Catholic knight in the knights of Marshall. I have been confused about joining the masons and you have masterfully laid my mind to rest. Thanks alot bro. Tancred sounds like a 16year old
The Catholic Church isn't really enforcing the prohibition against membership in Freemasonry. I know a lot of people who are Catholic that are unaware of the Churches view on Freemasonry.
A lot of Knights of Columbus are Freemasons. I'm a Knight I am not a Freemason, the Catholic Church isn't enforcing there rule against Freemasonry because they are not educating people who are Catholic about the subject.
Well I'm a member of the Elks. Whoa look out it's the BPO-Elks.
Although the Elks have had and continue to have Masons and KC's both in our fraternity.
Plus a lot of the Elks ritual and past traditions were Masonicly influenced with in the Elks as well!
I’m just a sheep earning a college degree free from Dues. College dropout trying to piece together a degree from shreds of threads. I’m an only child. And even my sheep ass knows Tancred is fraudulent. I commend the comments that embrace the simple ideals of turning the other cheek,and standing true to ones own ideals,rather then trolling an internet bridge. I like googling you frat boys,because you guys spill more then you should (I’m only assuming of course) can one still be a FeeMason if they got a DUI on their record?
A lot of people I know deny that KoC has a significant Masonic infiltration. Thank you for helping to confirm it.
Wrong. https://onepeterfive.com/prohibition-freemasonry-disappeared-canon-law/
Aren’t you a little old for those games?
Off topic.
I was a fourth degree for 15 years before my withdrawal from the knights. Also after my lifetime as a catholic I had a crisis of faith that was concluded by leaving the church after the current popes progressive efforts. From my point of view anyone following a church run by this current pope can be a part of nearly any group without any conflict of beliefs. After reading all the comments I feel as though the distinction of groups has become a moot point as the evolution of allowances by our hip new rockstar Pope.
When has membership in the Masonic Lodge ever been acceptable?
Well I don't see why you can't.. be both. Freedom of religion is that in itself. So you really can't just say you have to be one or the other; I don't agree with that. Sorry.
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