Monday, July 30, 2012

Petition For Pope Benedict to Say the Traditional Mass Publicly

Young people want a Liturgy that inspires them to be extraordinary Catholics -- not a Liturgy in which they can be ordinary and commonplace -kreuz.,net [whoever he may be]

(  The Brazilian Attorney Ottavio Demasi has started an Internet Petition.  It aims to move Pope Benedict XVI to publicly celebrate the Rite of 1962.  The petition has been running since early July.  Demasi is active in a southern Brazilian city of 20,000 on the edge of Sao Paulo.

The Only Real Mass

The signatories have the opportunity to justify why they have signed the petition.

Jonathan Sipangkui from Malaysia writes: "Because I am a Catholic".

Or Gabriela Parra from Brazil:

"I have signed because it is the only true Mass, which we have.  The other is a great lie, which was established by evil men, who wanted to destroy the Catholic Church."

Only the Mass Can Defeat the Enemy

Nathan Allen from the USA maintains that it would have been unthinkable for every Catholic before 1969, that the Pope would need a special reason to offer a Holy Mass according to a Mass book, which all of his predecessors had used.

Actually "because we find ourselves in the special situation, in which the enemies of the Church are in its highest positions" was another reason given by Allen.

"The Roman Mass is the offering of the cross and the greatest weapon the Church has against all heresies."

And: "Only the true Mass can defend the Church from so many enemies both within and without."

Activism Instead of Prayer

Elizabeth Fitzmaurice from the USA writes, that she only visits the New Mass in exceptional circumstances:

"I fight the whole time during that, to bring myself to prayer."

Because:  "The New Mass was designed to keep the people occupied, occupied, to keep them occupied, so  that they can't experience prayer, silence and contemplation."

John Polhamus from the USA continued:

"Young people want a Liturgy which inspires them to become extraordinary Catholics -- no Liturgy, which leaves them ordinary and commonplace."


Marian said...

I will keep praying until the so-called 'extraordinary form' is once again the ordinary form, and the Mass of All Time is said in every church, on every altar, by every priest, throughout the world to the Greater Glory of God. Amen.

Parker said...

Unless our pope converts to the Faith and embraces the cross instead of denying it, his offering the Tridentine Mass publicly would (in my opinion) only degrade it because that act would only serve to put it on a par with the Freemason Service.

If he'd have a conversion and admit to the reparatory purpose of the Mass, the constant need to give satisfaction to the Infinite God who is infinitely offended by our daily and ongoing sins, he would thereby cease suppressing that absolute truth, and THEN his public praying of the Holy Mass would actually mean something good. Only by offering this Mass...the CATHOLIC Mass will the pope gain the graces needed to refute the heresies he has publicly endorsed. Until then...I personally would rather he did not publicly profane the Holy Mass.