Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Church Desecrated in Ohio

Edit: he who plants seeds of hatred against the Catholic Church, as the Leftist press has, reaps desecrated and damaged churches.

The Rev. Dave Ireland points to damage on a 1,000-pound, marble statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The statue and the two St. Anthony statues in the background were pushed from their pedestals over the weekend. They are now in storage to be repaired. Police are looking for suspects in the vandalism.

SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio  --Three statues on the grounds of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, including a 1,000-pound, life-size, marble Blessed Virgin Mary, were found early Sunday pushed off their pedestals.
"When we found her, she was lying face-first in the grass and dirt," said Sacred Heart's pastor, the Rev. Dave Ireland. "I don't know how you could get the strength to push it over."
The nose and parts of the veil got chipped in the fall, said Ireland.

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