It's basically like one of those church block parties with corporate sponsorship, involving infernal bedlam, not much concern about personal sin and agendas completely alien to the Catholic Faith.
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More Infernal Rock Venue than Sacred Liturgy © sbamueller, Flickr, CC |
Archbishop Zollitsch is preparing "Lord's Super" for Adulterers
"The President of the German Catholic Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, says the Catholic Church is going to reconsider its relationship with those who are remarried and divorced." One has to reconsider how the >>pastoral mercy<< could look in this area, he said on Saturday in the context of the Katholikentags in Mannheim. It asks the question how ministers will approach the separated and how their participation will look in spiritual life like the Lord's Supper. The indissolubility of marriage will not come into question, said [Msgr] Zollitsch."
From an article by German 'dapd'.
The Old Liberals are Speechless
"I am concerned about the silence on this text [the description of "Mannheim Breakout" of the German Lay Group 'Central Committee of German Catholics;] . It has an empty series of statements one after the other, mostly unrelated to each other. Everything is somehow right and no one can really say anything against it, but it actually has no content. No limits, no keenness, no clarity. They don't want to formulate, they want participation. They don't want to carry, they want to carry together. That shows a willingness to partner, that which conceals the acceptance of responsibility. Only no one will step on feet, only do not make any statements of which someone might disapprove.
From a commentary by the German radio director of 'Radi Vatican', Father Bernd Hagenkord on ''.
David Berger dreams of "rose red flower carpets"
"But Pope Benedict and those like him, like perhaps some of the Society of St. Pius X have nothing else better to do than to relive the whole masquerade of the liturgical and the pastoral 19th century. When they really valued Catholicism whose glisten has long faded. When they hide in dreams heavy with incense of brocade decorated Corpus Christi processions over rose red flower carpets."
From a reader's letter by the homosexually disturbed David Berger who takes urine showers on ''
Satan at the Anti-Katholiken- Day
"The Green Politician Volker Beck criticized the handling in the Catholic Church of homosexuals and divorced colleagues. That they leave because of their sexuality or a divorce, is a violation of Equal Rights Laws, said the Parlimentarian business leader of the Green Bundestagfaktion on Saturday at the Katholikentag in Mannheim."
From an article by the agency 'dapd'.
On Friday One Goes to Mosque
"Church interns fancy the them ecumenism above all things as the order of the day. On the afternoon hundred Catholics accepted the invitation of the Mannheim Sultan-Selim-Mosque for Friday prayers. In the evening an ecumenical service with members of various Christian churches stood on the program."
From an article in ''
The We-Are-of-the-Same-Opinion-Dialog
"In the times of collaborating creeds every unpleasantness of internal business should be avoided. The entitled "breakthrough" is directed within, inside to the heremtic language and power games of the hegemons of the names of Milieucatholicism. The world remains outside, dialog would be an accident. Why for example is there no debate between "Wir Sind Kirche" (We Are Church) and 'Pro Missa Tridentina?'? Why for example among the countless podia not a place for a summit meeting of some SSPX members and Memorandumtheologie exponents? What laboratory could be where greenhouse air is breathed. The suspicion is indemonstrable: Only weak arguments see the light of debate. Only dull knives are used against the butter of courageous ways of thinking. What only remains in sultry Mannheim at the Katholikentag is this, one last time before the collapse of the facade: environmental proection, feminism, multi-religiosity, desacralization and monopoly-theology.
From a commentary of the cultural journalist Alexander Kissler at ''
Stuck in the Underwear
"Zdk President Alois Gluck graced the discussion [at Katholikentag] as a moodel >>for the culture of discussion in our Church<<. Gluck: >>There is no tear through this Katholikentag!<< From the view of Catholic laity inner-Church discussions stand questions like the pastoral handling of marriages of mixed confessions and remarried divorced stood in the foreground. From that there is a >>pressing desire<< to adopt the them of sexual morality. The merging of communities prepare the engaged couples at its base as a great concern. >>It is important that the Church remains in place and present in the environment to people.<<"
From an article in German 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur'.
In the End, Count the Contents
"Although it is still too early to make an evaluation of the content, it is noteworthy: The organizers of the even have still not attached such an importance to human life as in this year. Nine booths with the signs >>Way to a culture of life<<. Even if the organizers are concerned with the environment and protecting the climate, but now it is clear:: So much public consideration abut the >>Ecology of people<< (Benedict XVI) has never happened before. Of course: in the end, count the contents.
Commentary by Stefan Rehder on Saturday for the Catholic news "Tagespost"
Monika Grütters discriminates
"For credible reforms things are admittedly valid: Anything that hangs out on the right side is disgusting and should never be socially acceptable. The awakening of new spiritual communities can be effective in individual cases, but much of it wears a tendency to sectarianism in itself. There can be no expectation of a "breakout" from "Dark Catholics" who demand a radical Christianity, so they have something discriminatory. Instead of that, the Church must strive to remain a people's Church, though not in a stale form."
The Christian Democrat MEP Monika Grütters in a statement on ''.
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Monday, May 21, 2012
There is a blog of Fra.Angelo (AirMaria) which says the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) have been checkmated, they have no other option. They have to accept Vatican Council II (liberal version) or face the consequences.On this blog Fra.Angelo of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, has a post ‘SSPX on the brink’.
Fra.Angelo has formed his thinking, like so many Catholics, through the secular (anti Catholic) media.The SSPX are not checkmated yet. They have a secure defence, a trump card. The ace is in their hand.They can put down the winning card when they want to.They fought well for Catholic doctrine.Now it is this very doctrine which comes to their aid.
If they stay with doctrine firmly it must come to a point when their opponent is checkmated and says “To Hell with doctrine. You just say and do what we tell you”. Presently those who oppose the SSPX are still pretending that Vatican Council II and Catholic doctrine matters and that it supports them. Catholics like Fra.Angelo have fallen for the ruse.
If the SSPX accepts this false Israel-approved version of Vatican Council II they have lost.They are checkmated and Fra.Angelo would be correct.They will also have disowned Jesus.
The SSPX bishops alone can decide when and how they will play their trump card.They could accept Vatican Council II and later explain their interpretation, for example in Bishop Fellay’s case; once things have settled down he can explain his interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Or they could announce their version of Vatican Council II and let everybody else respond, in favour or against, in panic or calm.The three other bishops could use this approach. They could ask, ‘ Are you all saying that those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are known to us in the present time? Please clarify this for us’.
If Lumen Gentium 16 (LG 16) on invincible ignorance and a good conscience does not contradict Ad Gentes 7 (AG 7) and if AG 7 does not contradict itself, then we can accept a Vatican Council II, a different one, but which is in agreement with the SSPX traditional position on ecumenism,Judaism and other religions.
This is the trump card.
These people who are insisting that the SSPX will have to "accept" Vatican II are doing so for what appear to me to be impure motives.
I have it on good authority that the Holy Father is willing to concede that the Society criticize Vatican II, he's already done this in the first place, and has even said that he's willing to waive requirements in the preamble that they accept Vatican II.
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