Monday, February 6, 2012

Hungary's Prime Minister: "If the Church Were Stronger, The Nation Would be Much Stronger"

The Hungarian Prime Minister is a lighthouse in a circle of unscrupulous political criminals, who want to impose their absurd Democracy.

( Hungarian Constitution asserts that the foundation of all life has its origins in the family.

That's why homosexual unions are not protected by the same rights as families.

It forbids homosexuals to adopt children.

Viktor Orbán (48)anounced this at the end of January in an interview with journalist and musician Jan Pospieszalski (57) in a broadcast for ‘Blizej’ on Polish state television.
Orbán is evangelical reformed and the father of five children.

As a younger politician he belonged to the opposition against dehumanizing Communism.

The interview discussed above all the giant majority of the new Constitution of Hungary. It is a milestone of progress.

That is the reason why it was bitterly fought against by obscurantist left circles.

A European Politician

The Hungarian Constitution declares that human life must be protected from the beginning.

With that it struck the barbarism of abortion down.

Orbán stressed that the defense of human life isn't merely valid for Hungary, but concerns all of Europe.

No Money for the Violence of Abortion

Orbán will be distorted by a left-obscurantist discussion.

These despisers of people are angered that the Hungarian Government are distributing the EU-payments to the promotion of adoption instead of abortion.

One inhuman individual attacked Orbán even in the EU-Parliament.

In his answer Orbán insisted that life is still widely "not respected".

That is -- according to Orbán -- a relic of the Communist regime, which hold people and life in contempt.

He continued: "If we had a strong Church, then the nation would be much stronger."

And: "I in the process of attempting an alliance with politicians, for whom Christendom and traditional values are important."

That is a great power for me

Orbán also stressed that prayer has a long tradition in Central Europe:

"For me this tradition has great significance."

Before difficult undertakings people would pray for him: "That is a great power and help for me."

"I would like to thank you for this talk and wish God's blessing on every single citizen of the Polish nation."

Here's the Interview in German, unfortunately, where he also thanks Poland for its demonstrations on behalf of Hungary:


Anonymous said...

I am most interested in Orban's plea for 'a stronger Church.' This must be seen in view of the Church's defection from traditional positions at Vatican II. There were political ramifications stemming from those changes that put liberals in control across Europe, not just in the Church. Archbishop Lebfevre predicted the present political, economic and moral crisis, saying it would flow directly from the change in the teaching, the substitution of 'religious liberty' for the traditional religious tolerance (very different legally). That doctrine is presently affecting the fate of Christians in the middle east now, too, as the Church finds itself opposing democratic forces there and supporting corrupt and coopted regimes, with Christians reaping the bloodshed. I have a post on this with the same title up on my blog. Please come leave a comment.

IrishCaife said...

Just one correction: The name of this well known polish musiscian and journalist is Jan Pospieszalski.

BTW Hungary and Poland have a lot of great moments in common history.

schmenz said...

If I read that correctly that Orban is a Protestant I'm doubly astonished. He was vacillating a bit when the EU house came down on his head but he seems to have found some new courage. He is certainly to be congratulated for standing up to this EU Goliath.

He needs to be Catholic. If he came into the Church he would be helped by the additional graces that can be obtained only via the one true Church. Say a Hail Mary for the intention of his conversion.