Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Secret Meeting: Austrian Bishops Manipulate the Pope

Kardinal Christoph Graf von Schönborn von Wien
© Henning Klingen, Pressefoto
Edit: are they going to discuss the Austrian Church's problems with their hospitals supplying abortions and the Holy Father's brother, Msgr Georg's intervention?

The problem with the Austrian Church isn't even the preoccupation of the Old Liberals with sexual issues, rather its weak faith, faltering piety and the lack of interest on the part of Bishops and priests in religion.

(, Vatikan) At present the Austrian Bishops are advising with the Vatican Dicastries over the -- media inflated -- Old Liberal One Man Show 'Pastor Initiative'.

The regional news 'Salzburger Nachrichten' is talking about a secret meeting.

The members of the Austrian delegation in Rome is Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, Archbishop Alois Kothgasser of Salzburg, Bishop Klaus Küng of Saint Pölten and Bishop Egon Kapellari of Graz-Seckau.
This morning they attended a pointless general audience with Pope Benedict XVI.
Otherwise they met with various Roman Dicastries.

There they can brown nose with the various Roman Dicastries, in order to provide cover for their Old Liberal schism-society.

It is being presented as an "exchange of information of the Austrian Bishops in the Vatican" -- reported the Austrian Church's, news organ, 'kathpress'.

The Old Liberal press speaker for the Archdiocese of Vienna and father of eight, Micheal Prüller confirmed the Rome trip for them:

"The Bishops have used the opportunity on the beginning of a session of various Vatican authorities, to be informed by representatives first hand."

This exchange will enable the Bishops, "to communicate a different picture of the Church in Austria."


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