Friday, January 20, 2012

Vatican Goes After Father Bourgeois

Vatican to priest: recant on women clergy

Edit: the word is out to dissident priests.  Get with the program or go sell liberal someplace else.

Is Maryknoll even a real order?

[Newsday] The Rev. Roy Bourgeois publicly backs the ordination of women as Roman Catholic priests and even took part in a ceremony doing so.

 Now, the Vatican is threatening to have him removed from the priesthood and his Westchester-based order, Maryknoll. Bourgeois, who is coming to Huntington on Sunday for a film about women priests and a chance to air his views, says he's simply following his conscience.

"The exclusion of women to the priesthood sends a very clear message -- men are superior, women inferior," Bourgeois said in an interview. "It's about sexism, and sexism, like racism, is a sin."

Link to original...

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