Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn Texts at Mass

Münchner Kardinal: „Keine SMS während der Messe verschicken“

Edit: Cardinal Reinhard Marx is really laying down the law in Germany.  "Do not send texts during Mass".

Reinhard Cardinal Marx warns against populism in the Church.  In the internet one might see how contentious things are -- even about Bishops and reforms.
Texting during Mass

(, München) "These are difficult times to be a Bishop."

This is the Old Liberal Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising speaking at the Munich press club as reported by "Münchner Merkur".

As far as the ecclesiastical handling of adulterers the Archbishop said:  "That is very depressing even to me."

 He can offer those in mortal sin "no simple solution".

The courage of John the Baptist isn't needed to call these sinners to repentance.

Cardinal Marx reads too much ''

Within the Church the Cardinal warns against "populism after the motto <>."

That is explicitly the case in Church circles.

Obviously, that is a tactic of the Old Liberals: to give complicated answers to simple questions.

As an example he described the Internet.  There you can see, "how much argument there is -- even about Bishops and reforms."

Never the less the dialog process between the Bishops and the "laity" -- in which it is meant media bosses -- must continue on.

Using cell phones in Church is unacceptable

In one of his numerous interviews with 'Bildzeitung' the Cardinal  criticized the use of cells during Mass:

"Whoever texts on his cell or simply stares at it during a conversation, shows to the other that he isn't important.  No one should dare do that to anyone, especially not to the dear God."

The most famous cell phone user during Mass is Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn.

In his youth Masses, the youth were encouraged to send texts, which were put on a projection screen during Mass.

Cardinal Schönborn was busted on his own cell phone texting at various youth Masses --  at disco Masses in October 2005 in Vienna or at a youth pilgrimage to Mariazell in August 2010.

At his youth pilgrimmage Auxiliary Bishop Franz Scharl of Vienna, Msgr Stephan Turnovsky of Vienna and
 Msgr Franz Lackner of Graz, seated next to the Cardinal all had their cell phones.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Cardinal George Compares Gomorrist Parade to KKK

Edit: In a welcome demonstration of courage and wit, the Chicago's Cardinal compared the individuals associated with a Gomorristic parade to the KKK in their anti-Catholic rhetoric.  As if to confirm the Cardinal's well chosen words, a comment firestorm can be witnessed on Huffpo that demonstrates profound ignorance and bigoted anti-Catholic venom.

The parade has been moved to Sunday and it is legitimately feared that the throng will prevent people from getting to Mass.

Cardinal Francis George, the Archbishop of Chicago, this week told a Chicago news station that he agreed with a local Roman Catholic church’s objections to the city’s recently-adjusted Gay Pride Parade route passing by its doors and warned that the parade could “morph into the Ku Klux Klan.”
George made the comment Sunday on Fox Chicago when asked about Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s complaints that the parade passing by its Belmont Avenue location would force the church to cancel its morning mass. The church recently launched a petition urging the city to force parade organizers to adjust their plans.
“I go with the pastor,” George told Fox. “He’s telling us that he won’t be able to have services on Sunday if that’s the case. You don’t want the gay liberation movement to morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan, demonstrating in the streets against Catholicism.” [more]

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Two Things Move Vienna's Cardinal: Fear and Praise

What is the main problem of the Old Liberal "Pastor's Initiative" in the view of the Cardinal?  They have sounded their reputation far beyond Austria.

(, Wien) The Old Liberal 'Pastor's Initiative' has done enormous damage to the Austrian Church in the Catholic milieu worldwide.

The Old Liberal Cardinal, Christoph von Schönborn explained, according to the news agency, 'kathpress".

Apparently, the Cardinal meant to identify the "Austrian Church" with his own reputation.

A life for the headlines

The Authors of the "Call to Disobedience" do not appreciate the damage they have caused.

The Cardinal put that in for appearance's sake.

There were international headlines like: "Difficulties in Austria."

Or, "Church in Austria in Crisis", "Church in Austria on the Brink of Schism" and:  "Priests call for disobedience."

The Cardinal is concerned about outer appearances

The Cardinal considers the effects of the 'Pastor's Initiative' as an "unbelievably negative input" in the "Church image" of Austria.

He stayed with these formulations which stay so closely the superficialities which are so important to him.

He actually holds the imaginary problems of the 'Pastor's Initiative' for real.

He only wants to undertake "solutions in other directions".

At the same time, the Cardinal wants to take "headwinds" -- as long as they come from the Old Liberal side -- "in a sporting way":

"Without the wind there is no sailing, and when contrary winds occur there has to be some shifting, that is creative or inspiring."

In Vienna everything goes -- unless it's Catholic

The Cardinal signaled his full support with the usual weaselly vocabulary.

It requires "workable solutions" with the world Church.

Cardinal von Schönborn encouraged the Old Liberals to examine closely what has happened in order to see what "has already happened and what also can be done."

It has already happened that prominent Vienese adulterers have had their union blessed with the agreement of the Cardinal and have thus been confirmed in their mortal sin.

Other adulterers could add themselves in the great churches of Vienna.

On the other hand, the Archdiocese denied a Priest of the Society of St. Pius X from saying his first Mass at a Viennese church, although the parish pastor had requested permission.

The Germans praise Austria's wheelchair reform

The Cardinal shows that his "reform process" is an apparent break.

This has especially caught the attention of the -- Old Liberal -- German Bishops, he said, discrediting himself.

A central figure of his church regime is the person he appointed to be Director of the Pastoral Office, Veronika Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel.

She is a declared feminist ideologue and student of the long arm of the media bosses, Father Micheal Zuhehner.

Press Photo

Communists in Laos Arrest Christians at Christmas Celebration

(Vientiane) On the 16th of December 8 leading personalities of the Christian community were imprisoned. They are accused of having "organized" religious services in which more than 200 Christians participated. Human rights organizations are noting the uncertain fate of eight Christians, who must bring in Christmas in Laotian prisons.

High ranking police officials have convened in the municipality of Boukham in the Province of Savannakhet, in order to await the decision of local authorities as to how they will proceed. The human rights organization, Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF)report that the imprisoned Christians had received permission from the mayor to continue with the Christmas celebration. During the service the police stormed the building and arrested those responsible. For of them were blind folded at arrest and led away in hand cuffs. Since then they found themselves in jail. An arrest warrant with the precise information what the charges are is not available. A speaker for the HRWLRF explained that it is "from the the connection in any case, obvious", that they were arrested, "because they had gathered at a religious celebration."

On December 18th some representatives of the Evangelical Church in Laos succeeded in reaching the jail where some of the prisoners were held. Kingsamorsorn was released with bail of 1 Million Kip. In order to compare, the average wage of the of a worker in Laos is 300,000 Kips (or 40 Dollars).

The result of the meeting between police officials and local authorities is currently unknown. As the prisoners were led away, they were put in handcuffs.

Laos is ruled by a Communist regime. Two thirds of the population is Buddhist, around 0.7 percent of the six million inhabitants are Catholics. The Christians of the country are increasingly persecuted and have their religious freedoms curtailed. In February 2011 65 farmers had their sustenance revoked. They were being persuaded through hunger to reject Christianity.

Link to related story, here

Translated from katholisches, original here.

News: Protestants Shrinking Three Times Faster in Germany

The Crib Has a Cross

Vatican. At yesterday's General Audience, the Pope warned against a secularization of Christmas and urged a move away from externals in favor of a return to religion

Interpret the humiliation of Christ in the manger to his suffering and death on the cross as well.

"Progressive" Protestant Church is Getting Progressively More Insignificant

The results of a survey of the Heidelberg 'Sinus Institute' with 2000 people over 14 show that among the Protestants, 3.2 percent want to discontinue their church membership, while there are only 1.6 percent among Catholics
The study does not explain why the "progressive" Protestant church has more reported more departures.[Perhaps it's because of the rampant sex abuse in the Lutheran church?]

Protestants act hypocritically

"Obviously, that the German Evangelical Christianity in many cases was more dogmatic and ethical at first, left shared Roman Catholic Church beliefs behind them, and since then have made adjustments to the spirit of the times, and has not resisted secularization.

Who but simultaneously rejected what was in common and demanded more community, is contradictory, not to say hypocritical. Compared to today, our churches in the sixteenth (and to the nineteenth) century, despite fierce controversy in their dogmatic and ethical foundations, were much closer together ecumenically.

From an article of the evangelical theologian and former lay military Bishop, Hartmut Lion, with the title "A misconception. A review of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. in Erfurt," in the monthly journal 'Political Opinion' in December.

Link to source...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SSPX's Response to Vatican, No Response

Bishop Fellay
Edit:  The response to Rome has just come in and it brings to mind an episode from the life of Caligula by Suetonius in his 12 Caesars.  The erratic Caligula hated people who disturbed his dramatic entertainments and sent one offending officer as a messenger to Ptolemy of Mauritania bearing the message, "do nothing at all, either good or evil, to the bearer of this message."

Man, that Vatican Insider continues to contemptuously refer to the Society of St. Pius X as "Lefebvrians" and even refuses to grace the name of Fellay with the title of Bishop.  

According to  Vatican Insider, the Vatican has received a response from the Society, but there is nothing, only a "documentation".  Tornielli seems to think that Bishop Fellay is taking more time to defer the decision, or ask for clarification and possible changes to the text proposed by the Holy See.

Tornielli has taken some time to dwell on alleged internal difficulties within the Society, but he hasn't taken any time to talk about the internal difficulties faced by the Church at large, what with the pornography scandal in Germany and the rebellious attitude of the German speaking clergy in general, who, despite all of their financial wealth, can't seem to figure out who they serve.  

Bishop Fellay's recent response notwithstanding, no one has addressed his request for understanding in light of the Church's massive decay.

 Link to Vatican Insider, here...

H/t: Messa in Latino...

Apparently, there is also speculation about some kind of coup, which Tornielli is suggesting going on within the SSPX by a discredited Belgian Sedevacantist site.

790 Cases of Sexual Abuse at Government Children's Home

Edit: there were "only" five hundred cases of sexual abuse in Oregon, one of the worst cases of sexual abuse in the United States.  Why do Socialist and Liberal governments like Ireland, for example, want to cover up their own complicity and even advocacy of child sexual abuse and yet exaggerate it when it comes to the Catholic Church? Here's the article from, who are continuing to cover Austrian Journalist Andreas Unterberger's story: 

Under the pressure of the powerful, the Bishops turn a clout into abuse-- and the powerful Left makes its mass rapes into a clout.

( In October the cover was blown on a prostitution racket in Vienna Children's Home on the Wilhelminenberg.

Since then, the number of abuses has risen to 790.

The house is directed by Vienna's Socialists. For this reason the media bosses have withheld their outrage and their sympathy for the damaged victims in the background.

Even the cowardly Catholic Bishops -- who are supposedly very sensitive to the theme of abuse -- have not stepped forward as mediators.

 Whitewash of the Responsible Socialists

On the 30th of November the Austrian journalist Andreas Unterberger commented on his blog about the successful exposure of the scandals by Vienna's Comrades.

"It is the Commission for allegations of child abuse in Vienna's homes" -- said Unterberger.

And: "It's put together, as it is meant to be taken."

The Commission has four members.

One member is Micheal John, Professor for Social and History of Economics at the University of Linz.  He He has been occupied with the history of orphanages in Upper Austria.

"No one knows how these qualifications apply to abuses"  -- explained Unterberger -- "unless it means the whitewashing of responsible socialists."

A Judge in the Service of the Left

The journalists are also serene about the inclusion of the former judge Helge Schmucker in the Commission: 

"She is remembered mostly in that she was a leading participant in the highest court, where she dismissed a seven year long media judgement against the Greens, because they had created a photo montage of FPÖ politicians in Nazi uniforms."

Unterberger commented: "Well, what a perfectly objective judgment that was."

The victims of the Socialist children's home are, according to Unterberger, are only being counseled by the organization "Weisser Ring".

In reality, its Head -- Comrade Udo Jesionek 74 -- is "deeply connected with the Red-Green power carousel."

At 'White Ring' there have been already "other victims of inter-communal abuse who felt themselves dumped off in a strange way" -- reports Unterberger.

Link to

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hungary: Priest Murdered by Bolsheviks Commemorated

Hungary commemorates the Martyr Father Szales Kiss -- Franciscan executed by the Communists

Hungary is to recall Father Szalez Kiss with a memorial plaque.  The Franciscan was a martyr of the secret of the confessional. The plaque in Sopronköhida is going to be erected where he was executed. Father Kiss was found guilty under false pretenses on 11 December 1946 and condemned to death by a Soviet war tribunal. "There is no one for whom I would break the secret of the confessional," he said during his hearing, before which he was tortured in an inhuman fashion by the Bolsheviks.

Father Kiss was viewed by the Communists as a counterrevolutionary and therefore worthy of death as a reactionary, because he had formed a Christian Democrat youth group in the city of Gyöngyös. As a youth he had partaken in actions against the Soviet occupation, so the Franciscan was found guilty of attempting to plan an armed conspiracy against members of the Red Army.

A Soviet military tribunal condemned him at the end of this trial, which was a pure farce, to death. In his life Father Kiss had fallen into the clutches of a totalitarian regime once before. Between 1942 and 1944 the Gestapo attempted to imprison him in Debrecen, because he hid Jews from deportation and brought them to safety.

Link to katholisches... 

  Text: RV / Giuseppe Nardi 
image: Függetlenseg

Monday, December 19, 2011

Vaclav Havel's Catholic Death


His Last Conversation

Bohemia: "It doesn't look good for me, but we know, that He is."  The dying former president, Václav Havel, said this to the Archbishop of Prague, Msgr Dominik Duka, during his last conversation. The Archbishop described his last talk during a press conference.  Yesterday at 18.00 [6pm] hours, all the bells of the churches and chapels in the land rang in memorial for the politician.

Catholic Sister Sat With Him to the Last

Václav Havel died in the early morning in his sleep at the age of 75.  According to Czech media reports his wife Dagmar and a Sister of the Catholic Borromeo Order were present to the last at his country house in the village of  Hradeček at the foot of the Riesengebirges.

Aus einem Bericht der Webseite vom 18. Dezember at kreuz.

Winona Seminary Has Booming Vocations: Elevated to Minor Basilica

Edit: Stella Borealis sends report that the Diocese of New Ulm is being raised to a Minor Basilica.  It is an honor and allows for great feasts and special indulgences. Although there is some interest and the Polish Cathedral, St. Stanislaus Kostka, is quite beautiful, there must be some reason why they've been so honored. In search of an answer here are a few details. Winona is quite large.

Presently, there are 130,527 Catholics living in Winona on paper, according to Wikipedia, and although it has an impressive 12  men in the seminary, according to its website, none of its seminarians are attending St. Paul Seminary, which is about an hour's drive to the north, although three of the senior seminarians are studying at Sacred Heart in Detroit.

Winona is showing a flowering of vocations. Try comparing that to another, much larger Diocese, like Paris, France. Paris has 70 Seminarians as of last year, and while it has 17 times the Catholic population at 2,200,000, does not have much of a seminary. In fact, Catholics have declined in number significantly since the Second Vatican Pastoral Council.

Winona had almost no seminarians a decade ago.  These days, it's clear that Winona is doing something right with regard to vocations. Could the reason for the vocations have something to do, also, with the Immemorial Mass of All Ages that his Lordship, Bishop John Quinn said recently?  Perhaps competition is good for the Diocese?

The competition comes from the steadfast Society of St. Pius X, which also has a seminary in Winona, which got 20 new candidates this year.

Put together, the two Seminaries, the one Diocesan, called Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the other run by the SSPX, St. Thomas Aquinas, could easily give Paris, France a run for its money.

Sr. Mary Bernadette, M.I.C.M., RIP

Posted By Brother André Marie On December 16, 2011 

Last night, Friday, December 16, at 8:08 pm, Sr. Mary Bernadette died. She was surrounded by family members and all the brothers and sisters, who were praying the litany of the dying when breathed her last. All fifteen decades of the Rosary were prayed, the prayers of the dying, and then immediately after those, the office of the dead was commenced by Father Phillipson. It was a beautiful death. 

This nonagenarian founding member of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary — until her death, the oldest surviving sister in any of the houses — received Extreme Unction Wednesday, in very edifying dispositions. She had been in declining health for some months. 

Family and long-time friends had been visiting her these last weeks at St. Philomena’s Convent, where she received wonderful care from her sisters in religion and from visiting nurses. 

From, Angelqueen, by Tom...

A Crusade for Birettas and Latin Mass Readings

The Old Mass is on the March
A Call to Crusade

Battle for the Biretta and latin readings:  What came of the revolution of Paul VI, is a clerical abuse scandal in any case.  by Dr. Ansgar von Rotenhelm

( Crusade for Biretta and latin readings is more promising of success, more pleasing to God and for winning souls than a Crusade against global terrorism.

The Good Beginning

The present heap of broken glass which is the New Eucharistic Celebration did not fall from heaven.

It had its origins in modernism of the 20s.

Dom Prosper Gueranger's restorative, high liturgical movement lent its monastic stamp to that time. It was also stamped by St. Pope Pius X († 1914).

This movement was a great hope for the Church.

The Tragic End

Actually, there was a people's liturgical movement, which is affiliated with Romano Guardini.

The result was streamlined in the Second Vatican Pastoral Council and in the fatal liturgical revolution of Paul VI († 1978).

The Catholic philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand (†1977)warned of the "trojan horse" in the Church.

Several Conciliar Fathers  corroborated the author of these lines, that the intentions of reform of Blessed Pope John XIII. († 1963) were fulfilled by the fully approved liturgy of 1962
A New Danger for the Old Mass

Sadly, to this day,  the Old Mass is celebrated under the specter of the Modernists of the 1920s.

They try to customize it.

So it was in some places -- in opposition to the instruction 'Universae Ecclesiae' -- to even say the readings of the Holy Office [Breviary] in  the vernacular or -- although prescribed -- to use no biretta.

The present Papal Commission, 'Ecclesia Dei' shows no interest in assuring adherence to the papal laws.

That would only happen if the media effected the necessary pressure.

The 'Weltbild' scandal has shown: change is possible only when the media supports vocal Catholics.

DemagogicSpeech on Non-Essentials

The Holy Teresa of Avila  (†1582) once said: "I would suffer martyrdom for the smallest ceremony of the Church."

From this it is absurd to ask if then latin readings and head gear are so important. This demagogic talk of the non-essential was the beginning of the catastrophe in 1920.

We could win a Crusade for Birettas and latin readings. Deus lo vult -- God wills it.

Link to original...

Talk Instead of Action: In Linz There Will be a "Diocesan Council"

Bishop of Linz, Msgr Schwarz

(, Linz) The Old Liberal Bishop Ludwig Schwarz of Linz is open "to a kind of "Diocesan Coouncil"'.

This is what the anti-Church newspaper 'Upper Austrian News" reported.

The idea was Bert Brandstetter's(61), the new President of the 'Catholic Action of Upper Austria'.

Bishop Schwarz recently announced the selection for this office.  He had never before been a member of  Church board.

Brandstetter is a former journalist of the former Reichsender Vienna [Nazi Radio Station after the Anschluss]  (ORF).

"I want"

On Tuesday Brandstetter expressed himself at a reception for journalists --- as reported by the 'Upper Austrian News'. He opened up his big mouth.

He complained about the "unctuous" tone of ecclesiastical hierarchs. He wants to look at the Bishops eye to eye: "I hope of Pope and of the Bishops that they will show, where the 'herd' wants to graze."

The order comes from the ORF people

Brandstetter thinks it's a "shame", that long dead ecumenism no longer progresses. In general it seems to him that the Church -- in which total anarchy rules -- "dictates too much".

After the journalistic meeting Brandstetter gave the old Reichssender Vienna an Interview. That is where Brandstetter insulted the Church. It is too boring, too musty, too dusty and too unfriendly.

He wants to continue on  "the path open to the world " --- a codeword for the Old Liberal mismanagement -- which his decadent predecessor Margit Hauft.

Who is in charge?

As if a button were pushed, Bishop Schwarz creaked for Brandstetter's fiery talk. 

For the fortieth anniversary Jubilee of the Pastoral Council in October 2012 the Diocese is preparing something -- said the 'Upper Austrian News'.

It requires the formulation of "contemporary" answers from the Christian message.

He sees dialog and the culture of communiction in the Diocese as essential points.

Brandstetters proposals are also to be discussed in a "Diocesan Council".

Link to original...

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