Wednesday, November 9, 2011

German bishop prepares for funeral of ecumenism

Edit: this is yet another astonishing event.  Since when have Catholic Bishops ever expected the partners in ecumenical dialog to be consistent about anything, or even to be equal partners in a discussion?  Here's something big from Catholic Church Conservation.

Passau: Bischof Müller sieht Zukunft der Ökumene gefährdet - PNP-Interview | Passauer Neue Presse - Politik - Heute in Ihrer Tageszeitung - Heimatzeitung für Niederbayern und Altötting:

The Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Mueller has accused representatives of the German Protestant Church of driving "a wedge" into the Catholic Church. In the interview with PNP, the Bishop responsible for the ecumenical movement within the German Bishops' Conference attacked "controversial statements" during the Pope's visit to Germany and put Catholic-Protestant ecumenism as a whole in question.

Muller was particularly critical of the Berlin Protestant bishop Markus Dröge, who had written that Benedict XVI had "no concept of ecumenism". Such statements are "just to be dismissed as totally without basis," said the Regensburg Bishop, stating: "If one continues on this line, this would be the death of ecumenism."

German bishop prepares for funeral of ecumenism

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