Wednesday, June 15, 2011

SPLC Demands that Minnesota School District Address Anti-Gay Harassment, Drop Gag Policy | Southern Poverty Law Center

Editor: this is precisely why no one with any sense should send their children to support the public education monopoly. Relentless pressure from crypto-Marxist organizations like the SPLC will invariably intervene to ensure that their propaganda values are met at the expense of education.

SPLC Demands that Minnesota School District Address Anti-Gay Harassment, Drop Gag Policy | Southern Poverty Law Center


  1. SPLC: A bunch of NY Marxists who moved south to spread the religion of Marxism.

  2. The problem is sociopathic kids and indifferent administrators, not the natural revulsion normal people have to perversion.

    Even if everybody in the school worshipped gays, the punks would find some other reason to torment others. Very little of the crap I went through related to gay this-or-that.

    Bullies are fundamentally irrational, you can't send them to some idiotic 'tolerance seminar' and make them change their ways. Give them a bruised rear end or kick them out of school.
