Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anglican Church in Canada Will Honor Sodomitical "Blessings"

Editor: Hopefully, Anglicans who are dissatisfied with this state of affairs will be welcomed heartily, but at least in Canada, we fear they are not.

The blessing of civil marriages between same-sex couples can now take place in the Anglican diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

A resolution giving priests and parishes the option to bless same-sex unions was approved, by a majority vote, at the 143rd synod of the diocese on May 27 in Halifax.

Parishes and clergy are free to opt out of blessing same-sex unions, the diocesan bishop, Sue Moxley, told Anglican Journal. Interviewed via e-mail, Bishop Moxley added that parishes will need “to decide where they want to be with a pastoral response” on the issue

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  1. Just in time:

    Anglican ordinariate coming soon in Toronto?
    Catholic World News
    June 01, 2011

    Archbishop Thomas Colllins of Toronto plans to set up an ordinariate for Anglicans who wish to enter the Catholic Church, and hopes to have the first parish operating by the end of this year.

    Father William Foote, who has been appointed by the archbishop to prepare for the establishment of the ordinariate, told a group of interested Anglicans that individual instruction in the Catholic faith could begin in September, and those who made a personal commitment might be received into the Catholic Church during Advent.

  2. It's done to let parents know that their children are welcome. So, why not put a sign on the front door of your religious institution to this effect: "Sodomites Heartily Welcomed Here !!!" A very tasteful picture of two of your younger male members in the middle of the act would sure draw big crowds. (Would Sue Moxley call a teaching conference so that all young males in her dioceses will become familiar- and, perhaps, even LIKE it. Money is the greatest need- not deliverance and redemption. Keep that 'Jesus Fellow' as far away as possible. Modify,modify, modify. (Recently- very touching to some people- somebody's pet was admitted to Holy Communion.) The Gospel has been watered down to NO GOSPEL at all; politically correctness, manipulating hierarchical whims with no ethics is the 'beautiful, exciting, path to HELL! To Believers, Pray Fervently: "COME, LORD JESUS, COME" And yes, His Church live on- - - apart from all this mess. Hallelujah !!!
