Editor: Of course, there's lispers in the loggia, Hilary White, the inimitably orthodox Father Hendrick Jolie, Le Forum Catholique, Paulo Rodari, and the great Sandro Magister. Where's Damian Thompson?
Dear friends,
The following is the list of 150 bloggers invited to attend in person the meeting taking place in via della conciliazione, 5, on Monday 2 May.
Over 750 requests were made and a hard decision-making process had to be put in place to ensure, as much as is possible, a broad representation of the blogosphere. There are some famous bloggers and some new bloggers, some are institutional, others personal, some tell vocational stories and others comment on international news or local issues. Some are well-financed, most are run on a shoestring.
It was touching being involved in your issues, from coping with death, to the joys of parenting, the hopefulness of youth, to fear of change, not to mention the many causes and campaigns promoted, particularly in the new evangelisation. While some pre-choices were made to ensure a diversified presence, for the final selection we simply gave each blogger a number and had someone choose numbers randomly.
I hope those not on the list will not feel excluded. The bloggers present in the Room will surely keep you informed and engaged. They may even organise a livestream. It is also to be hoped that this is just the beginning of a dialogue.
The 150 will receive further indications after Easter, but should note now that we are not covering your expenses – the invitation was always intended for bloggers who would be in Rome for the Beatification.
Selection to attend does not imply Vatican approval of the contents of any of the blogs. Neither does non-selection imply disapproval.
Thanking you for your patience and understanding – this has already been a good learning experience for us.
Richard Rouse
1. Agnieszka Woszczyńska www.teologia.blox.pl
2. Alberto Piccini: http://www.maestroalberto.it/
3. Aldo Padovan www.katholisches.info
4. Alessandro Gilioli: http://gilioli.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/
5. Alessio Jacona: http://www.thewebobserver.it/
6. Alfonsus Widhiwiryawan : http://alfoesercizi2010.blogspot.com/
7. Allison Girone www.TotusTuusFamily.blogspot.com
8. Andrea Gagliarducci: http://www.mondayvatican.com/
9. Andres Beltramo http://www.e-consulta.com/blogs/sacroyprofano
10. Angela Ambrogetti: http://www.ilportonedibronzo.it/
11. Anna Arco http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/author/anna/
12. Anna Spatola http://ordovirginumsicilia.splinder.com/
13. Antonio González http://catinfor.com/blog/
14. Antonio Spadaro http://www.cyberteologia.it/
15. Artur Stopka http://arturstopka.blog.onet.pl
16. Bohdan Pankevych http://risu.org.ua/ua/index/blog/~Bohdan+Pankevych
17. Brandon Vogt http://www.thinveil.net/
18. Carol Glatz http://cnsblog.wordpress.com/
19. Carole Brown http://www.light2nations.org/
20. Christoph Gstaltmeyr http://www.religion.schule.at/
21. CM Paul http://cmpaul.wordpress.com/
22. Costanza Miriano: http://costanzamiriano.wordpress.com/
23. D. Catherine Wybourne http://www.ibenedictines.org/
24. Daniel Luecking http://www.medienkonsument.de/
25. Daniel Pajuelo sm http://smdani.marianistas.org
26. Danielle van Lith http://www.vngmagazine.nl/
27. David Ratnarajah http://www.olirumiraivan.com/
28. Dominique Rimaz http://lesuisseromain.hautetfort.com/
29. Dorothy Wolanin http://wolanka-cojestzazakretem.blogspot.com/
30. Dylan Parry http://areluctantsinner.blogspot.com/
31. Eberhard Wagner http://blog.eberhardwagner.com/
32. Edmar Araújo www.medidasdefe.com
33. Elizabeth Scalia http://www.patheos.com/community/theanchoress/
34. Eloi Aran Sala www.elblocdeleloi.blogspot.com www.focnou.cat
35. Eric Le Meur http://henri.mondion.free.fr/index.php/2011/03/
36. Eva Janosikova http://www.madrid11.com/en
37. Felio Vilarrubias http://www.siempresacerdotes.blogspot.com/
38. Fr Gerard Dunne OP www.irishdominicanvocations.blogspot.com
39. Francesco Diani: http://www.blogcattolici.it e http://www.siticattolici.it/
40. Francesco Spagnolo: http://www.esseciblog.it/
41. Gabriel Burke http://www.frgabrielburke.blogspot.com/
42. Gabriele Niola: http://sonovivoenonhopiupaura.blogspot.com/
43. Georg Feßlmeier http://www.triff-den-papst.de
44. Georg Schimmerl http://gfsch.blogspot.com/
45. Giorgio Maria Faré http://www.santuariodivinamaternita.com/
46. Giovanna Maria http://geniofemminile.blogspot.com/
47. Guillaume Luyt http://blog.paixliturgique.fr
48. Hendrick Jolie http://pfarrer-jolie.blogspot.com/
49. Hilary White http://anglocath.blogspot.com/
50. http://santagostinopavia.wordpress.com/
51. Imrich Gazda http://www.ff.ku.sk/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=1750
52. Isidorus http://www.isidorusweb.nl/
53. J.Francisco Jiménez http://www.forumlibertas.com/frontend/forumlibertas/seccion.php?id_seccion=27
54. James Bradley http://www.ordinariateportal.wordpress.com/
55. James Tucker http://fireofthylove.com/
56. Jane Mossendew http://thoughtsfromoasisinfrenchcatholicism.blogspot.com/
57. Javier Alba http://familiavidaylibertad.blogspot.com/
58. Jens Albers http://frischfischen.de/
59. Joan Lewis http://www.ewtn.com/news/blog.asp?blog_ID=1
60. Johannes Paul Jacob Chavanne http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stift-Heiligenkreuz/151746389020?ref=nf
61. Johannes Roger Hanses http://vita-in-deum.de/blogs/johannes
62. Jorge Enrique Mújica http://actualidadyanalisis.blogspot.com
63. Jorge H. Luna www.mexico.mg.org.mx
64. José Manuel Vidal López www.religiondigital.com
65. Jose María Barrera Murillo http://custodiosdesanpedro.blogspot.com
66. Joshua Evangelista: http://reporters.blogosfere.it/
67. jovens Sem Fronteiras http://jsfronteiras.blogspot.com/
68. Juan Alejandro www.padrenuestro.net
69. Juan José Garcia-Noblejas scriptor.org
70. Julio Gomez Sotero www.parroquiadebecerril.wordpress.com
71. Kathy Schiffer http://kathyschiffer.com
72. Katrina Ebersole http://thecrescat.blogspot.com/
73. Kelvin Frometa http://www.tucristo.com
74. Klaus Peper http://kathspace.com/community/Volmar/blog/
75. Leonardo: http://www.qualcosadelgenere.com/
76. Lisa Hendey http://catholicmom.com/
77. Ljudmila Hribar http://pensamientosjuanpablo2do.blogspot.com
78. Loub Gerhard http://www.loub.at/
79. Luca Fabbri: http://www.religionereligioni.blogspot.com/
80. Luca Paolini: http://www.religione20.net
81. Luca Sofri: http://www.wittgenstein.it e www.ilpost.it
82. Luciano Giustini: http://www.lucianogiustini.org/
83. Luigi Coronel http://prieststuff.blogspot.com/
84. Luis Badilla Morales: http://ilsismografo.blogspot.com
85. Luis Fernando Pérez Bustamante http://www.infocatolica.com
86. Mader Isma Kasia Aga www.franciszkanska3.pl
87. Manuela und Stefan Ehrhardt http://zeitzubeten.org/
88. Marco Fioretti: http://informaticaetica.com/
89. Marco Freccero: http://marcofreccero.blogspot.com/
90. Marco Sanavio: http://www.famigliacristiana.it/famiglia/un-prete-in-rete/blog/un-prete-in-rete_180211084434.aspx
91. Maria Elisabetta Marinoni http://genitoriliceoparini.forumattivo.com/
92. Marilena Ruah: http://nobell.it/
93. Mario Aversano http://www.iltesoro.org/
94. Marjeta Pija Cevc http://hranazazivljenje.blogspot.com/
95. Mark Aurel Erszegi http://vatikanifigyelo.freeblog.hu/
96. Marta Nin http://www.catalunyareligio.cat/?q=blog/358
97. Mary O'Regan http://thepathlesstaken7.blogspot.com/
98. Marypaz de Mencos http://loquevale.wordpress.com/
99. Massimiliano Badolati: http://tech.fanpage.it
100. Massimo Granieri: http://www.maxgranieri.it/ e http://www.latprov.it/
101. Massimo Melica: http://www.massimomelica.net/
102. Matthias Suess http://www.matthiassuess.de/blog/
103. Mattia Marasco: http://www.mattiamarasco.it/i-miei-blog/
104. Mauricio Viquez http://ars-parroquiavirtual.blogia.com
105. Mayra Novelo de Bardo www.es.catholic.net
106. Michael Blume http://www.chronologs.de/chrono/blog/natur-des-glaubens
107. Miguel de la Lastra Montalbán, o.s.a http://www.buscadoresdedios.blogspot.com/
108. Moreno Migliorati: http://www.spiritualseeds.info/
109. Mussie Zerai http://habeshia.blogspot.com/
110. Narda Centeno http://fromthepews.wordpress.com/
111. Néstor Mora http://www.religionenlibertad.com/blog.asp?idautor=145
112. P. Fortea http://blogdelpadrefortea.blogspot.com/
113. Padre Stéphane Jourdain http://lemessin.wordpress.com/
114. Paolo Benanti: http://sinderesi.wordpress.com
115. Paolo Benvenuto: http://www.sguardocattolico.it/
116. Paolo Padrini http://passineldeserto.blogosfere.it/
117. Paolo Rodari: www.palazzoapostolico.it
118. Pavel Levushkan http://catholic.baznica.info/
119. Pe. Djalma Lúcio Magalhães Tuniz, scj http://djalmascj.blogspot.com/ http://boccadiroma.blogspot.com/
120. Pedro José González Rodenas www.llenadlastinajas.blogspot.com
121. Peter Wurm http://www.peterwurm.com/
122. Philomena Ewing http://blueeyedennis-siempre.blogspot.com/
123. Pierre-Baptiste Cordier http://peube.wordpress.com/
124. Ralph Anderl http://www.ic-berlin.de/
125. Rocco Palmo http://www.whispersintheloggia.blogspot.com/
126. Roderick Vonhögen http://sqpn.com/
127. Rodrigo Gurgel http://rodrigogurgel.blogspot.com/
128. Ronald Glaeser Freelance journalist
129. Rosangela Mancusi http://mv.vatican.va
130. Rosario Carello: http://www.rosariocarello.it/
131. Sandro Magister: http://www.chiesa.espressoedit.it
132. Santiago Casanova http://caballerotrueno.wordpress.com
133. Sara Carlson http://foryourmarriage.org/marriage-resources/news-blogs/learning-to-say-i-do-blog/
134. Silvio Ottanelli: http://www.cercoiltuovolto.it/
135. Simone Chiappetta http://www.laporzione.it/
136. Simone Sereni: http://www.vinonuovo.it/
137. Sjargej Surynovic http://bartnicki.livejournal.com/
138. Stefano Epifani: http://blog.stefanoepifani.it/
139. Steph Abbé http://lemessin.wordpress.com
140. Susan Vigilante http://www.desperateirishhousewife.blogspot.com/
141. Susan Windley-Daoust http://www.ironiccatholic.com/
142. Taylor Marshall http://www.cantuar.blogspot.com/
143. Thomas Peters http://www.americanpapist.com
144. Tim Kelleher http://www.firstthings.com/
145. Vicente Javier Navas www.vecinosdefuenlabrada.blogspot.com
146. Virginia Bonard www.ciudadnueva.org.ar
147. Vito Martinez http://vocationstory.blogspot.com/
148. Vittorio Saraceno http://isgabrasil.blogspot.com
149. Wagner Moura http://diasimdiatambem.wordpress.com/
150. Xavier Arnaud http://www.leforumcatholique.org/
Last Updated ( Saturday, 16 April 2011 11:57 )
I guess the only question is how they defined "Catholic" blog. One can presume if some of the blogs on the list are not in communion with The Catholic Church because they deny one of the elements of The Doctrine of The Catholic Faith, then someone has a lot of explaining to do.
ReplyDeleteGreat, none of these have I ever even heard of. Until the Vatican can man up to face the real conservative, traditional blogs who have the readers and are exposing the most junk in the Church they might as well be sitting around with these people playing chutes and ladders.