Friday, April 8, 2011

Cleric Murdered for Saying Riots Not Islamic

From Jihad Watch by Robert Spencer:
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  1. In my opinion, I would recommend double-checking very carefully any news item that emanates from Robert Spencer and his "JihadWatch". Mr Spencer is not above distorting facts in order to stir up hatreds of and hatreds by Moslems.

    He is what would classically be termed a "useful idiot", in this case a man doing the bidding of others much smarter than he is, one of them being the hysterical neocon warmonger David Horowitz. In addition, that Mr Spencer is deaf to the plight of his fellow Lebanese who are daily bombarded by the criminals in Tel Aviv, speaks volumes about his character.

    As a Catholic, while I can hardly condone the heresy of Mohammedism, I think it foolhardy to unnecessarily stir up that particular hornet's nest - especially if its being done at the behest of the anti-Catholic Zionists who are occupying the Holy Land.

  2. We're equal opportunity at that point. We're not beholden to a political party asking or demanding of us that we leave off discussing the depredations of the Turk because we have some other political alliance which is more advantageous at the moment. Robert Spencer is a guy with a web site and he has something to say when it comes to Islamic violence in the world. Notice if you will, that we're not shy either about pointing out that the Zionists are beneficiaries of the destruction of Christendom in the Middle East.

    This polarity has cost us some friends in the past, but it's important withal to rememver who's side you're really on. We're Catholics all the time, every day, for the rest of our lives.
