Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sex-abuse Hoax Hits Sweden

Editor: just because something happens in Sweden, doesn't mean that the same liberalism which is evident in other parts of the Church won't yield the same kinds of problems, even if they are exceedingly rare as they are in this case.  There was another report last year as Sweden joined the snowballing sex-abuse hoax with two, yes, count them two, cases. Now that number has skyrocketed to three as the forces of leftist intrigue throw their dwindling reserves and media resources into battle. Let's look at the numbers which tell a different story.

To put this into perspective, the Catholic Church in Sweden has, according to Nation Master, a total of 145 as of 2004. Back then, there were about 140,000 Catholics in Sweden.  There are 200,000 today. Imagine a corresponding increase in the number of priests and that number of three perpetrators in thirty years gets increasingly more insignificant.

Three priests, even in liberal Sweden with its age of consent at 15 and its decadent and morally permissive climate, over a period of thirty years means this is a very rare occurrence of sexual abuse among clergy.

It's undoubtedly much higher in the Swedish educational system and among mental "health" professionals.

The following headline is further proof of the malice these people bear for Catholicism.  Note that despite the fact that they could only conjure up three perpetrators, one who isn't a alive to defend himself, and another who's no longer a priest, they include ALL priests in the category of "paedophiles".  Never mind that pedophilia is even rarer than pederasty.  Pedophilia involves sex with children who haven't reached puberty, and pederasty, which involves the majority of these cases, with those who have reached sexual maturity and are pubescent.   And these same people will never discuss the issue of homosexuality, because if this scandal shines a light on anything, it should shine a light on the plague of homosexuality itself and liberalism, two things which priestly perpetrators suffer from more than anything else.

But once again, the media isn't interested in making those distinctions, it's only interested in inciting hatred for the Catholic Church.

Priests in Sweden join the ranks of "paedophiles"
The Catholic Church of Sweden confirms three suspected priests sexually abused children over the span of 30 years. [Wow, is that a lot?]

It is reported that the paedophile priests, one of whom is dead, sexually abused a collective of five children between 1940 and 1970, thus falling under that statute of limitation.

Stockholm Bishop Anders Arborelius said Saturday there could "be no redemption" for the three.

One priest molested two boys, another abused a girl for four years before she complained.

The third priest molested two girls, who were sisters, while in a relationship with their mother. 

Read further, here

H/t: AQ

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