You may have heard about him first at American Papist, or even on Mark Shea's blog. After facing some intense pressure, Mark Shea took his blog entry down. It seems that Mr. Brissett had some staunch defenders, most notably the dying Jesuit Order and a few of his fellow travellers. Now he's a Scholastic.
This Jesuit belongs to the already beleaguered Oregon Province and there's really no way out but to see him as a liability. The Jesuit Province in Oregon had to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy too. Despite their past mismanagement of personnel, that hasn't deterred them from inviting further problems upon themselves. As Bill Donahue correctly maintains, 80% of abuse cases, the kind which has landed Oregon province in so much trouble so far, are homosexual in nature.
But it's not just that Mr. Brissett is homosexual. That would be sufficient grounds to exclude him from the priesthood altogether. Mr. Brissett has been a voice for change in the past as his advocacy for sex in public restrooms and sex with children will testify.
Mr. Brissett has, as a matter of fact, a kind of ministry in Boystown in Chicago working with "at-risk" youth and perhaps the city of Chicago doesn't have a problem with potential pederasts with a love for exotic Thailand working with their children, but surely there must be a lot of people at the New York Times and at Anderson Law Offices who would benefit from Mr. Brissett's activities at some point. They're not interested now, but they just might be interested in the future.
Some people have suggested that Mr. Cormac has turned over a new leaf. We weren't fooled but many pious folks are. This is Cormac's Facebook profile from a few weeks ago, since taken down, which advertises his membership in facebook groups like and Out Twin Cities Film.
We're fairly convinced, given the rousing support for Mr. Brissett in Jesuit circles on the Internet and elsewhere that homosexuality isn't just a passing phase; they say they're sorry for the wreckage they've caused when they got caught at abuse, but this is a persistent if pathological problem and it's a problem the management of the Jesuits is abetting by their negligence; and those who support them in any way are collaborators too.
For the time being, we've been told by the Oregon Pronvince and Arrupe House in Chicago that Mr. Brissett is still a Jesuit in good standing.

The Jesuits obviously didn't have time to investigate Mr. Brissett's activism with David Thorstad. Bella Dodd was right.