Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hans Küng warns against Wholesale Attack on Church

Kung warns of attacks, but he also advocates a "universal ethics". It's doubtful that his universal ethics will have much if anything to do with the natural law.

Why should he warn against something he's done so much to create? It is supposed plausible deniability.

Vatican critic Hans Küng has warned against "condemning the church and its priests wholesale" over clerical sex abuse and dismissed as nonsense claims that Pope Benedict has been "the worst" pontiff "for centuries".

"It would be a bad generalisation to place the whole clergy and Catholic Church under suspicion," the Roman Catholic priest was quoted as saying in an interview with The European, a Berlin-based online news service, according to an ENI report in Insights.

Mr Küng also said he still agrees with Pope Benedict XVI on some key issues, said the report.

Read further...

Another article, here.

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