Even at that Time there was Special treatment of the Church
The 'Völkischer Beobachter': "What sensible, responsible parents could still be accountable, who give their boys and girls over to an organization, where more than one thousand men are sex criminals?" Von Hubert Hecker
[kreuz.net] In 1937 the National Socialist Courts convicted more than 9,000 persons of homosexual offenses.
Really, Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels (+ 1945) allotted the press these cases only in short reports -- some for the purpose of shock effect reporting especially severe punishments.
Thisis tet one other manner of proceeding against about 250 condemnations of homosexual failings in the ecclesiastical realm. The media would then broadly and maliciously portray an "animalistic bawdiness" in the clergy.
The press also attacked the Church's trust and ability to educate in trials where protected classes or minors under 21 years were concerned.
The Sexual Aberrations of the Catholic Clergy
Goebbels clearly explained these points in his notorious diatribe of 28th of May 1937 -- as always with numerous exaggerations:
The Church causes "the planned moral destruction of thousands of children and sick." and indeed, "innumerable cases of the shameless corruption of our youth."
The "sexual aberrations of the Catholic clergy" was the "physical and spiritual menace to a healthy harvest of German youth."
The NS-Paper 'Völkischer Beobachter’ [people's observer] echoed Goebel's tirades:
"What sensible, responsible parents could still be accountable, who give their boys and girls over to an organization where more than one thousand men are sex criminals?"
NS- War against Catholic Youth Organizations
The NS-attack against the moral integrity of the Catholic Education served not least of all, served to cover and conceal the degenerate sexual morality in the National Socialist youth organizations.
From the year 1936 these sexual-anarchic Organization "Jungvolk', 'Hitlerjugend' and 'Bund Deutscher Mädel' - were declared "State Youth".
With the threat of a double membership and other harassment the National Socialists attempted to pressure the Catholic youth organizations.
They were finally completely forbidden at the end of 1937.
The NS-Strike against Catholic Schools
The Goebbels' Kulturkampf drove the Church from school and home.
The National Socialists wanted to establish socialistic national schools. For that reason all Catholic public and private schools were dissolved.
Then, the NS-Authorities were left to suppress the denominational schools. In 1935 a quarter of all the Community Schools (Volksschulen) anyway, were closed.
From 1936 the Schools run by Religious Communities were generally oppressed, harrassed and punished by having their assets taken away.
The Reichsminister for Education, Bernard Rust ( + 1945), forbid all officials in 1937 to send their children to ecclesiastical private schools.
The Nazi-State drove the Catholic Sisters from Kindergarten, in order so that even the smallest could be indoctrinated in National Socialist ideology.
The Catholic must give way to the National Socialist Person
The National Socialists promoted the "Unity of education on the basis of national- socialist Community Education."
All public educational jurisdictions promote the "Unity of Education on the foundation of national-socialist Community Education."
All public educational jurisdictions like Kindergarten, 'Jungvolk and Hitlerjugend, Community School (Volkschule) and higher schools like School Home (Schulerheime)should "form the National Socialist person".
In early 1939 the National Socialialist regime in the struck the last blow against the still remaining ecclesiastical schools and institutions.
With the start of 1st February "School Homes" and Convents may only be staffed with National-Socialist direction.
For the school town Hadamar in Westerwald that meant that the closing as well of the episcopal convent and the Franciscan House of Study.
Even the state Upper School for boys in Hadamar was dissolved on the 31st of March 1939 and reestablished as a national socialist girls school in a suburb of Limburg.
Liquidation of Catholic Schools
On March 23 the Community of the Dernbacher Sisters to the foundation of the Limburg Marien School with 460 students was displaced. The school buildings were sold.
In the course of 1939 the NS-Authorities had the School of the Oblates of the Abbey of Marienstatt closed.
Then it struck the Oberschule (Finishing School) of the English Lady in Wiesbaden and a Middle School of the Dernbacher Sisters in Oberlahnstein.
The renowned Oberschule of the Ursulines in Frankfurt Geisenheim and Koenigstein were only operating until Easter of 1940.
The Bishop trusted Talk
Bishop Antonius Hilfrich († 1947) of Limburg spoke on St. George's feast-day, 23 April 1939, at the Cross Celebration of Limburger Cathedral about the school closing and theft of Church property.
About 3,000 young men were present, who supported the bishop with high spirited interjections.
The NS-public prosecutor's office reacted immediately with a preliminary investigation against the Bishop.
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