Dante's Inferno contains a place just outside of Hell for Opportunists, men who avoided life's choices between good and evil and earned the contempt of both Hell and heaven. A conventional definition of the term, however, presents us with a more active declaration of evil in that opportunists are unprincipled people, often politicians, who pursue goals without respect to principle, without respect to good or evil. Indeed, St. Thomas Aquinas once said that "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."
What can be said of Communists is that they make use of witting or unwitting soft-hearted and soft-headed men who believe that they are serving the greater good by working with them.
The American Civil Liberties Union, to which Jeff Anderson belongs, has long made a Crusade of its own attacking the appearance of Religion in public life wherever it can be found, and makes common cause in defense of perniciousness in society, while attacking the aemeliorating balm of Religion. They rather make a virtue of a vice and will trample every principle to defend the deliterious and crush the Church with calumnies, but insisting,conveniently, that there is no good or evil and that religion is solely at best a personal choice, at worst a severe debilitating delusion barring one (and perhaps one's surrounding society) from mental health, which should, therefore, not be shown any preferential treatement by the government or its representatives. Beneath all the rhetoric of neutrality and fairness ACLU maintains, it is never the less an organization poised with deliberate hostility and malice towards religion and particularly the Catholic Church.
Unfortunately, you won't read about this in the LA Times.
If ever there was justification for unleashing the law's hounds of hell, complicity in harming a child is it. Few are sympathizing with the church hierarchy who looked the other way from the pedophilia and pederasty in their midst. But it is the faithful who are being asked to pay millions for the sins of the fathers, and innocent children who must bear the scars. [Again, failure to put the blame where it belongs] So INSIGHT recently found two of the most active advocates to square off in separate interviews on the issue of the more than 200 sexual-abuse lawsuits targeting the Roman Catholic Church in the United States.
The legal fallout from the sexual-abuse scandals currently threatening Catholic archdioceses around the country soon may be large enough to bankrupt them. And the frenzy shows little sign of abating--next in the crosshairs as these scandals grow, say critics, will be the Protestant churches.
"I brought one of the first cases in the U.S. against the Catholic Church involving child sexual molestation" Minnesota attorney Jeffrey Anderson of Reinhardt and Anderson tells INSIGHT. "Since that time [1983] I've handled over 1,000 cases of child sexual molestation by various religious organizations. Over 600 of them were Catholic clergy." [It has long been a tactic of Communists to back a cause that people unsympathetic to dialectical materialism can get behind.]
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