Update: As Rorate reports from Vatican Website, here, as we predicted this weekend that Vatican would declare him.
We received the good news over the weekend, according to the good word of Maximilian Hanlon on Saturday afternoon. It was most welcome news that the conservative, Archbishop Gomez, was going to be the next Archbishop of Los Angeles.
Kevin Knight over at New Advent has a New Advent Exclusive up. It's a big picture of His Lordship with a link to the San Antonio Archdiocesan website.
The prodigious announcement of the new Archbishop of Los Angeles who will be Archbishop Gomez, could be made as soon as tomorrow according to Rocco at Whispers in the Loggia. There will be a press conference tomorrow at 10am at the Cathedral in San Antonio.
We hope that the change will take place before Cardinal wreckovates St. Charles Boromeo Cathedral.
It doesn't come as a surprise that Cardinal Mahony was a co-collaborator with radical Cesar Chavez back in the day. He certainly did that for show since he wasn't very kind to his own grave diggers back in the day, but perhaps it's best just to bask in the goodness of this moment now that it is known he is going and will be replaced by someone with a lot more integrity and fervor.
What do we know of his "conservative" credentials?
That's a fair question. Archbishop is a member of Opus Dei as is another conservative Archbishop, Finn of Kansas City. According to http://wantonpopery.blogspot.com/, guy, this Archbishop is a strong promoter of the Schola Cantorum (singing Gregorian Chant) and a friend of Traditionalists. In our initial report, we cited one of his own statements in enthsiastic support of Holy Father's Motu Proprio.
I unfortunately haven't updated my blog (Wanton Popery!) in a while. Too many good video games out. You can just refer to me as Harlequin King.
Anyway, this is a momentous decision which is almost as good as naming Burke or Bruskewitz (or Fellay, if you prefer) to succeed Mahony. Archbishop Gomez is not trad, but very trad-friendly, supportive of Summorum Pontificum, and "conservative" in doctrine, moral teaching and liturgy. Very actively pro-life. When he last administered Confirmation at my church, he celebrated the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin, facing liturgical East, and so forth.
Finally, someone who follows the Vatican instead of our more Liberal USA Bishops etc. Hopefully we will see more of this type of person being appointed to lead the flock.
What will happen to all of Mahoney's Mass puppets? Shucks.
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