April 27, 2010 By SID CASSESE sid.cassese@newsday.com
Nassau University Medical Center president Arthur Gianelli has rescinded sanctions against eight nurses who refused to take part in an abortion and has apologized to some of them, saying they "did nothing wrong."
The hospital's admission of mistakes stemmed from a March 31 incident in which a pregnant patient's water broke before the 14-week-old fetus was viable. A doctor told her she faced...
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h/t: pewsitter
1 comment:
Under federal law, health care workers can opt out of a procedure for moral reasons, except in a life-threatening situation. Because of this these eight nurses are exempted and had done nothing wrong with their refusal to take part in an abortion.
Actually I'm amaze at these women in hospital scrubs because they didn't compromise their believes and still courageously fight for what they know was right.
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